
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Last fair photos......

I liked this triangle quilt so I had to have a closer view of it.

That is all of the quilt photos.

The decorated cakes always amaze me.
I have been trying to clean my studio that is on the main level of the house.  Since I have just 2 window a/c units for 1800 square feet, the studio at the other end of the house stays pretty hot with a west exposure.  I haven't sewn in there more than a couple times all summer but I sure have been piling things.  In my cleaning I found a folder of designs that I had drawn using half square triangles.  I always have a little box full of them so I pulled it out and laid out one of the designs.  This block when sewn will go in the quilt of orphan blocks that I'll make some day.


  1. Funny how we grow bored with something find it later and it interests us.I can see that being a neat project when completed. Chris

  2. I really like the way this quilt looks. Do you draw your designs on graph paper or perhaps use a computerized software for this?

  3. It looks like sunflowers to me. I think it would look good as a larger quilt as well.


  4. Love the block! Looks like your fair was a wonderful chance to see lots of gorgeous quilts. I haven't been to our county fair in a few years, but there are never this many.

    Love your new diamond cuts in a previous post. I even like the sideways stripey one, but I like variance. Sometimes things can be a little too perfect.

  5. Thank you for sharing all the photos of the fair. I love to attend county fairs and see all the displays. Your block is great, and it is going into an ophan quilt?

  6. Again thank you for all the photo's you took at the Fair. I enjoyed them so much. Cakes too (*._,*) I agree the "MONOPOLY" cake is amazing.

    I sure like your 'orphan' blocks. What a pretty spring time piece to enjoy all year.


  7. Lovely block design. Oh, I wish I had made it to the State Fair this year, I miss seeing all the goodies that everyone enters!

  8. That Monopoly cake was pretty amazing!

    I like that block - please stop inspiring me!! LOL

  9. Hi Wanda,
    I'm afraid your block is going to be the star of the orphanage! Looks summery to me.
    Those cakes look amazing as well. I can't imagine the level of patience and steady hands needed to get that design right on the Monopoly cake!
    Vicky F

  10. The quilts are beautiful. Too bad they couldn't be displayed full size so you could see the whole thing. Thanks for the pictures. Our state fair is 3 weeks away. I have to get my entries in this Saturday.

  11. I love going to fairs and quilts shows. It always amazes me at what some people think is beautiful and I just don't like it. LOL But I must admit there are many beautiful quilts out there that I wish were mine.


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