
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A few more diamonds........

8 more done, 7 to go.  Did you notice the teapot, pouring tea?  I only have 1/4 yard of that fabric so the teapot couldn't be upright.
Yesterday was my doubting day.  I'm near the end, 7 diamonds to go and I think it is too multicolor and spotty looking.  The one in the book had a limited number of fabrics, all repeated many times.  Of course I wanted to play with my whole selection of Kaffe, Philip and Martha fabrics.   I know that having all of the partial diamonds around the edge the same will pull it together some.  As soon as I finish the last 7 I will see if it needs rearranging.
Last night I visited a friend who has tree hydrangeas.  I got some bouquets a couple years ago from her but didn't get there on time last year.
She said you don't have to hang them upside down to dry but it was easier than finding a bunch of containers to stand them in.  These are in a wastebasket.  After a few days I'll bring them into the house and put them in vases.


  1. Oh, no, Wanda! It's not spotty looking at all. I like it better than the one in the book. It's brighter and has more contrast. Except for that yellow border one in the upper middle. Yellow is one of my favorite colors, but that one has to go, LOL!

  2. I agree with Debbie! I've loved watching you create this quilt. I think it looks fantastic!!!! Can't wait to see the finished product! =)

  3. I love it....a bit of re arranging will bring it together. Like the idea of using the same fabric on the edge with different borders, that will tie it all up. Your instinct is right on.

  4. Love dried Hydrangeas. The diamonds are really coming together well. Chris

  5. Oh hydrangeas. I sure would like to plant some or one in my yard, Wanda. Got me there. As for the Diamonds - I just can't help but love this one every step of the way. I enjoy the top photo with the close ups and the teapot, too. So fun.

  6. I like whats going on with the diamonds. That one really light block on the right with the blue/green border stands out a lot I think.

    I have 4 Hydrangeas and love then all. It was the first thing I planted when we moved here. We always had them when I was a child.

  7. I love your diamonds. When each block is the perfect combination of fabrics it doesn't seem to matter if there are a few blocks or 100, it just looks good.
    I guess we all have that time of doubting at some point in the process and sometimes it brings us to change something but you have a style that is your own and it certainly works well for you.

  8. I think I could watch you do diamonds for months. The fabrics on these diamonds are all so fantastic. Spotty ? I can't see it ... I love it more each day !

    I too dry hydrangea's and upside down. Only takes a day or so out here in the dry dry climate.


  9. You, of all people, are worried about too much colour and pattern!? I don't think you should worry, it looks great.
    Personally, I feel like it might need a few more darks, but that could just be the photo.

  10. I think also, the one with the yellow border ist to much, otherwise, I just love all the colors

  11. I just signed up to follow your blog today! I came across it a while ago, and happened to think about it again, and FOUND it!! You have some beautiful work! I look forward to getting to know you and all the rest of the gang!


  12. Over the weeks I have watched this quilt grow. I think it so pretty. I love the colors. I am a big fan of this fabric. It doesnt look spotty to me. I cant wait to see it finished. Good job.

  13. Love watching your diamonds come together. Too much colour and too many different fabrics? Really Wanda, is that you talking? I love it and think it looks great. The hydrangeas are lovely. They will make a beautiful dried floral arrangement for the winter.

  14. I'll have to side with everyone else - there is no such thing as too multicolor with you! I love your diamonds, and I'll bet Kaffe would love them, too. You might move some around (and I know you will), but they are all just perfect. Don't throw any of them out!

  15. My grandmother used to have blue hydrangeas growing along the back wall so they always make me think of her!


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