
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A couple layouts.....

I finished sewing the diamonds last night and then rearranged with most of the lightest blocks in the center.
Then I switched and put the darkest blocks in the center.  I think I like this a little better. I have added the photo from yesterday's post too for a comparison but of course all of the blocks weren't done yet when I took that photo.
Now I need to study all three of the photos and see which I want to use as a final layout.  I can't vacuum the rug in that area until this quilt is finalized and rows sewn or the pieces will go flying.


  1. Yes, I like the middle one, too, Wanda. And, it looks good with those triangles!

  2. I think the middle one seems most powerful in grabbing the eye. It is the one that pulls me in and says "look at ME!"

  3. The darker center is better. Darn you can vacuum you will have to sew instead.

  4. You know what I like to do in these situations is to turn the camera to the B&W setting or just make the photo black and white on the computer when it is loaded up. That really gives me a good idea of light and dark and often helps me in making my decision. In fact, I did this trick with this quilt. It really helps!

  5. Maybe it's just the lighting of each photo, but I have to say that I like the third layout best. I like the randomness of the light fabrics throughout the quilt. But I agree that the first one is definitely out. In any case, it's going to be beautiful!

  6. I love having an excuse to not vacuum! I like the layout with the darker center too.

  7. They're all beautiful, but I think I'm leaning toward the one with the lights in the center.

  8. I really like the way this has turned out. How big will the finished quilt be?

  9. I like all three layouts. And any excuse not to vacuum is okay by me.

  10. I have to agree with Holly. I like the lights in the center. It is visually more appealing to me. With the lights on the outside they just sore of fade off the quilt, where the darks frame it much better. Maybe mentally I prefer the light at the end of the tunnel to a dark Funny how we all look at the same blocks and see something different.

  11. I like the light ones in the center. It seems to have more punch.

    I have enjoyed watching this come together, it is going to be a beautiful quilt.

  12. These are wonderful. This quilt is definitely on my to-do list someday. I like the last one, not too contrived, just balanced.

  13. I like all the lighter colors in the center as well. When I am doing a final layout, I have to pin my pieces in place. I have a cat that goes nuts on my board until all the pieces are on the floor!!

  14. I like all three. It has be interesting watching you work through the process of making this quilt.

  15. I like the darks in the center as well.

  16. I like the light ones in the center. They give the quilt a glow.

  17. I like the lighter ones in the centre as it makes the top glow like a jewel. Whatever layout you choose, it's going to be stunning!
    An excuse not to vacuum? Priceless!!

  18. Lights in the center = glow

    Darks in the center = blob

    Mixed throughtout = balance

    Just my one-word thoughts.

  19. I am drawn to the lights in the center. just wish there were more of them. you can't go wrong no matter which layout you go with.

  20. Hello,
    they are all amazing (preference for the last 2). Well done whatever your choice will be!
    Some years ago I did not like large flower prints but now I am into them too and your blog illustrates the use of them so well!

  21. Any of the options will be stunning. Personally I like the more random placement (vs. grouping lights or darks in the center) best, but it's your quilt and once it's done all anyone will see is how gorgeous it is.

  22. I prefer the random one but they are so beautiful, you can't go wrong. Have you though of darks in one corner and lights in the opposite?

  23. I do like the glow you get from the first layout, but the middle one feels more balanced.

  24. Oh, Wanda, I know I'm no judge, but I just love it - in all its incarnations. It makes me happy to see all those gorgeous fabrics dancing along so beautifully together.

  25. I am also in the middle of making this quilt, so it has been great to see you making it and your comments. You mentioned that you were worried whether it had too many different fabrics in it - also a concern of mine. Interesting, isn't it- so many Kaffe quilts look like I can use whatever number of coloured fabrics, but a lot of care still has to be taken when putting it all together.

  26. I'm sure whichever you choose it will work perfectly!


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