
Friday, August 5, 2011

A lazy day......

I have lists of things I should be doing but instead I'm playing with modules cut from Vicki Welsh's hand dyed fabrics.  I will let it stay on the design wall for a couple days before I sew it.  I wasn't sure if 2 spirals should be in the same piece but I think I like it.  The modules are all multiples of 3" (6", 9",12").  It will only be 30" x 39" as it is now.

I did mow the grass and started reading "The Help" so I did accomplish one task and had some relaxing reading time.  Now today I need to get busy and check a few things off my list.


  1. Love this! Also love "The Help". I hope you have a good Friday!

  2. Love those hand dyed fabrics! I also love the diamonds you posted yesterday. My machine is going in for repairs today, so no sewing for me. Guess I'll be doing some reading too.

  3. I like what you have on your design wall. Are those two blue squares 4 patches? You will love The Help. I read it about 2 years ago. I grew up in the south so it was very interesting to me.

  4. I just love this piece, and I really enjoyed The Help too. I noticed it will soon be in our theater.

  5. WOW.... these fabrics are stunning.... really like the placement and scale of the patterns you are playing with in this piece! I have some hand-dyed fabrics from my grad school days that I have been saving .... this gives me inspiration to try something instead of putting them back into my "stash".

    "The Help" is a lovely book.... hope the movie does it justice! Enjoy!

  6. like the fabrics you have there
    Loved The Help. Enjoy

  7. Gorgeous colors in those hand dyed fabrics!!

  8. Beautiful fabrics will make an awesome quilt. I haven't read the Help yet, but looks good. I have been seeing the ads for the movie.

  9. Those hand-dyed fabrics are stunning together like that! What a beautiful interesting quilt that will be!

  10. These colors are different than the brights you normally use. I have a lot of somber tones in my stash and like what you are doing with these. The two spirals are placed well!

  11. I predict that you will LOVE that book!

  12. Very nice block.
    You will like the book.

  13. Sweet hand-dyed fabrics. Very inventive use of those beauties.

    I'll be interested in your opinion of the book. The movie ads on TV look interesting. Our local library has 10 copies of the book--all out; I'm on a long "wait list."

  14. Very nice hand dyed fabrics. I have wanted to read "The Help". A friend of mine read it awhile back and said it was a great book. No sewing for me today, maybe tomorrow.

  15. Ooo, took me straight back to my teenage years when my boyfriend (now husband) wore tie-dyed t-shirts!

  16. these fabrics are so pretty! And in this design, you can still see the pretty patterns the dye makes - perfect!!


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