
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Diamonds with borders.......

Don't expect to see this quilt finished any time soon.  I can see it will be my go to project when I want to sew but don't have anything else ready to sew.  I was still dealing with the fatigue after a headache so I ran errands yesterday and then sewed a few borders on diamonds.
I found this little LED light with a twisty extension on it at Walgreen's on sale for $4.  I know there is a fancy pricey bright light you can put on a machine but I needed them on 3 machines and this one fit my budget.  I just wrapped the extension around the handle of the sewing machine and then twisted the light to illuminate the area to the right of the presser foot.
A lot of the newer machines have light in the area to the right of the needle but this machine is about 18 years old, the same age as my other two machines.  We found out on Monday that these little lights got dimmer the longer they were on (like a half hour or more) so the plan is to turn it off when I will be away from the machine for more than 5 minutes.  The lights recovered after being turned off for awhile.  The little batteries will cost about 25 cents each if I buy in bulk and there are 3 in each light.  It is a nice low cost alternative for me.


  1. Love with a capital "L" love the KF diamonds! They're going to make a stunning quilt!

  2. Walmart has one for $9.99 I think in the craft and sewing department if you have them n your stores. The diamonds are really attractive. Chris

  3. You know that I just love the diamond quilt! Yay for lighting!! My Viking does have a large light in the arm of the sewing machine and one on the presser foot area. This was one of the selling points of my machine and I tell you, as I age, I need more light!

  4. will look forward to seeing the diamonds in the future, very pretty. I have one of those little 'expensive' lights on my older machine but it is so bright that I have to angle it just right ... it feels like a migraine trigger for me

  5. I love the diamonds - I have thought of doing that one and have diamond templates but haven't decided when to start it - I need to finish some things first for sure.

  6. The diamonds are stunning !!

  7. The diamonds are beautiful! I have an older machine that needs help with lighting, I'll have to check this out, thanks Wanda!

  8. I was wondering about those little lights and how long they would last.

    The diamonds are just beautiful!

    Glad you a feeling a bit better.

  9. I need more light too--I don't think the new machines even have enough for my agiing eyes. Have fun with the diamonds--there are so many fabric possibilities to play with!

  10. I love your diamonds...very pretty. It will be fun to watch it grow. I also have a funny little light I can bend and use by my machine. Very handy especially when sewing at night.

    Looks like you have been busy as usual. I like your Kansas Dugout blocks. Some of the simplest blocks can be so versatile, just a matter of working with them.

    I'm glad you dad is doing well and happy. Sometimes we take our health for granted, but as our parents age, it can really be a worry.

    I am glad you are having fun with your Accuquilt cutter! You will get a lot of use out of it.

  11. I would be careful of the heat that those lights emit.

  12. Diamonds are a quilters best friend! I couldn't resist :-)
    This is going to be my new fav quilt of yours!

  13. I love the diamonds. I have never done any work with them but it looks like I should give it a try. I do have a template that someone gave me. Unfortunately I couldn't sew yesterday because of a test which the results constitute more tests. I am trying to do some sewing today but not getting too far. At least our weather is better. I had a headache yesterday also but figured out that it was because I didn't have caffeine. I never thought about it being the weather.

  14. Those diamonds are gorgeous. Well done for your innovative light solution.

  15. I love it when I find a low cost alternative, too! And those diamonds are gorgeous. What a lot of fun you will have playing with this one!

  16. Your diamonds with borders ! What a wonderful project to go to "when I want to sew but don't have anything ready to sew". They are just brilliant.

    Great little light... We always need it right at the presser foot. I went to those 'Ott lights' when on sale at Jo Ann Fabrics. And they are still pricey at half off. And I have never seen one that would twist like your little cutie.


  17. Love the bright colored fabrics and the diamonds are wonderful!! Any tips on piecing this one?

    Am working with similar fabrics on a disappearing 9-patch.

    Have a great weekend.

  18. Delightful diamonds. Such a simple pattern idea but the results are going to be stunning. I bet they will go together quickly as you become enchanted with the results.

  19. Your work is best for new idea. The diamonds are beautiful. I have an older machine that needs help with lighting, planning to do same work.

  20. Wanda, love the diamonds. I have a question. I was reading Kaffe's book and was confused by directions that said cut from template Z and template A for the diamonds? Can you clarify?

  21. Oh no, now you're teasing me with diamonds!

    I've been making scrappy string blocks. Will post pictures later today (Sunday).

  22. Hey Wanda! I'm a little behind but wanted to comment on the Diamond quilt.
    I have found that AccuCUT dies are cheaper than AccuQUILT dies. I just ordered the studio die from the AccuCUT site for $35/20%off which makes shipping free. It's the Jumbo die.
    After I ordered it, I occured to me that I could have just use my Isosceles die by folding my fabs in half, keeping the fold a little shy of the back blade-Wala! Diamonds for free! But it's okay, live and learn ,lol.
    I am making a quilt like your from all Martha Negley fabs!!

    Hugs Amie in Tn.

  23. It would be beautiful as a King size quilt. Very attractive. Happy to watching your progress.


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