
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I got up with a horrible headache yesterday (storms coming) but knew I had to show up at the QOV meeting to do a demo.  I left shortly afterward and came home.  The headache didn't go away until 5:30 so needless to say, I did nothing yesterday.
A post without a photo just won't do though so I took a photo of the backing fabric I found on sale for my 2 antique H quilts.

Storms did roll through last night and we got some rain and a drop in temperature.  A nice day predicted for today.


  1. Wanda, I hope that headache is well and truly gone by's to a lovely day today for you!

  2. Get well soon! Hope it will be gone together with the storm.

  3. I too get those headaches - not often though. I do feel for you and hope that you are much better today.

  4. We had all the lightening and thunder not a drop of rain. The dew point is as high as the temp this morning here. I found a piece of fabric for sashing so off to cut it up. Hope you feel like sewing today. Chris

  5. Love the backing fabric.
    The headache arrived here about 3:30 am and woke me up. Ugh....forcast is 100 degrees today. I need endurance.
    Hope you have a better day.

  6. sorry you get such bad headaches with the changes in the weather. Back to normal today I hope.

  7. ow ow ow ow ... hope the storm and your headache are all gone. I hate when my head hurts too much to sew - those are the worst headaches.

  8. I hate barometric change headaches - there doesn't seem to be any cure for them.
    You found some beautiful fabric for the backing :)

  9. Hope your headache is gone and you find some energy to sew today. Love the backing fabric.

  10. Oh yuck!!! Hope you are feeling better today.

  11. Wanda, hope you are feeling better. I didn't know that barometric changes caused headaches until I read your blog. My mother used to get migraines and I wonder if that might have been the cause. Hope you get to sew today!

  12. Headaches are no fun, so drink lots of water and take care of yourself!! I just got an antique hand pieced top to quilt...Hmm, I have to say it is a mess. I quilted it and really it doesn't look too bad. They cut pieces on the bias, it was stitched together crooked, but I realized it was a treasure to someone, so I did the best I could to bring out the beauty.

  13. So sorry your head hurts. It is raining here today in Northeastern Ohio. Maybe the ground will be soft enough by this weekend to pull those weeds. The backing fabric is gorgeous!

  14. Hope your headache is a thing of the past...

    Love that backing fabric... it's perfect for your H-quilt tops! And ON SALE too!

  15. I know what your talking about, those headaches you wake up with...BAAAAD. I wake up with them them 3 or 4 times a week, take Motrin with my coffee and sometimes a migraine pill too.
    Glad you are better now :o) Love your blog. But you already know!

    Amie :o)

  16. The backing fabric is perfect. I hope your headache went with the storms.

  17. I can sympathize. I woke up with the migraine today -- and we're having a rainy, overcast day. Hope you're feeling better today.

  18. Hope you're soon feeling better.

  19. Weather sure plays a part in our well being, and even more so as we grow older. I admire you so much for pushing yourself even when you have a headache.

    I really like the paisley print for the backing of your H quilt.

    The national weather news said, Ohare was shut down for awhile because of 70mph winds.


  20. OK if you've heard all of this just skip it. I have those headaches, and the abortive pills work for me most of the time, but if you've had the headaches for years you've probably tried all kinds of things. I recently also started taking Topomax (they call it dopomax because it makes you dopey) again for the second time, went up on it very slowly this time, and have been able to tolerate it to the extent that I take it every day so when I do get a headache, it's not the sick, stay at home, don't do anything kind. I am spacey, but not so much that I can't continue to see patients in my psychology practice. Yes, my staff does find my stuff lying around the office, and I'm forgetful, but I can focus with my patients.
    So that's my two cents worth. Headache people just have to stick together and share, because we are the only people who really understand each other. The only reason I even tried the Topomax again is not because my neurologist suggested it, but because someone at the hairdressers told me she was trying it and had also stopped all diet coke, so I thought, I'll try that next. Good Luck---Sara


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