
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sewing a modular quilt.......

Designing a modular quilt is one thing; sewing it is figuring out the puzzle.  There will only be one partial seam to sew on this one to be able to assemble it.  I changed one square from yesterday's photo, the dark red in the left upper module.  It was more blue and green in the piece yesterday so I looked through the stack of pieces and found one that was more red, for better balance of colors.  I also chose a first border from a piece of Vicki's gradation fabric.

I worked on a couple other things from my list too, but I have to admit I spent quite a bit of time reading "The Help".  Quite a few of you said you have already read it and enjoyed it too.  Today I will have to limit my reading time and do more sewing.  Sunday, a day of rest will be a good reading day.


  1. Love your modular quilt. I always enjoy figuring out the layout puzzle. I am doing a lot of ready too. My sewing machine is back in the shop, so it's handwork or ready. No, maybe I will spend some time in the garden this morning before it gets too hot.

  2. I like rearranging parts to make a whole also..Nice layout..

  3. Wonderful layout, have you decided how you are going to quilt it? Beautiful fabric, this is something I would like to make......adding it to my list.

  4. Loving your hand dyed modular quilt!! There is just something about the variations in colors on hand dyes that I love. Yes, The Help was fantastic. Read it when it first came out and now looking forward to the movie!! You will love the book.

  5. I really love this quilt. It's quite different from other things you've made. Fun!

  6. It is so nice to see those great fabrics in a quilt where they can be showcased.

  7. Vickie's gradation fabric is to dye for ;-)

  8. Hi Wanda, Love the modular quilt! The "H" is coming
    along too! "The Help" is a great book,isn't it ?Especially having spent time in the deep south in the 50's. jmh

  9. I just bought some of Vicki's gradation fabric and never thought to use it this way. Now you have me thinking. :)

  10. That is really pretty! I like how you've laid it out.

  11. Love your quilt. I can see where you have to really think about what to sew first. It is going to be beautiful when it is done. Another hot day, will they ever end?

  12. This quilt is really nice and colorful in a soft, quiet kind of way. I like it. Is it soft to the touch?

  13. I guess I'm really tired - I've stared at your layout and can't see where you need a partial seam...maybe I'll take another look at it tomorrow. I really like the arrangement of colors that you've chosen. :-)

  14. Again you inspire me. Now I can see how it would be easy to put together!

  15. Yesterday I was not that excited about your modular quilt. But wow today... it really makes a statement. The open spacing around each modular and the border... I love it today !

    Have fun reading Sunday.... you deserve a quiet day.


  16. I too cannot see where you have to sew a partial seam. Guess my old eyes aren't as good as they used to be. Lovely, lovely fabrics!

  17. Wanda,
    I have a question about partial seams--something I've avoided doing and want to try. I've found a couple of good tutorials for partial seams, but I'm confused on how this is different from a Y- or set-in seam. The tutorials for those look a lot harder! Well, since the kind of piecing I'm thinking of is very similar to your modular quilt, maybe I should just forget all about set-in seams and go with the partial. . .


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