
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What's next?

This is another of Kaffe's quilts that I think I need to make.  Mine won't look like his though because I'll have greens and yellows in there too.  If you enlarge the photo I think you can read the name of the pattern at the top and the book title at the bottom, plus the page number if you happen to have it and want to look it up.

I have been cutting for this one for awhile however I don't have even a tenth of it cut.  If I have figured it right, it will take 3 strips of one fabric and 1 and a half of the other fabric for each block.  One block has dark at the outside edge and the next has light. 
I think it will take 84 strips for the stripped sashing but I have a lot of scraps that I will cut up and use there too.  I need to make a sample block and see if my calculations are correct.

Normally by Memorial Day my peonies have bloomed.  I have 3 flowers and lots of buds out there.  This is supposed to be a hot week so I expect to see a lot of blooms by Saturday.

I didn't want to disturb the birds at the feeders so I took this photo from the kitchen window.

I mowed 3/4 of my front yard yesterday and then my neighbor finished it and did my side yard too.  Then I dug up one of my hostas that is too large for its location and split off 7 babies and gave 5 to my neighbor.  I planted the 2 that I kept in pots to share with someone else.  I planted 2 tomato plants in pots too.  I have walnut trees all along the property line and tomatoes won't grow well near them so I resort to pots. 


  1. That quilt is one that I have admired too. I am looking forward to seeing your version. My peonies are not quite ready to pop. There are buds, but no flowers. Sounds like you had a productive Memorial Day.

  2. my peonies hardly did anything this year - the weather has been so weird I guess - I have had my garden planted for awhile now too and it hasn't done much either! Last years drought affected some of my plants and then we got too much rain this spring!
    Love the fabric and the quilt pattern.

  3. Forget the can you smell the lovely fragrance that is as much of peonies as their blowsey blooms....... going to be groovy!! I miss peonies....

    I would suggest you make that test block pronto!! like "they" all say after wash the fab... make a test block.... then show us a picture of the block and the scratch paper with the "figuren'" for pieces.

  4. Can't wait to see your interpretation of this great pattern.

  5. I'm with Eva. Looking forward to your interpretation of this pattern!!!

  6. Your quilt will look fantastic - there certainly is a lot of cutting! The few peonies that are blooming are beautiful - I hope you get loads more this week! Sounds as if you had a very busy/productive time out in the yard.

  7. I do have the book - will pull it out and take a look. His directions usually make my brain want to explode, so I will be watching how you approach this one!

  8. I can hardly wait to see your interpretation of that quilt! I know it will be wonderful (or should I say "Wandaful"?). Peonies don't grow here - yet another one it's too hot for here. But we have plenty of glorious bloom going on right now, so I won't complain. I'll just enjoy yours.

  9. Nice fabrics, I look forward to seeing the finished quilt.


  10. This is a really good book, I think. I am working on St. Marks now. I love it! The book is so much fun to read too!

  11. I can't wait to see your version of that quilt. It's very striking and I imagine with your touch added it will be even more so.
    Peonies are my favourite flower. We've had such a damp cold spring up until now that I bet ours are very late this year.

  12. I am always anxious to see your new quilts. That's a whole lot of cutting that you have to do. Walnut trees make the soil acid and that is why most plants won't grow by them. The only thing that works here is hostas. Have you tried the up-side down tomato planters? My friend had one last year and it did fantastic. My zinnia seeds that were planted 5 days ago are already coming up.

  13. Lovely new fabric and those beautiful Kaffe fabric strips. I broke down and ordered a few of his classic gypsy and round shapes from the Fat quarter Shop. The price was enough but the fabrics are yummy to look at- Your new quilt will be another beauty.
    Loved your pots that you made for outside too.

  14. Every time I pick up a Kaffe book, I find another one I want to make. His ideas are truly inspirational.

    Growing up in the Midwest, our standard bouquets of flowers to take to the cemetery on Memorial Day were peonies and bridal wreath. (Not sure what other name b. wreath goes by).
    But now I realize that our peonies open later than Memorial Day. It takes another couple weeks for the ants to gnaw their way through the blossom covers.
    I enjoy reading about your gardening and yard work. Your creativity and green thumb go hand in hand.

  15. I love Kaffe quilts, I am envious of your fabrics, gorgeous! Can't wait to see this made up.


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