
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


The first bouquet of peonies 2011

I finished cutting all of the sashing and corner blocks for a friend.
Instead of digging out all of the volunteer trees I just cut them down.  Brush pick up is next Monday.  While I was out I noticed that 2 varieties of cranesbill/hardy geranium were in bloom.
The porch pots are looking good.
This bird just rested awhile in the feeder.  I don't know if it is a sparrow or not.  It has a lot of white on its wings.


  1. I just love peonies. Ours are in bloom right now too. I think that bird IS a sparrow. Or a swallow. I can never remember which is which. I know it's NOT a yellow-bellied sap sucker ;)

  2. What a wonderful time of the year... flowers blooming everywhere, lush green foliage, and birds resting in feeders...

    I saw a pileated woodpecker at my bird bath... the first I've seen that close...

  3. Your peonies are beautiful. And the bird looks really comfortable in the basket. :-)

  4. Beautiful peonies -- if only they could bottle the scent so one could smell them all year long!
    What a great shot of the bird resting at the feeder!

  5. I just love my peonies, but I always hesitate to cut them and bring them in because the ants are attracted to them. I definitely don't want ants in the house. Does this happen to you and do you have any suggestions on how to prevent bringing the ants in?

  6. Your peonies are beautiful! Your pots are so pretty and must make your entryway quite a wonderful site.

  7. Those peonies take me right back to a dining room I once had that looked so wonderful with a huge bunch of peonies right in the middle of the table. *sigh*

    I used to know how to keep ants out of the house, but I've forgotten. Not really helpful, am I?

    Isn't it nice to finally have a few cooler days now? What a mish mash this weather has been.

  8. I must plant some peonies. You are far ahead of us on the wet coast. I swear my plants are going to take up rowing and get out of town! thanks for sharing your bouquet of sunshine!

  9. I love peonies but mine have never grown well - I think it is the soil I have (poor) and too big of a yard to do anything about replacing soil! Instead I will make due with the little bit of blossoms that I have each year.

  10. Thanks for sharing your peonies ... they bring back many good memories!

  11. Thanks for the peonie picture. Just what I needed.

  12. Those peonies are amazing!!! So gorgeous!

  13. I think that sparrow may have some albino in him. We have robins with coloring similar to that. My peonies bloomed 3 weeks ago here in Virginia Beach. It is very dry here so everything has stalled.
    Love you Kaffe quilts.

  14. Oh thank you! Your peonies are gorgeous.

  15. I can almost smell the peonies. My house is surrounded with Lilacs and the smell is wonderful outside. I would say that bird ate too much and needed a nap. LOL The pots are looking good


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