
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

More design time.....

This is my progress so far in designing this quilt.  I know I have to change a few pieces and I think I have to add one more fabric to the mix.  I think the bright pink is coming out in favor of a red/orange.

The green Jack in the Pulpits are blooming.  This photo is taken from one side of the plant and the photo below shows more blooms from the other side.

This photo is the dark striped variety as it has shot up but hasn't opened all the way yet.  We had a record breaking 90 degrees yesterday, and humid, so I expect to see them open today or tomorrow.


  1. We have those growing wild in NC. When my children were little my father knew a place where these and the Venus Flytraps grew and he always took them.

  2. THis is going to be a really fabulous quilt, Wanda!! I love the bright pink...more?!

  3. Hot and Humid this morning also. I plan on staying inside to get some sewing done. I agree with the changing of the pink fabric. The look is fabulous. Stay cool today. I mowed yesterday and paid the price. Chris

  4. The quilt is looking great! Love the smaller circles added in too.

  5. Your eye is so much better than mine, but I love the bright pink. I know whatever you do will look great because your quilts always do.

  6. I like it. But: the large, light circle (top row(s), second from right) is a "jumper", especially its northwest quadrant. I think you need something just a bit darker and/or with a bit more texture. You're welcome. :-)

  7. well it looks like we are paying for the hot weather we had the last couple days with storms moving in now today and tomorrow -

  8. Oh, what a treat! I so love your design wall!

  9. I think the quilt is beautiful and I like the hot pink! It's like a dash of the unexpected that adds "flavor" . When I was first learning to quilt 30 yrs ago, I think they called it a "zinger". That extra spark that makes the quilt special.

  10. This may be my favorite quilt! Just beautiful!!

  11. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful quilt. I think the colors are fine, as is, but I bow to your extraordinary color sense.

    Are you planning on doing some kind of progression from light to dark? Or having light in the middle, and dark surrounding that?

    Christi W.

  12. One could get lost gazing at those blocks! Absolutely stunning!
    Oh, how I'd love a hot and humid day. We're getting warmer, but it's awfully slow!

  13. Striking quilt! Thanks for sharing

  14. Your yard and the flowering trees look wonderful. I love Jack in the Pulpit. I used to have some wild ones in Wisconsin. I haven't seen them in years.

    I love the quilt with circles. I need to try one of those. It looks fantastic with the colors that you have chosen.

  15. I am really loving the fabrics in this quilt and way you're placing them. Having the large and small circles really makes a statement, too.

    I don't recall ever seeing the jack-in-the-pulpit flowers here in the South. Maybe they are more of a northern flower?

  16. Love the new quilt project Wanda. the colors really pop.

  17. This is really looking fabulous. I love the way it changes depending on what you focus on. Almost like a faraway galaxy.
    And I really like the small blocks combined with the large. I like the pink viewed in the photo---but I know in person it may look different.


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