
Friday, May 20, 2011

In between other things.......

When I'm between other projects I sew a few blocks for the QOV quilts.  Another lady made all of the Churn Dash blocks and I am making the star blocks.  Our inspiration was this quilt that Mary offered.  I changed the center to a plain square instead of another 4 patch.  There will be 20 blocks in each quilt.  There are 30 Churn Dash blocks so we should have 3 quilts when we are finished.


  1. I love the look of this one. You can really see the "curves" in Mary's photos! It will be fabulous when it is complete.

  2. Oh, I lIKE that! I have some black and red fabric I had forgotten about. Must get it out. Thanks!

  3. That's going to be a very nice QOV!

  4. I definitely like the churn dash with the plain centers as you did them. They're more striking I think.

  5. I like the secondary circles formed -- what a great QOV quilt.

  6. Fabulous, this top is great. It sure it nice when many hands help out.

  7. Canada now has a QoV and our guild presented dozens to the local base this week at the guild meeting. It was emotional! The man who took them told us the many ways these quilts are part of the healing process. Your quilt is lovely and will bless the recipient!

  8. I really love how it curves with just straight blocks!

  9. I like the center of the star as you have done... less confusing. And I really like the two patterns set together... creates this circle like in Winding Way. Good Job... not your usual e. coloring though.

  10. I could not believed you are working on this quilt and rushed to your blog to see if you are sick perhaps? - do you need a rest of all the vibrant colours? I am sure you cannot keep it up- the colour will krept in on the edges!

  11. I am catching up with you again. My life is all caught up in wedding plans and a shower this weekend that I am hosting so.....not much work is getting done in my studio. You made me laugh out loud when you mowed half your yard and had to quit for some fun. Love that work ethic!!!!

    All of what you have done in the past week is wonderful as usual. I like those dark blocks and loved the story of the 'H' quilts finding there way to YOU!

  12. I too love the look of this quilt in the work. The muted plaid background is peaceful to me. And the stars and churns feel so like American. Perfect for a QOV.


  13. this is gorgeous! I love the quilt you linked to as well :) Great work!


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