
Monday, May 23, 2011

All of the porch pots...........

I briefly considered painting all of my unsightly faded pots, but in the end I just bought new ones.  I can use the others scattered amongst the gardens with their ugliness disguised by all of the greenery around them.

I like to have a close up shot of each pot at planting time to compare as it fills out over the summer.  This way I can decide which plants I want to repeat in future years.

Oops! I cut off the top of the geranium in the photo!  I decided the little pot just needed one plant of the mini-bells.  The limey colored vine is something new to me.

The weigela bushes are in bloom but they are a much more subdued color this year.  The pale pink bush is in the background.  The red ones haven't bloomed yet.  There is a volunteer columbine in this bed now too. (and a couple volunteer trees).


  1. Now I remember what I forgot to do this weekend... get plants. Especially my hanging baskets! I can't believe that your weigela is blooming already! Mine won't be for another couple of weeks, I think.

  2. I remember you beautiful porch pots from last summer. I love how mix your plants like a patchwork quilt.

  3. Everything looks so green. Everything is parched here and we can't water.

  4. Love the pots Wanda. I will work on mine this week.
    I had too volunteer columbines this year. One is in the mulch pile!

  5. The plants look lovely! I spent the weekend cleaning again - well, really it was mostly getting rid of trash, going thru boxes and condensing them, and putting back stuff where it belongs. It was so humid here I did not want to go outside to work.

  6. I love the idea of photographing your pots. I grow lots of herbs on the deck, but I always put a flower in each pot too! Your quilting talent is awesome.

  7. Your pots look beautiful! I love the pictures you include of your gardens. It looks to be a lovely place.

  8. volutneer trees are not good, they quickly become too hard to dig out myself..... love the idea of picture at planting of pots. I have to remind myself at this time of year, NO POTS. May I can keep after them but by the third week in June I can not and they die, so just don't do pots in the summer.

  9. Your pots look so pretty! There's somehting about the first flowering plants of the season that is such a thrill!

  10. The pots look wonderful. I wish i could put pots out but the woodchuck is a vegetarian and loves Sweet potato vine and also the flowers so in the mornings all I end up with is stems in the pots. Thanks for the pictures. I can now enjoy yours.

  11. Spring has sprung there at last, huh? Your pots look lovely.

  12. Hello, Wanda!
    I am brasilian quilter... I loved yours flowers and yours quilts!!! All very very wonderfull!! Congratulations!
    I sorry for my english...
    kisses and huges


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