
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Another finishing class.....

Two of the ladies were doing bindings.  They took the class for these 2 quilts about 8 years ago.  I have shown my flannel versions of it here and here.

It is my own original layout and I taught the class for over 10 years.  Now I have more students wanting that class because they weren't quilting yet when I used to give the class.

Another student finished all of her blocks for the Turning Twenty Just got Better and got her layout of the blocks decided.

Another student had her blocks on the wall and I didn't get a picture, a blue and yellow Bento Box. 

I helped another lady figure out how to put her 1250 nine patches in 3 sizes into 7 quilt tops.

Here is my latest visitor to the back yard that I have to identify.  He walks like a dove or pigeon.  I know this photo is blurry but he wouldn't stand still.  I wanted to catch the iridescent color on the back of his neck in the sunlight.

After checking my bird books I guess it is a Rock Pigeon.  I have only seen gray pigeons before but after reading about them, I know they come in several different colors now.

The books say they mate for life but this male has been here by himself 3 days in a row now.  It also said they usually hang around in groups of 20.  I hope he doesn't bring his 19 friends to my yard.


  1. Great quilts! I love the Turning Twenty layout. Seems easy, but effective. Rock pigeons usually hang out in flocks. Sure hope your yard isn't their meeting place with this guy being the first to arrive.

  2. love the quilts your students made. lucky folk to have you for a teacher.
    Yep it's a pigeon and I agree you don't what his mates.

  3. Great quilts. I am drawn to HSTs. You put them together and they make their own patterns, it is almost magic! The pinwheels are a great combination. I really like the colors in the second one. The checked fabric almost looks pieced. The bird is very interesting.

  4. Oh, that first purple quilt goes so well with the picture of the rock pigeon! The colors match so well! Both lovely.

  5. It looks like everyone was productive in the finishing class! Wonderful results. I hope you don't get 19 more pigeons either. Although this one is quite pretrry.

  6. You're a good teacher Wanda. That's why your students make such wonderful work!

  7. 20 pigeons in the yard would sure be a mess!!! LOL

  8. That purple quilt is beautiful -- love all those shades of purple in it!
    Definitely a pigeon. We get 1 or 2 that hang out on the roof garden periodically. Thankfully they don't bring all their friends.

  9. Lovely quilts and interesting bird, I'm going to go look him up in my Texas bird books.

  10. Beautiful quilts, my favorite is the purple one. :) Wonder what the deal is with your pigeon....sure hope his friends don't show up!


  11. I love the top two quilts. It sounds like a successful class. 1250 nine patch blocks, oh my that is a lot of nine patch blocks.

  12. As always you have been busy - I enjoy your posts. That pidgeon is special. We have parrot here that live for over 50 years...and only mate once in their life...maybe something has happend to its mate ??

  13. It is neat that you are now teaching to the younger women.

    In my Illinois bird book it said it was a Rock Dove or the domestic pigeon. Yes, I agree with you, hope he doesn't bring his friends. Last fall the doves decided they could take cover by my front door. What a mess they left.

    It is now my turn for computer problems.

  14. Great quilts all around! It sounds like you are introducing quilting to a whole bunch of lucky folks. They'll soon be addicted like the rest of us :-)


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