
Monday, March 14, 2011

Strip pieced rectangles.....

This is getting easier the more rectangles I make.  I have 6 more designed and ready to sew.  I think my quilt will be more colorful than the one in the book because the red triangles in the book have a lot of dark fabrics with brown and purple in them and I have stayed with reds and pinks.  I have enough strips cut though that I can make some darker red rectangles too and then I would have my choice when I start laying out the quilt.  I am going to start cutting the rectangles into triangles today to see where any difficulties may occur.  One of the measurements has 5/16ths in it so I'll see how accurate I can be.


  1. I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Wanda!! Exuberant Color is the name of your blog, after all. Can't wait to see more.

  2. Yes, your colors do seem to be brighter. It's going to be very pretty! I only wish I could join in with your class.

  3. 5/16ths is a pretty unusual measurement, and not marked on my rulers. Would a template work better? Or would you make up any slight mismeasurements in the seam allowance? Or does eyeballing the distance on the ruler work well enough?

  4. Love your color runs! Going to be beautiful!!!

  5. I like the color selections and can't wait to see what it looks like when you put it all together.

  6. Your rectangles are looking good!

    Isn't it interesting that some patterns take so much thought in laying out the colors, even though it's going to end up scrappy. Truth be told, I probably spend more time than I need to arranging them.


  7. 5/16ths??? I complain when I have to use an eighth of an inch, but if anyone can do it, you can. I'm looking forward to seeing this up on your design wall.

  8. I think I might like to do this one with my hand dyes.

  9. Oh Wanda. I love how you have the stayed with more reds and pinks. Feeling kinda sorry I've been missing this from the start but glad I'm here now to catch up.

  10. Wish I was in this class...this is going to be one great quilt. Love the color runs you are doing.

  11. Another "EXUBERANT" quilt in the making.


  12. Your quilt is going to be so cheerful and bright!! Love the reds and pinks rectangles!

  13. Love your rectangles, Wanda! I'll leave that 5/16" for you. If there is one thing I can say about you, you're always consistent...just as your projects are always gorgeous and your colors are ever exuberant!

  14. This is going to be a stunning quilt. I'm looking forward to observing its progress. You have the absolute best selection of fabrics for what you do and you put them together so well! As for the 5/16ths - I wouldn't be in a hurry to try that. Nope.

  15. Hi Wanda,
    I can't wait to see how the quilt top comes together!

    The Journal and cover arrived today--simply gorgeous.
    What type of padding/batting did you use? When I made a few journals last year my batting was thicker than I would have liked (hard to judge until it's put together, though.)
    Thanks also for the "scraps" of yummy batiks. Lots of play time there!
    Vicky F


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