
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Busy day.......

I wanted to sew more rectangles and cut triangles yesterday morning but I knew I had to get the other sample made for the Turning Twenty Just got Better class.  This isn't my type of fabric but I chose 2 totally different groups for kits for the store.  I went to the church sewing circle in the afternoon, stopping at 2 stores on the way home rather than make another trip.
I finished making the blocks for the class sample last night and then got brave and cut the first triangles for my quilt.  I won't sew any together until I have them all cut and can play with an arrangement.  In the book it says to starch the rectangles before cutting.  I rarely ever use starch but I did on these because the stripe fabrics are very thin and the rectangle would have moved as I was cutting.  They suggested very stiff, but I just did one layer of starch and that worked fine.


  1. They really look neat. The starch and I are not to fond of each other. I think it leaves a film on the machine and moving parts like needle and bobbin race. But in your application it might be necessary

  2. I love the result!! The first block is gorgeous. This quilt will be a stunner. Have you ever tried Mary Ellen's best press? It is a lighter weight starch and doesn't leave a residue. Really wonderful to work with when doing projects like these.

  3. It's going to be an amazing quilt. The lights really sparkle in the first rectangle. I'm like you, I love to put that first one together.

  4. I love the first block and can't wait to see the finished project. I also use Mary Ellen's Best Press and would never go back to spray starch again.

  5. The KF quilt is going to be stunning! Nice strong contrast between the light and dark.

  6. Such luscious fabrics in that Kaffe quilt!

  7. I like what you did so far, can't wait to see the rest.

  8. I love the triangle cuts. When I saw the first photo I thought those weren't your usual fabric and colors - for a class - ok , I understand now :)

  9. Wanda - just curious - could this be made with the same method as making 1/2 square triangles (layer, mark, sew, and cut)?

    Love the look.

    Hugs - Marie

  10. I love this book. The Diamonds Forever quilt that I made last year is in here too. Love all the colorful rectangles!

  11. That triangle quilt is going to be a stunner!! You inspire me so much. I triple the vote for Mary Ellen's Best Press. It's just so darn pricey.

  12. love this block! what book are you using? I'd be interested to do this quilt too!

  13. Oh, wow, that preview is so gorgeous! The finished quilt is going to be a masterpiece, and what fun you'll have along the way! Thanks for letting us watch.

  14. Oooooo, can't wait to see this one come together. I have some Kaffes cuddled into a bin, just waiting for the right pattern. This could very well be it! Shucks, I'd have to buy more lights, I have very few ;-D

  15. This is going to be SO, SO stunning! I love the look of that first block.

  16. Hey you... re: the fan of fabrics ... "This isn't my type of fabric" ... but it sure is mine. Love what you have selected. (*._,*)

    Such fun watching you work. And thank you for sharing every detail. First layout of diamond sure takes my breath away.



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