
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ok, here are some more......

First I want to say thank you for all of the comments and insights into the choice of my alternate squares.  They were eye openers that showed me what I didn't see.  However, those who suggested solid colors, well that just isn't me.  As far as the blocks being beautiful, I thought they were pretty boring and hoped that an alternate fabric would spice them up.  So you see, we all see something different.  Here are 5 more fabrics that I tried, and I know I probably still haven't found the right one yet.

Sorry about the shadow on the last one.  While I had the black and white fabrics out I had to try a blend of values with them to see if I had enough pieces with large enough yardage to do a Trip Around the World with them.

One photo has the lights in the center and the other the darks in the center.  I like to view it both ways to see if the blend is good.


  1. I can't decide which one that I like best. But I just adore the idea of a Trip Around the World in black and white!!

  2. Of these I like the top one, but I am still partial to the spirals.

  3. The warmer colored alternate blocks appeal to me. But I'm just a warm kinda gal.
    Can't wait to see the b&w quilt. I so admire your value gradation abilities. What's your secret?

  4. I like all these better than the first lot! It's great how the bright shading in the first fabric moves your eye around your pieced blocks. Maybe not the second one. The squirls are good at moving your eye round too. I love the feathers of my all time favourites, but maybe not here? The last one perhaps not, a bit light? Which do You like best, Wanda?!

  5. I like the first one because it looks like your blocks are floating. The other fabrics distract from the blocks and look out of place. Just my humble opinion.

  6. Since there is a lot of pink and lavender in the blocks, I would like to see the alternate blocks out of that color wave just to see what they would look like. To me the black and white are too stark against all the color.

  7. Not overly fond of any but if I had to choose it would be the feathers.

    Have never done an Around the World quilt but a black and white would be stunning.

  8. I think you should keep looking.

    Not solids, but try some fabrics that are "quieter"? Smaller prints, lower contrast, softer edges in the motifs?

    Hang in there. I'm sure you know better than most of us that sometimes you just have to get some ideas out of your system before you're able to be open to something that works but which you wouldn't, couldn't have thought of at first.

  9. You have so many neat ones, it would be a hard to decide. I do still like the spirals and the zebras.

  10. Wanda, I just did a really fast glance. Sometimes that works for me. My swift eye liked the top one. Just a thought. I didn't comment about these before cuz I don't like givin' my opinion. :(

  11. The leaves, the beautiful leaves (or were they feathers?) No matter - whatever you conclude will be SPLENDID.

  12. we all like different looks and in the end it is your quilt and the colors you choose will be what you like. I guess I just don't care for the black look with those blocks but that is what I don't care for - not you :) I'm sure you will decide in the end what look you are aiming for.

  13. Of these, I prefer the fabric in the first photo... the batik... The black is cool with the blocks and the color variations in the batik seems to coordinate/blend together...

  14. My favorite -- like many others -- is the spirals. I think this is because ALL of the blacker fabrics look better than the whiter ones, and also because the spirals echo the rhythm of the blocks. SO, altho they are completely different, they play really well together! I would never have been so brave -- right now I'm obsessing over whether a border strip can can have some brown in it, even tho there is no brown in the main quilt -- and I admire your eye. Non-quilters always ask, "how long does it take you to make a quilt?"; they have no idea how much time we take before we even begin to sew!

  15. Also, darker choices better because the blocks are not very bright --they're pastel-y, and they pop better against a darker alternating square.

  16. Of today's choices, I like the leaves the best. They add interest, but not so much that they compete with the other blocks. Also (and this may just be my monitor), it looks like there's a tinge of lavender to the leaf blocks, which makes them blend, instead of fight, with the main blocks.

  17. I love them all! But not for your alternate blocks. I want to see a TAW made with them! That would be so nice.

  18. I like the 2nd is not as distracting for me. Second choice would be the large leaf--#4 pic. And the B and W TAW would be wonderful in either combination.

  19. I like the first one the best. If you look at it from a distance it glows. I also like the second one but I really like the first one. Isn't it interesting and eye opening to hear what others say?

  20. Oh my. a B&W TATW! Be still my heart.

  21. I vote for the first one. I think I like it because it appears to bring out the colors of the blocks and puts emphasis on them.

  22. I like the top one the most, with the fern/leaf one next.

  23. My choice would be #3 or #4....great picks, tough decision.

  24. What if you varied the black/white blocks? I can't wait to see what yoy do with all those wonderful b/w fabrics!!!!

  25. I like #3 this, or #2 prev post.
    But which one will you choose, if all them get many votes? :o)

  26. I like #4 because it is darker but the contrast is less allowing the blocks to pop. Finding just the right support fabric is so key and can change the look drastically so it's worth the time to sleep on it. B/W is a great choice and you have so many to consider.

  27. From what you've shown so far, yesterday and today, my fav is the top one from today. It has black in it so that helps pop the blocks. It's better than the others because it's a smaller denser print and the print has other colors in it... mainly gold, which is the complement of the purple in the blocks. That really helps IMHO.

    I feel the larger stark B and W prints only clash and conflict with the blocks - they want to be the stars! And if you do a TATW with those B and W's they can be the stars!!

  28. Would you consider using a black and white hourglass block as the alternate block? I think these would add more off a frame to your brightly colored blocks.

  29. Of this group, I really like the first one with those blocks. It's very rich. A black and white TATW -- wow! That would be stunning.

  30. Number One gives it that sparkle your otherwise so called blah blocks :) need. But, then, I know you will find the one that sings to YOU !

  31. Hi Wanda - Can you stand another idea? I must say, reading everyone's ideas is very iteresting! While I love the b/w swirls the best - the batik blocks seem to pop, and the black recedes but still looks smashing - I would opt for "door #3", an alternate block that is not just one fabric. How about using some of your smaller blocks, made of batik scraps (I know you have some!), framed out in the b/w swirl? or some other alternate block, like wild goose chase (to echo the triangles) with b/w prints and batiks. More work, I know...keep the options coming, this is fun!

  32. I'm thinking the circles from the last post are still the best of what you've shown us.

  33. I'm kind of likin' the second one -- the tan/brown lets the blocks shine and doesn't compete too much.
    But that's just me. I know whatever you choose will be amazing -- it always is! :)

  34. The first one gives the blocks a very African feel! I like the third one because the pattern is random and not competing with the blocks for attention. If there is a pattern in the black and white, my eyes focus on the animal, leaf, or whatever the picture is and I miss the pieced blocks altogether. I like the blocks to be the focal point.

  35. Much better! I like how the first one picks up the brighter portions of your blocks and they all glow together. And the b&W strips - oh my! That will really be pretty.

  36. I still like the spirals from yesterday. Using the black and white prints is really the same thing as having guys wear tuxes. A perfect framing for all the pretty dresses.

  37. I like the top one the best. I like the black with the variety of colors to pick up the colors in the pieced blocks. Good luck.

  38. Hi Wanda, I would like to see a light fabric for the squares. The triangles are all light and I think the dark colors are fighting the blocks. I love your blog.

  39. I love the spirals from yesterday. And #3 from today. But, ultimately, you need to pick "your" favorite to be truly happy with it. My quilts are very much like yours. I think, though, that your eye has to be accustomed to the riot of color. My daughter used to complain that my quilts didn't match. Now, she likes them. Go for it!

  40. I like the first one. It seems to pick up some of the colors in the other blocks, yet it is mostly black and white. Or is it just the lighting? I also, still like the spirals from yesterday. I wouldn't go with a solid either. Maybe a smaller black and white print would look good. Like a small gingham or polka dots, etc... Whatever you go with will be perfect because it always is .

  41. If it were me, I'd try a bright, goldish yellow to see if it made the blocks pop... Jillian

  42. I like the first two, the first one looks like there is sunlight shining through it and that 'lights up' the blocks as well - they really glow. The second one is a good neutral tone and color to let the blocks come out, although they don't glow like they do with the first one.
    I need to follow how you do your trip around the world quilts... I think I have a set of fabric that would be interesting.

  43. Black and White fabrics are so great. I have just worked with them but had trouble with the ones that were 50/50.

    For your batik blocks, I would love to see what they look like against a marbled ( batik ) pale blue or pale lime or pale lemon. Something that lets the batiks sing.

  44. lots of comments for you to sift through! I liked the spirals in the first batch of photos, and the big leaves in the second batch -- everything else seems too busy. I always have a hard time finding black & white batiks, so I'm envious of your collection!

  45. Nice black and white collection of batiks.
    I suggest you not use alternate blocks. Your pieced blocks are beautiful. (Not boring!) They do not need alternate blocks. Arrange them randomly or better yet, in a color pattern that pleases your eye. If you feel you must do something between the blocks, perhaps narrow sashing with a pretty neutral or marbled batik.

  46. Your first and fourth choices are the ones that make the pieced squares pop.

  47. I agree with Gene Black. The spirals are still my favorite and the first one of the second batch is nice too.


  48. I really like the b/w swirls. They contrast well with the blocks and add a good geometric contrast as well.

  49. Hi Wanda,
    Wow! Almost 50 comments!
    The top two choices today are intriguing; the gold brings out hidden yellows in the blocks.
    I like the white feathers on black the best, however, in this batch.
    Yesterday I commented I thought a marble would work. I'm not talking Moda marbles (tone on tone). I'm talking a rich grey/gold layered batik "real" marble (I had a counter top that color in my old house). It was nice.
    Vicky F

  50. Again I like the black and white print, third one down but I like the unusual. It will be interesting to see what you pick out.

  51. Still like the spirals the best, but thinking outside the box a little bit, what about multicolored strips on the diagonal? Stripes could be all facing the same direction ... or not. Play with it!

  52. How about some string blocks? or some string blocks of all different sizes and these blocks dispersed haphazardly throughout? I am not a fan of the fabrics you have shown so far.
    Dawn in MA a lurker


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