
Thursday, March 31, 2011

More test pieces..........

I loved all of the suggestions yesterday.  Here are some for the people who thought the alternate squares should be plainer.

This next group is for the suggestions to make pieced blocks at the alternate blocks.

The rest of these were fabrics that I still wanted to try.

I have an all day class to teach today, so I hope there are some comments to read when I get home. 
I will post my favorites from all 3 days tomorrow.  I know that is April Fools Day, but I'm a pretty serious person and I don't play jokes on anyone.  And yes I've been told I'm no fun!  I just have a different kind of fun, color fun.


  1. It's been interesting to see all the variations of background fabrics for your blocks. I think my 2 favorites are the celery green batik (3rd one from the top) and the southwest batik. They are two very different looks, but both manage to compliment the blocks very nicely.

    Good luck in making your final decision.

  2. My fav is the second one in the second group. Love it!

  3. I love the 2nd one of the groups you wanted to try. Super!

  4. I love the pieced alternate group!!

  5. My favorite is the second from the bottom, the multicolor one. the runner up would be the second one in the last group. Whatever you decide will be great!

  6. Equally love the celery green and the multi-color with bubbles.

  7. Of the new ones, I like the mottled blue/gray and the batik with "bubbles" on it. (next to last)

  8. my faves are in the last group.
    the 2nd and 'bubbles'..
    but the 'bubbles are the best..

    greetings :))

  9. It is amazing that you have such a large stash of yardage that you can audition this many choices! I vote for the floating bubbles.

  10. When I saw the " bubbles", I said ( out loud, mind you, in an empty house) " that one"!! Have fun deciding.

  11. My two favorites are the celery green (3rd one down) and the 9th one down. It has been fun watching you play!

  12. I've been told I'm no fun too. My favorites are still the ones with the black and whites, specifically the spirals and the swirly ones. They just seem to suit the energy of the blocks. Next, I like both the black and whites with the set in pieced blocks, although it might be over kill.
    For me, the quieter fabrics fall flat.

  13. Looking back over the three days, I like the next to last multicolor best.

  14. I had a second look and wanted to add that I like the 3rd last and the last one with the batiks. They do seem to have enough energy to carry it off.

  15. I like the third-from-the-top blue-gray (surprise). I also like the bubbles, and I really like the randomly-pieced squares in the middles of the large blocks to compliment the larger pieced blocks. I think they make the rhythm of the piece much less heavy-handed.

    I'm eager to find out what your favorite will be!

  16. Let's start with I'm jealous over all your yardage and then I'll try to get past that.

    So -- I might think about sashing them with a deep rich color (I always fall back on black) and random (or not) cornerstones. That frees you up to do all kinds of things with the alternating blocks b/c they are no longer competing with each other in the same way. This is exactly why I quit doing BOM at LQS -- was hard for me to make them all play nicely in the same quilt. Colors are phenomenal.

  17. OH, those pieced alternate blocks are my favorites AND I think they look more like you, Wanda. No Joke. Bunny F

  18. I have two favorites and in no particular order. I like the 2nd one from the top in the second group and the 4th one from the top in the third group. I'm looking forward to see which one you will end up with.

  19. Love your blog! For me, the next to the last in this blog (I think some call it the one with the bubbles) wins hands down! Absolutely perfect.

  20. I like the one with the sashing and the smaller blocks, right above "The rest of these were fabrics that I still wanted to try." the sashing makes the blocks float rather than jut out, which is the effect that some of the plain alternate squares seem to have.

  21. My favorites are the light green and grey. But I would add in the smaller half square triangle blocks like you did on the 7th one down. To me the white is too plane...the orange is to bold....and the rest are so busy that you loose the beauty of the block. Love your blog abd reading everyones comments!

  22. o.k. I just took another look and I also love the fabric with the bubbles!

  23. I vote for the second from the bottom. The fabric with the bubbles? or water spots. I think that fabric flows with your blocks. My next choice is the one with the larger pieced blocks that are similar to your blocks with the black and white background. Whatever you pick is going to look really great. We had the tiniest bit of rain on Tuesday morning. It was very welcome. Hope all is well.

  24. I haven't had an opinion yet, so I haven't said anything..

    I love the one that has the 9 patch with the bordered 4 patch blocks!

  25. You maybe no fun on 4/1...but I do believe you have an adventurous fun streak with fabric! I love the pieced grouping, especially the last one in that group. I love that swirly black fabric.

  26. Oh I love the mottled gray and the second from the bottom that looks like it has bubbles in it. Isn't it amazing how different they can all look and how we all have so many different opinions - it might make it even harder for you to decide!

  27. I like the pieced on the wavy stripes! Or what about one block of each of the black and white in a gradient pattern?

  28. I think it depends on the "look" you are going for. I like the bright multi-color batik- very cheerful, but still accents the blocks. For a quieter quilt, I vote for the gray.
    sally in st. paul

  29. I vote for the green or gray one in the new choices. Too many choices!!!

  30. I like the last one the best. It seems to compliment the all the colors in your pieced blocks while not trying to take "center stage".

  31. Wanda, for someone who is "no fun" (I disagree by the way), this process is way fun! I love #2 and #3 of the pieced alternate blocks, maybe swap and put the 4-patch with the black swirls (one of my all-time fave batiks)? also, with a pieced alternate blocks, you don't have those huge plain blocks crying for fancy quilting - ditch quilting would do just fine. :) good luck!

  32. Surprisingly, I do like the first two; they don't compete with the blocks for attention. However, any of the last 4 would be great. The "bubbles" is the fabric that I have here that I was thinking about yesterday when I suggested dots!! You can't lose with these blocks and fabrics.

  33. I like the bubbly batik, second from the bottom best. Such fun!

  34. I really like the last 4. The second one in the second set is probably my favourite. Still not a fan of the black and white here. I love the colored ones so much better.

  35. Definitely like the last four the best. My favorites are #9 and #11 counting from the top down. It has been really educational to see the trials of each fabric.

  36. Let's see, my favorites are (in no particular order):
    - the one with the gray batik
    - the third one with the pieced blocks
    - the batik dots in the last group

  37. I like the swirls with the 4 patch on top. I also like the first 2 in the last group.

  38. I like the celery batik, the multi-colored swirls batik, the southwest batik and the bubbles. If pressed to pick one, I'd choose the swirls. It will be fun to see what you decide tomorrow. (See you ARE fun!)

  39. So many great choices. All of your alternate block samples are at the top of my list, no foolin' Looking forward to seeing what YOU decide.

  40. My fav's now are in the last set (no particular order:
    2nd one - tight swirls with alot of red/gold
    3rd one - black background with southwest motifs in gold/red
    4th one - multi color watery bubbles

    Runner up - the last black and white one - black and white paisleys with a 4 patch pieced block in it's center

    I am so curious to see what you pick! I always love your quilts!

  41. Yea, right! You are no fun at all. So why do I rush to turn my computer on each morning and read your blog before I do anything else? Yes, even breakfast. Can't wait to read your April 1st post.
    I like the last one.
    Gosh you have a lot of gorgeous yardage in your stash!

  42. I like the next to the last one best because it has many different colors. Of the ones that are pieced I like the one with a larger block and a smaller frame around it. Maybe use the fabric for the frame that you used in the next to the last version.
    I feel it is presumptuous for me to add my 2 cents worth of advice. I love everything you do.

  43. I love the pieced ones with yesterdays random squirls (1 & 3 of today's second group), though I still prefer that fabric on its own for the alternates. Not so keen on the plain batiks (top group). The bubbles in the bottom group are lovely my choice from today's crop!

  44. Oh oh oh. The 8th photo. Love it!

  45. I like the pale green in the third photo--it seems to make the blocks pop nicely. I'm a nay on the alternating pieced blocks--too busy for my taste!

  46. I like the pale green for a very quiet, conservative quilt. For a crazy, colorful look...I love either that you put colored centers into the blocks with B/W circles, or better yet, how you framed every other block with the B/W fabric. In fact, I think that's my favorite!

  47. I looked at yesterdays choices and was not knocked out by any of them. I have to say I don't really like any of the solids in todays. They don't really set the pieced blocks up as they should be. In the second group, I really like the second one. The third one is very cool as well, but I think I would like these four patch hsts on the second fabric. None of the pieces in the third group said a loud wow, but the last one is the best, in my opinion. It has been really interesting seeing all these possibilities. Thanks for letting us all have a say. Whatever you select, this is going to be a beautiful quilt.

  48. Now you're cookin'! I don't really like any of the first group, but oh Wanda - the second and third groupings look a lot more like Wandaful!

  49. The solids are boring and not at all what I would expect to see as one of your creations. I still like the two blacks best...without the extra square in the center (too distracting).

  50. Hi Wanda,
    Personally I really like the black and white spiral, but that last one you showed today (the batik with the flower print) makes your blocks pop!

  51. The batik bubbles is the best!!!The circular shapes are visually good with the geometric blocks and the multi colors make them play well together. Like in kindergarden. HA

  52. What a fun, fun variety that you have presented. I have a favorite. But I know YOU will select the best one for sure.


  53. The colorful swirl, third from the bottom! Good colors texture and scale for your blocks. Doesn't compete. Enhances!

  54. Oh great - I was one who thought a plain block would look good. NOT!! But I DO like the celery green plain block, but it is so NOT YOU! The swirly black/white with the little inserts are leaning to more interesting. I am so eager to see what you end up with - I already KNOW it will be amazingly clever and beautiful!

  55. Black and white swirls with random pieced centres without a doubt!

  56. I'm surprised that the dull colors actually dull your pieced and very colorful blocks... did you notice that? I like the burnt orange with your blocks. It is plainer, in that the design doesn't detract from your pieced blocks, and yet the vibrant color doesn't drain your blocks.
    (Usually I read the previous comments, so I don't just repeat what others have said, but there were 54 before me! So if I am repeating them, I am sorry.)

  57. Oh, gad, Wanda, my brains is spinning.
    My first impression:
    the orange/goldenrod
    the grey blue.

    what can I say.

  58. 2nd in the pieced blocks section and second in the final section both look great to me. Looking forward to seeing what you choose!

  59. I like today's second from the top. Everything pops at the same intensity. Don't like the bubbles, because of the straight lines of the pieced blocks and the cu=rves of the bubbles son't appeal to my eye.

  60. 4th from the bottom works great, as it has a lot of colours of the blocks in it. And it just looks good!

  61. I vote for #9, #12, #11 in that order. : )

  62. Favorite plain: green
    Favorite pieced: The first one
    Favorite other: the one with the bubble like fabric. :) As though you needed one more opinion!

  63. Today's group has been really hard to choose from. I don't think I can pick just one. But I like the last four a LOT!

  64. At first I liked the first in the third group...until I saw the bubbles, I vote for that!! So different, but showcases the other blocks so well!

  65. I love the second from the bottom (batik with dots) - it
    has a nice variation in color that goes well with your pieced blocks.

  66. I vote for the ninth one, counting from the top downward.(or count fourth from the bottom)

    The color mix is perfect and the print is interesting enough, yet doesn't compete with the patchwork blocks

  67. Well, you got what you wished for. A "few" comments to read.
    The solids/marbles don't do one thing for me!

    I love the white swirls on black with the added square of color in the middle!! It gives the eye a place to focus on instead of dueling blocks and fabrics.

    My second fav is the last one with multicolor batik as alternate block. It doesn't fight but isn't boring either.
    Vicky F

  68. WOW I love the last 4 block set up.

  69. I Love the gold in #2 or the spiral one that is rich gold. I just think it makes the blocks POP!

  70. I think that the alternate blocks all look too big so they are drowning out the pieced blocks? Therefore, of the ones you have shown the one I like best is the one that has the black'n white borders-2 or so inches- around the pieced blocks.

  71. Now that I see them all, I think the batik with the bubbles is the perfect choice. The colors complement all of the pieced blocks, and the bubbles give a nice energy without being overwhelming. It reads like a very interesting solid, I think. I look forward to seeing your choice.

  72. It was really FUN to see all of these variations! While I am a black and white print addict, I just fell in love with the variation which had the gold batik squares -- gorgeous!

  73. Too many choices!!! I still like the black and white with the swirls. It will be interesting to see which one you will go with.

  74. I love the second one in the second group! I love that black and white swirl fabric - it is perfect!

  75. Since you are asking.... I'll add my 2 cents...
    When I first saw the blocks laid out... I was thinking... using several shades of the same color... in the alternating blocks... as in a wash from one corner to the other down the length (diagonally). Arranging the blocks with the light background with the darker color and the dark background with the lighter color.
    Whichever way you go... have fun.


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