
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Some tests for alternating blocks......

The batteries died in my camera and I had to come back upstairs to put in new ones so I decided to post some of the choices I have tried for the alternating blocks.
I decided to come back and add to this post.  The dilemma in choosing an alternating block color is that I have used every color in the rainbow in my 30+ blocks plus some have dark background, some have light backgrounds.  So, choosing any one color, or any one value (light - dark) is difficult.  Therefore my first choice was to try my vast collection of black and white batiks.  I appreciate the comments.


  1. Sorry, Wanda, I don't like any of them! Can't you just make more blocks and then alternate those with their dark and light backgrounds. That's more your style!

  2. While I adore the skulss, I have to say my favorite is the spirals followed by the tigers.

  3. Sorry, I have to agree with Debbie..not a big fan of the black and white blocks with the beautiful colored ones. ....maybe solid color alternating blocks...sorry

  4. Love the swirlies. Everything else seems to clash.

  5. I think I agree. None of them excite me. How about something with browns or purples instead of black and white?

  6. None of them seem up to the standard we usually see in your amazing quilts. I agree that the swirls are the best of the lot, but they seem to overpower the other blocks. I think you need great contrast, but not so much competition.

  7. I usually like b&w, but not here, especially the creepy, crawly things! Ugh!

  8. Wanda, thanks for giving me an opportunity to see for myself how your batik blocks 'react' to the 'different' alternate blocks.
    Daughter was here visiting last week and made a tumbler block table topper - when it came to her backing she picked the pink zebra and then a floral pattern fabric that I would not of thought to incorporate in a pieced back.
    Her end result was stunning.
    She saw this floral fabric in an entirely different light than my eyes and brain.
    Again, thank you for posting 'something different'.

  9. Wanda,
    I think most of those fabrics have too much contrast for your more subtle colors so overwhelm them. Just my 2 cents!

  10. Hi Wanda, the black and white is rather over powering even though like most I like the swirls just not with these blocks. How about a batik with lots of color variation -- a lime, raspberry or mango. I think it would complement the blocks. Just a suggestion. Robin

  11. Don't like any of the black and whit prints.

  12. I guess if I had to I would pick the swirly fabric. But I think I would keep looking for something else. It's fun to see these fabrics though. Thanks for posting.

  13. I just don't like the skeletons, and can't seem to leave the pattern behind to look at only value. I don't like the skulls - too light. Same for the white with black leaves. I do like the swirls, although the large pattern doesn't seem to complement the blocks, but the value seems best of the choices given. I like having the value lesson, but I'm for a black batik with lots of colors of dots or the like. Thanks for such an interesting blog.

  14. I like the spiral fabric best... and am drooling over the batik blocks!

  15. Don't like the black about a medium value in a favorite color instead?

  16. I like the blk,& wht with the swirls--cottonreel

  17. Have to say I think they all overwhelm your blocks. If I had to pick one it would be the swirls. Have you tried a more subtle black & white or maybe a black tone on tone?

  18. I love the second one, the swirls. The others seem too busy, but the swirls really make a statement with the triangles.

  19. I think more of a solid color would be better. Your blocks get lost with the samples you put up. I am sure you will find the perfect fabric. Not too busy will be better.

  20. The swirls are wonderful.

  21. I liked both the second and third variations!

  22. I like the batik in the second photo -- the round design in that batik is a nice counterpoint to the triangles in the pieced blocks.

  23. I hate to be negative Wanda. I really don't care for that color scheme. The only of the black I like are the swirls but yet I'm not sure I like it with your batiks.
    Hope you can find the look you are looking for.

  24. Wanda - I like the black spirals the best - but I have to agree that I think you should keep looking. None of these say 'Wanda' on them.

    Hugs - Marie

  25. Like some of the others none of those speak to me. I like the second one, the swirls the best but none of them is really special.

  26. The spirals jumped out at me with a resounding YES followed closely by the last one.

  27. I like the swirls! The other ones have too distinct of a pattern that draws the eye away from the triangled blocks. The swirls give a nice opposition to the angles while backing off to make the blocks stand out!

  28. The figurative prints definitely detract and distract from the patchwork blocks. The leaves almost work but are too light overall. Of all of them, the spirals is the least distracting. I don't know whether a fine stripe or check would work better in the black and white. Or maybe something else altogether!

  29. I like the second option the best. It's got movement, but doesn't overpower or blend into the pieced blocks. Can't wait to see what direction you decided to take this!

  30. I agree, I don't care for the black and white blocks either. How about a crisp white?

  31. Gorgeous blocks! How about a bright color in a plain or variegated batik?

  32. I feel the black and white doesn't work because they are too balanced in contrast. (This is one of Fredy Moran's lessons on using B&W).If you want B&W you need something without a definite pattern and a greater percentage of one color. These totally detract from the batik patterns next to the printed block. A more solid block will allow the pieced blocks to shine. Two colors that could work that can be used as neutrals would be red or lime. What a great visual this has been.

  33. The black batiks are very striking. However, they rather steal the spotlight from your oh-so-beautiful blocks. Maybe something with a little less personality?

  34. I don't really care for any of them but if I had to choose, the swirls would be it. Since you have a lot of colors in your blocks, why not a lot of different solids alternating and really mix up the colors? Just a suggestion.

  35. Because your blocks are so vibrant, what about a solid such as black or chocolate to make them pop? Kind of how colour photos pop on black pages in a scrapbook.

    Beautiful blocks by the way!

  36. I really like the spirals. Somehow it is pleasing and soothing to my eye. And it highlights the patch blocks.


  37. I like the swirls. The quilt definitely takes on a contempary look by using the black and white. I definitely like the unexpected out of the norm approach. I believe that the swirls black and white bring out the colors in the squares. If a white or solid was used it would be more common and I would think a little boring. But I have always like the unusual and the unexpected. Thanks for sharing.

  38. I vote for the spirals/swirls. As soon as I saw that layout I liked it.

  39. Hi Wanda,
    I know you probably have other ideas in mind besides what you've shown.

    If I had to choose just from what you showed, I vote for the swirls, too. But they're not quite right either.

    Do you have a charcoal grey marble batik? Or even a medium grey marble? I'm not one to go for grey normally, but have seen where grey can set off the glowy batiks beautifully.
    Vicky F

  40. I like the spirals best, but count me amongst the folks who want you to try again with different fabric.

  41. If these are the only options, then definitely the spirals.

    What if you made the large squares into half square triangles with two contrasting colors? (click on my name to see a quick and sloppy drawing) You could then rotate those blocks different directions to create larger versions of the blocks you already have or just leave them all the same direction. But then you're back to "which colors" again. But isn't it fun??? :)

  42. The swirls, if any. How about a gray fabric with a relatively low-contrast print -- the neutral will bring out the colors without making the quilt brown -- maybe with a print that has softer edges in its motif to contrast the sharp edges between the triangles and backgrounds of the main blocks.

  43. I love the swirly patterned one. That's a good contrast with the angularity of the blocks. And the black and white vs. the color blocks is a very good contrast.

  44. HOw about a gray, navy or dark gold? The B & W just doesn't work.

  45. Wow, I'm surprised that so many people don't like the black & white! Personally, I LOVE the swirls! I think the fabric is dark/light enough for good contrast and I love the contrast of the swirly with the triangles in the pieced blocks. Just my humble opinion. . .

  46. Black and white is a good choice to light up these vibrant blocks; the darkest two look a good tonal contrast to me, but like other commentators, I hate the crawly things! The zebras are good if you like the print, my preferance is for more abstract fabrics, so that people focus on the patchwork!!

  47. This is reminding me of my quilt that I am working on right now. I tried several black and white blocks before settling on something more muted to flatter the blocks. I would have to pick the spirals if I had to choose.


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