
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A snow day..........

Yesterday I was supposed to go to the QOV sew-in 25 miles north east of me, but after shoveling my sidewalk in the biting wind I decided my safety was more important.  I knew that it would be snowing at my house before it would up there and with the wind gusts so strong, I would be driving home in a whiteout.  The snow started at 1 p.m.  I decided to work on some blocks for a QOV quilt first.  There were a lot of leftover squares made of 2 rectangles so I just added 5 plain squares for dark and light blocks.  I have 17 of the 20 needed finished.
Then I finished the ditch quilting on this quilt. (For full view, click on Kaleidoscope in my Label list on the right sidebar).

This was the view out of my studio window.  They would rest here awhile, then go to the feeders, then come back.

Only one squirrel braved the weather to clean up under the feeder.

While I had the green fabrics out last week I chose 2 more groups to cut for Trip Around the World.  My orange stack chair is so dated!  I have yellow and brown ones too!

This is the scene out my front door at 11:30 last night.  I think we had about 8-10" of snow at that point.  The wind was really howling.  I missed the lightening and thunder and a couple towns even had hail with the thunder snow.

It's groundhog day, but they cancelled it here because they know what he will see tomorrow without taking him out in the elements.


  1. I love the bird picture. Here in Wisconsin we are under a Civil something-or-other Warning. Can't go out unless it is an emergency. I cannot fathom why anyone would WANT to go out in this. My sweetheart has been plowing since 4 a.m. and has been stuck more than once. I have lived here for over 25 years and have seen many a big storm. This one tops them all. We have 3 foot drifts in front the the doors and 4 feet or more out on the back deck.Good day to sew and be thankful for a warm and sheltered place to live. Be safe!

  2. Brrrr, that is crazy weather and I applaud your wise decision to stay home.

    I remember those orange stack chairs very well.

  3. right decision to stay home. Love the quilt. I heard your area was to get thunder and lightening too and thought that was crazy. My daughter in WI said everything was canceled and they would be home all day today thank goodness.

  4. my kind of woman, Wanda - stay in and be creative and SAFE! I felt a little sorry for the squirrel. We are also being hammered - freezing rain!!!

  5. Cancelled Groundhog Day? Good one Wanda! You did the right thing to not head out yesterday, glad you're safe and sound. They showed pictures of dozens of cars stranded on Lake Shore Drive, since last evening! Glad to have a day off to stay inside and sew!

  6. Its almost over.
    At least the ground hog can't see its shadow so winter should be over. Right.
    A good day to stay in and quilt.
    Mary Ann

  7. Got up to a 16 degree morning,hi today 29, low tonite 13. Temp lowest I've seen in awhile. Winter in central Texas

  8. It was lightening and thundering by me around 9:30 last night. My doors are blocked with drifts and I even have some snow in my garage.My poor pup doesn't know what to do when I manage to get him out. Yes Wanda, you did the right thing staying home, I can imagine what the drifts on the roads are like. I plan on making this another sew in day .
    Those cookies you made for the Art Quilters would really hit the spot for a day like today. Comfort food!

  9. Stay inside and keep warm Wanda.
    Folk at the other side of Aussie are waiting for a huge Cyclone to cross the coast. It is a catagory 5 Worst cyclone ever.

  10. I am glad you stayed home. I wish I could have, but it was off to work. Today the roads were better, but right now at 9:30 am it is snowing and the wind is blowing - and the weatherman said the weather was going to be quiet today - wrong!

  11. We had over an inch of rain yesterday (cold, windy, miserable) which, according to what I found online, would equate to 12" of snow. There are snowflakes in the air this morning (20 degrees) but I doubt it will come to much here.

    Very glad you chose to stay in and stay warm!

  12. Glad you were able to get some work done. We did get the ice storm. Our poor trees are taking a beating.

    I checked out the Kaleidoscope quilts. Can you tell me which ruler you use?

  13. That storm hit our area at around 3:30am. The worst was between 5:00am and 8:00am - exactly at rush hour. I can hardly believe it, but they CLOSED all the schools in Toronto! That is unheard of. The worst seems to be over for now. The sky is getting lighter and I can almost see the sun. I have no idea how much snow we got because the wind blew it into huge drifts. I have nowhere to go, so I am staying close to my sewing machine. I love your little juncos! I have a flock of them at my feeder at the moment. They have to clear off the snow with their feet in order to get to the seeds. Poor things. They look really cute doing that though. No groundhog in his right mind would venture out of his burrow in this weather, but apparently our Wiarton Willy did not see his shadow and is predicting spring in two weeks. I am not going to hold my breath though.

  14. This weather is sure hard on the birds, I've been feeding them too. Enjoy sewing inside today. All the schools are closed today and a lot of people stayed home from work.

  15. Bedtime about 10:30 here, and I heard two or three claps of thunder before I fell asleep.

    This people on the drive in their cars should have known better. There were many "inland" routes to take, not the one right next to the lake. People just think they know better than Mother Nature.

    Today the sun is out, altho it snowed just a tad earlier.

  16. Wanda I like what you're doing with the QOV blocks, and it's wonderful that you're using leftovers to make those lovely 9 patches. Thanks for sharing!

    That bird photo is really striking, you should think about framing that one. There's a famous photographer who did a lot (maybe all) of his work in black and white... it sounds stupid the way I said it, but I can't think of his name. I can see very clearly in my head one of his photos of a pair of grimy hands holding a little white dove. It was quite striking.



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