
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting in the mood...........

I usually have a hard time convincing myself that it is time to get the Christmas decorations out.  I decided that this year I need to do a little bit every day until it is all out.  I found these embroidered squares when I was looking for something else.  I got my first embroidery machine in 1994 and I did a lot of samples on denim cut from old blue jeans.  Here is a picture of the quilt I made from those squares.  Every year I embroidered a few winter/Christmas designs on denim.
I think this will be my first Christmas project for this year.  I will look through my flannel fabric for red plaids and stripes and green ones too.  The squares are 8" so I'll have to figure out if I need to embroider a couple more.  I used to to extensive hand embroidery and no longer do because of arthritic thumb joints and carpal tunnel problems.  I have always loved embroidery so I get my 'fix' watching the machine work now.


  1. Wahoo I'm the first commenter! Clever use of denim, Wanda. Good luck on your quilt.

  2. I think those embroidery pieces are really nice. As is the quilt.

    I know what you mean about the arthritis and carpal tunnel. I love to do hand work, too, but after a night of doiung it, I suffer for two to three days. Still, I try to do a little even now.

  3. Great idea to practise on denim. You will end up with a very Christmassy quilt.

  4. I always seem to get my decorations up day by day also. It is easier I think and gives you time to think about where you want things. When the kids were home we did it all in one day or evening and made a party out of it - now it is just the two of us and Mike is not a Christmas decorator and really could care less of the whole thing = it usually falls to me to do the whole thing.

  5. So cute and such a great idea for old jeans. I love the idea of adding the reds to it too.

  6. Wanda, Let me know if you need any flannels. I have some solid red, a wonderful red and white plaid, and red and white stripe. I could cut you a square. I may have some green too. I have had these in my stash for years and planned on making a flannel quilt that I haven't quite gotten around to making yet.

  7. I LOVE IT!!!! Cannot wait to see how your magic touch transforms those blocks!

  8. I am having a really tough time this Christmas. We are having our windows replaced in 2 weeks so I really can't do any decorating or put the trees up until about the 15th - and I'm not about to bother doing it that late!

  9. I enjoy hand embroidery. I just joined a new hand embroidery group at Quilt With Us. I have one of those old Bernette Deco embroidery machines. I could never really get into machine embroidery, so it sits, collecting dust!
    Love the Frog!

  10. Those squares are really pretty. Sounds like my kind of embroidery!

  11. INSPIRING ! ! ! I must get going making some of those squares also. LOVE every one of the designs. I will have to look and see how many of those I can duplicate on my machine. Otherwise I might be calling you to see where I can get the designs.


  12. Lovely blocks. I love the thought that old jeans can go on 'forever'!

  13. What a great idea, I love the thought of red/green plaids as the alternate square. Do you buy plaid shirts at the thrift store and cut them down?

  14. Hi Wanda,
    Another great idea from you! Using old jeans fabric is something on my to-do list.
    Stay warm, now that the chilly air has arrived!
    Vicky F

  15. Hi Wanda,
    Love the denim/flannel squares. It will be such a substantial quilt. Now I'm going to save some jeans which were destined for the trash! Have you tried laying a bag of frozen peas on your aching hands? I'm finding it helps--that and less handwork of course.

  16. great idea - I have such a lot of jeans I cant fit into neo ;;;and alwasy hoping - would be getter cut up!!


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