
Sunday, October 10, 2010

90 degrees in October!!!

This is all of the sewing that got done yesterday, 6 more little bits 2.5" squares.

It was HOT yesterday.  The family reunion was held in a building at a forest preserve so when the first of the family got there and found out it was cool inside the building, the door stayed shut.  This way we also had very few flies too.  Last year it was a little cooler, the door open, and we swatted flies the whole time.  I think Dad enjoyed himself and his cousin was so thankful that he was there.


  1. oh Wanda, please don't send your heat our way!!!! I hope that you WILL plant yourself a few zinnia rows next year - a few weeks apart. You will love having those bright spots of color far into fall!

  2. Heat this time of year is not normal. I did nothing but cook yesterday and go to Walmart. Grandkids still here and today is meatloaf day. So cooking again. Glad your Father enjoyed himself. Small things make there day. Chris

  3. Wow, you hit 90 degrees!! We stayed in the high 60s. It was a wonderful day. I am glad to hear that your Dad had a good time and that he was able to attend.

  4. Are you sure you're not really living near J'ville? It was warmish during the day here as well. Happy for Dad. Happy you got a couple blocks done, too. :)

  5. it has been a warmer than normal October this week, but I'm glad we are up in the hills and have a lot of shade trees we are 10 degrees cooler than what they have in town.
    Glad the reunion went well.

  6. It's nice to know your Dad enjoyed the day at your family reunion. I attended a large craft show and my mom and I bought 3 pieces of Polish pottery to use as gifts for my brother's wedding.

  7. Glad your Dad enjoyed himself at the reunion. It's been warm here too. Love your little crumb blocks. I made a few yesterday too.

  8. It was warm here too -- although we didn't hit 90. But it was mild enough that we went for a walk at about 6:00 p.m. without jackets or sweaters! Today is more of the same, with a high in the mid 70s.
    Glad you got a little stitching time in and that your dad enjoyed himself.

  9. We were at the beach this weekend and it was warm enough to sit out on the beach. The kids even braved the water. Glad to hear you Dad had a good time.

  10. Hi Wanda,
    glad your outing went well.
    Don't you just wonder when the cold is going to sneak up and "surprise" us after all this summer-like weather? Just seems weird.
    Have fun with your crumbs.
    Vicky F

  11. I had forgotten you were in Northern IL until you used the term "forrest preserve." I hadn't heard that since we left IL in 1976.
    It didn't even get that warm down here in AL, well, it did get up to 89. And that is even warm for down here.

    I remember Halloweens up there that were both warm enough to not have to wear even a sweater and so cold we almost froze while trick or treating.


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