
Saturday, October 9, 2010

A package yesterday..............

Yesterday's package had this book in it.  I haven't seen as much advertisement for this one as there was for the last one.  I think I have all but one of Kaffe's books, and the one that is missing is rare and expensive.
There are a couple really interesting quilts in this book.  They are still using individual templates and I'm trying to figure out a production line method to do the same quilts. 

I worked yesterday afternoon so I didn't get to look at the book until last night.  I was tired after being on my feet and solving problems 2 days in a row at the store so dreaming of new projects was all I wanted to do.  Today is the family reunion so no sewing until late in the day.


  1. I shall be going to the quilt show at Malvern this month , I just love kaffe,s books--cottonreel

  2. Sometimes quilt books can be found online that are gently used. Maybe you can find one in your travels through the net. Chris

  3. Kaffe's books are the greatest! Enjoy your family reunion!

  4. Isn't that book gorgeous? Well, all of them are. Which book are you missing?

  5. have fun at your family reunion! I'm sure you will enjoy looking and using the book.

  6. I surprisingly don't own any of his books although I've flipped through many and checked them out at the library. I do love what he does!

    I must say I was shocked to see that they used templates and gave directions for templates even with a simple 4-patch quilt ~ I really wanted to quickly read the size of the blocks instead of finding and measuring the template. (of course it is easy enough to figure out, but still...) Anyway, I thought it must have been just because it was one of his earlier books. I had no idea they were still doing just templates!

  7. Oh I love his fabrics and books. I won an autographed copy at Quilt Market last year and I almost cried....I was overjoyed.

    I would love to see what you make from his book.


  8. I wasn't even aware there was a new book! I'm going to head to the store to check it out.

  9. This looks like a book that was made exactly for you!

  10. If the book you lack is Passionate Patchwork, email me, and we'll work something out.


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