
Monday, October 11, 2010

Same old thing............

I spent most of the day yesterday straightening up the basement.  I usually leave it until the weekend before the art quilters come, but I have to work on Saturday so I started early.  In the evening I just played with more of the little pieces since they were still spread all over the sewing machine cabinet.  I started bagging the similar sizes when I finished so I think I can put this away for awhile.
My sister in law gave me a bookcase she didn't need any more.  I put it in my dining room.  In my house I don't really call it a 'formal' dining room.  My whole house is pretty casual.  I am going to  move all of the quilting books out of the studio because it is getting crowded in there.  I have lots of books that have been scattered all over the place and now I can have them all in one place.  I have spaced the bottom 2 shelves for the taller books. 


  1. That bookcase will be a wonderful way of organizing all your quilting books. I have many of mine scattered too and really need to consolidate them.

  2. I have all of my quilt books in one place but that is in a bookcase that fits under my quilting frame! I have to sit on the floor to look through them. I wish I had another place - what you have should work out great. I think most of us probably have informal houses - I don't know anyone who has formal rooms!

  3. Excellent - it feels good to be organized occasionally! Love your sewing table!

  4. I have a huge bbokcase full of books and magazines. We moved it this last year and the frame has sagged from to much weight. I got told to get rid of some of it and I just put more on it. Shame on me. I love the quilt blocks this will be a real interesting look when done. Chris

  5. Oh, I hope you enjoy finding and relocating all of your books . . . it may take a while because you'll be tempted to stop and browse through many of them! (at least that's what happened to me when I relocated mine).


  6. Oh how nice, you will be able to invite people to dine in the library!

  7. Oh, what a seductive empty bookcase.

  8. Those blocks are wonderful! And the bookcase will be such a treasure-chest once you put your books in there ;)


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