
Monday, August 16, 2010

Nothing to show............

Here is another view of the green Penstemon.  Beardtongue is the other name for it.  It is pretty at this stage with the tall spires above the blooms.  As it continues blooming up the spire, the bottom blooms start fading.

Our weather changed to lower humidity but it was still pretty warm yesterday.  Last night was a good night to open the windows.  I didn't do any sewing yesterday but did read about a third of a book.  I intended to mow part of my lawn but I was having a lazy day.


  1. Lazy is not bad. I have a lot to do today and wanted to get back to sewing. That will have to go on the back burner. Chris

  2. I agree, lazy isn't bad! You are always on the go and sometimes you just have to stop! Love this photo of the flower!

  3. There will be plenty of dark winter days stopping now to smell and admire the flowers is just fine! Wishing you lots of low humidity days filled with sunshine and cool breezes!

  4. Love your penstemon! Lazy days are good every now and then.

  5. I had a patch of penstemon, white, and loved it. Nit I only have a few flowers. It is being choked out by wild raspberries, which I can't control--especially this summer with no rain and such high humidity.

  6. You deserve a lazy day. I hope you enjoyed it.

  7. Everyone needs a lazy day once in a while. I seem to take them more often than you. I'm in awe at the amount of work you get done. The flower is beautiful. I have so enjoyed your sharing your garden with us this summer!

  8. I think many of us that were raised in the late 40's and onto the 50's had parents that went through the depression. Our parents feared the past and worked hard to keep ahead of it all. They instilled in us to work every day and to take a day off was looked upon negatively. We can now all them restful days and not lazy. What do you think. ☺

    Your Penstemon is lovely .


  9. oop's call not all... ☺

  10. Lazy days are necessary sometimes -- you're always so busy, it must have felt great to have a nice laid-back day like that!
    The flowers are gorgeous! It was horribly humid here yesterday but we had some thunderstorms last night and, while it is still quite warm, the humidity is much lower.

  11. Hi Wanda,
    I'm loving this lower humidity. My favorite type of a summer day!
    Is the penstemon a hummingbird flower?
    Vicky F


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