
Monday, August 2, 2010

Day of rest............

I noticed my sweet potato "blacky" has blooms on it.  I think I had been putting this in pots for 3 years before I ever saw it bloom.

Yesterday I went to church, read 2 newspapers and took a nap.  I got caught up on reading email and some blogs.  Generally I would say I got enough rest to be able to go full steam today. We have our QOV sew in at the quilt shop in Batavia tomorrow so I need to do some last minute prep work getting things ready for people to sew.


  1. Sounds like my day yesterday. Sometimes you just need more of a restful day to rechage.

  2. I haven't had time to comment lately. I caught up on what you have been up to lately and you needed a rest! The log cabin quilts are coming along great and are beautiful! I had the air on all weekend because the humidity was high - the humidity and heat just take the life out of me.

  3. Everyone needs a day off. You cleaned and got a lot of sewing done and had company. You deserve some Me time. Chris

  4. MIL had a blooming sweet potato plant ... her neighbors were amazed by it.

  5. Your day of rest sounds heavenly! Hmmm, the sew-in at a quilt shop sounds pretty good too...! Enjoy!

  6. You have had the sweet potato plant for 3 years? Have you always kept it in a pot? I planted one once outside for the summer and it crawled everywhere.

  7. Good for you. Rest is highly underrated!

  8. What a neat coincidence! I posted about my 'Blackie' too today. I think I saw some flowers a few years ago, but I didn't pay any attention to them at that time. Now I am getting a couple of blooms almost every day. I love this plant! Glad you were able to get some rest. It's a civic holiday for us today. I'm resting a bit too.

  9. I hope you don't mind. I put a link to your post on my Ipomoea post today.

  10. Happy for you... to catch your breath a bit on Sunday.
    Hope it helped jumping into another busy week for you.

    SWEET POTATO... really did you start it from a sweet potato or is is a plant from the nursery that named it sweet potato. ? ? ? As all your plants do, it looks so healthy and those blossoms are sweet too. ☺


  11. A relaxing day is sometimes the best way to recharge for the next week. Is that really a sweet potato plant? The flower is gorgeous!

  12. Funny about the blackie sweet potato vine, isn't it? This is the FIRST year I've seen mine bloom, too. I didn't even know they HAD flowers until I saw it, and I've been growing them for years. :-)


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