
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cooler day for a change......

Yesterday morning started early for me, 4:15 a.m.  My company wanted to be on the road by 5 a.m.  It rained about 4:30 but cleared up so they could pack the car.  It remained cloudy for the majority of the day and didn't get out of the 70's, a real cold wave for a change.  The 90's are coming back Tues. - Thurs.
I saw a few butterflies so I grabbed the camera and got a couple shots.

He didn't want to sit still very long though so I have a little blur as he was folding and unfolding his wings.

Now I am trying to use up all of the pre-cut logs so I have started 16 more blocks.  I doubt that I will sew the 'on point' layout that I showed yesterday so I'll have enough blocks to make a top bigger than the last one.  I have lots of 4.5" logs so maybe I should consider a piano key border and cut all of the other longer leftovers down to that size.


  1. OOH La La can't wait to see the finished quilt. I adore log cabins.


  2. Funny how one quilt leads to another. I have done that. Over cut and had to use them up. Foggy here. The next couple days are going to be bad. Chris

  3. That is one early day! But oh my, those photos of the butterfly are just wonderful! The coneflowers look gorgeous. Can't wait to see your new log cabin quilt!

  4. The butterfly on the coneflower is so pretty. Glad that it has cooled down a bit for you.

  5. Glad you're having cooler weather. Enjoy it while it lasts. :) Your outdoor photography is so pretty, I could almost touch the butterfly!

    And being the Chief Executive Officer of your own quilts allows many such executive decisions, doesn't it!

  6. Your shots of the butterfly are fabulous.
    We had a cool day yesterday too -- amazing how 70 suddenly seems quite cool after weeks and weeks of temps in the 90s!

  7. Enjoyed your photo's of the monarch on the cone heads. Would you believe mine are just beginning to bud ?

    As I write this your temp is 76 but Real Feel is 91 in Sandwich ! That is a big difference, how can that be? Cloud cover and humidity maybe? ? ?


  8. Pretty butterfly and cone flower! Oh, yummy! More log cabin blocks! A piano key border sounds like a good idea.

  9. Great pictures of your flowers and the butterfly. We have had two cooler days but I think we are back in the 90s this week.

  10. I just love the spiral setting. Liz

  11. pretty flowers - you have been busy since I checked in with you.

  12. Love the log blocks in either oreintation. That picture of the butterfly with its wings open is outstanding. I'd bet money you could win a photography award of some kind for that rare and beautiful pic!

  13. I am so happy you are having a cooler day. It was 104 here today. I think that is the hottest I have experienced in AL. And I am ready for it to go away.


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