
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Beautiful weather............

We had a beautiful day, low humidity, and not too hot yesterday.  It sounds like one more and then we're in the broiler again.

I only had time to cut a couple 9.5" squares from large prints but I can see already that it looks better.

I had 2 phone calls from the home health nurse and one from the therapy dept. yesterday for my dad.  I am so happy he got the same nurse that my mother had for over a year. She knows Dad already and she is very concerned about him.  I also ordered a Lifeline system for him which will be installed early next week. 
He twisted his knee, again trying to get out of the chair without lowering the leg rest.  It was not a good day.   I hope we make it through the weekend without too many problems.  None of the regulars work on weekends so I don't know if the ones that work will check on him if he doesn't show up for a meal.


  1. Not an easy task trying to protect our loved ones. Chris

  2. You are a very caring Daughter and as Chris said "It is not an easy job" very worrying.
    Putting your beautiful blocks together is good theropy for you Wanda.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that your dad is still struggling. The place that he is at, do they offer any upgrades in service where they would go in on more regular basis to check up on him? I know that some places up here offer more services as you need them.

    The addition of the large prints to the top do make a nice difference to the design. Enjoy the nice weather, I know I certainly am planning on it.

  4. Goodness, that would not be good if they don't check on him. I hope all goes well too. We had a great day too yesterday and another one on tap for today. That is good because we are having a picnic today!

  5. The path you are on is so very difficult. I wish that you have the strength and love every day to make it the best it can be for both of you.

  6. We are going to have it cooler today in Michigan
    also, thank goodness. Hope that everything
    goes well with your Dad.

  7. What a difference those larger blocks make. Always enjoy what you come up with next.

    I always felt so sorry for my parents with their health struggles, and felt so helpless not being able to make them better. I know our emotions take its tole on us as well. Just know you are in my thoughts.


  8. It is very difficult being an elderly person's caretaker.

    I am thinking of you and your dad and hoping things will go well for both of you.

  9. I really like the addition of those large print blocks. Hope all goes well with your Dad this weekend. It is not easy having the responsibilty for an elderly parent's care, yet having to rely on others to assist him on a day to day basis. Enjoy the cool weather. I hear it is going to get sticky again next week.

  10. I recognize and love so many of your beautiful fabrics-such fun. You cheer me up. The colors are great.

  11. Enjoy seeing your version of Kaffe's yellow quilt. I am making it too, but in purples, rust, black, beige & blueish types, so it's fun to see how your looks and your fabulous fabrics. Thanks for sharing it!


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