
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Zooming along, until.................

I was having a really relaxing day, sewing the triangles into squares.

I started in the center because it was easier to keep track of where I was.

As I took them out and sewed them into squares I transferred them to a different design wall.  I could just glance back at this and figure out where the pieces that I just sewed were supposed to go.

I was making good progress...........

and even losing track of time I was enjoying this so much.  And then the phone rang.  It was Dad.  He said he had a nosebleed and had to go to the emergency room.  I went right over and could tell it wasn't a bad one and we could take care of it but he wanted to go to the ER.  An hour and a half later we were picking up burgers to take back to his apt. since he had missed his evening meal (and I hadn't eaten either).

I finished sewing blocks when I got home and then started sewing rows.  I was exhausted from the stress (of the ER) so I stopped after 4 rows.  I can't sew the rows together until I add more to the ends of the rows since I need it to be bigger.

In case anybody out there doesn't know what Bindweed looks like, here it is wrapped around one of the tiger lily plants (center of picture).

Here is another view where you can see the ends of the vine reaching out trying to find something else to hook onto.  I will go out today and snip it with scissors and start unwrapping it.


  1. Looks like you made some decent progress. Sorry to hear about your Father. I plan on getting beans picked and getting back to my sewing today. Hope today is better. Chris

  2. Sorry to hear about your Dad. Glad it wasn't too serious. Your triangles are looking great. Isn't it wonderful to just lose yourself in sewing. I saw some bindweed yesterday. It was growing on a fence by the side of the road and it was covered in white morning glories. I thought it looked very pretty when it is not growing in my garden.

  3. Thanks for the picture of the bindweed. I have that growing in my yard and keep trying to kill it. It laughed at the RoundUp for brush and tough weeds.

    The triangles are looking good.

    I am glad your Dad was okay.

  4. With the ER and the bindweed, I am so glad you had some sewing time to keep your sanity! Hope you (and your dad) have a better day today!

  5. that bindweed is the BANE of my existence!!! I rip it out at the bottom and give it a day and then start the gentle act of unwinding.
    I'm glad that your dad is ok - thank God he has you so nearby. Take care of yourself Wanda - don't forget to do that!!!
    LOVE the block!!!!

  6. Your day certainly was filled. With all the progress you made on the quilt, I am just happy to hear that you were able to sit down and enjoy a burger with your dad. Glad all is okay. I can see why the Bindweed can be a real problem. I don't think that is the one that we have. Ours has smaller leaves and is prickly. Can you use weed killer on it to get to the long roots?

  7. WOW what a day. I'm glad that you only had to spend 1 1/2 hours at the ER. Up here if it's not a dire emergency you are usually stuck with at least a 4 hour wait in the ER.

    Glad to hear that your dad is OK and that you did get some time in for yourself. Take care.

  8. I feel your frustration with bindweed. I vowed to rid our farm yard of the pest this summer and had already sprayed it 2 times when I broke my ankle. Don't think my husband has had time to keep up my vigilance so will have to start again next summer. It is pretty pesky to kill for sure.

  9. Your a good daughter indeed!!! Hope he will be okay!
    Your work is coming out so nice .I can't wait to see it when its done !!

  10. Sending big e-hugs, the urgent care trips with parents is an emotional roller coaster. Hopefully your sewing will sooth those days a bit. While sitting in waiting rooms I'd sketch and plan a new project...that may be why today I have endless boxes of ufo's! ;-) Bindweed, huh? At least it is green...almost pretty in its design...if it wasn't choking out the intended plants! Sending up prayers that you get some smooth days ahead!

  11. Oh I know how those ER visits are. I've taken my mom and my husband's mom many, many times.
    Unwinding that bendweed looks complicated.

  12. You are one busy lady - some days I get tired just thinking about your day.

    Hugs - Marie

  13. Love the triangle's. Hope your Dad and you, have a better day today. Hannah

  14. Taking time to photograph your production on the triangles for the day was a treat to see. Not good to hear... you had to race your Dad to ER.

    And today you probably have already attacked your tiger lily and set it free from the bindweed.

    I am hand stitching that binding on we chatted about. I think it goes as fast hand stitching as if I glued it down, then top stitching it.


  15. Sorry to here about your dad. Glad it wasn't too bad.

    Thank you for the picture, we have bindweed trying to strangle one of our small pines.

  16. Our back deck is about 2 feet off the ground. There is bindweed coming through the gaps in the boards in two different places. Time to go spray under the deck as far as I can reach. Picture it: a woman of a certain age on her belly with a bottle of weed killer in hand spraying weeds one cannot even see except on top of the deck.

  17. Isn't it good that we can store up the goodness of sewing to counteract the badness of the world! It really does help (me anyway) keep things in perspective.
    Glad your Dad is okay. Nosebleeds are scary.

  18. So that is what that WEED is called!...they are everywhere......I pull and pull.... think you have them all....and up some come more. Now I know what to call it when I am out there cussing at the little buggers. LOL

  19. I'm a bit behind in blog reading and just caught up on your last few posts. I always admire your energy and drive to get so much done.
    You have such a wonderful way of making even a simple project as those triangles sewn into HST turn into an artistic quilt for QOV.
    Love your various layouts for the log cabin blocks, and I'm glad the latest incident with your dad wasn't a serious one.

  20. Your blocks look amazing!! The triangles have turned out stunning! Hope dad is feeling better... and i feel like hamburgers!

  21. Wanda, best wishes for your dad! I know how hard it is--and frightening--to get those phone calls. Hang in there, Wanda!

    Mary G.

  22. The quilt top is looking fantastic!

    I'm sorry about your dad's nosebleed, and the trip to ER. Nothing more stressful imo.

    Beautiful flower bed, in spite of the bind weed.

  23. Sorry about your dad's nosebleed... ER's are no fun.

    I love the way that top is coming together. Looks great!

  24. Hi Wanda,
    Nothing like starting your day out with an adrenaline rush! Glad your dad is OK and calmed down.

    I have seen the bindweed running up fence posts but never seen it climbing garden plants (knock on wood it doesn't blow into my garden).

    Hopefully you were able to settle down to a bit of sewing! Take care.
    Vicky F

  25. You made some fabulous progress on that quilt -- it's going to be lovely.
    Time spent at an ER is stressful for everyone! Glad your dad was okay.

  26. Sorry to hear about your Dad. We too ended up at A&E last week, but it was at 3.40 in the morning! DD had tripped in the night going to the loo and cut her head open. Luckily, at that time of night, there was nobody else there, so we were seen straightaway! It's a very stessful place to visit though.


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