
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another layout, another project.............

I made 16 more log cabin blocks yesterday to add to the 10 that I made on Sunday.  I already had my double wall busy with another project so I couldn't transfer these blocks and add the new ones.  I did change the layout on this design wall though.

This is what I started on the double design wall.  One of the ladies in the QOV group had cut triangles with her Accuquilt die cutter.  She just cut a variety from the donated fabric.  This is the center of the new project.

A few more rounds added.............

and some more added.......

This is where I have stopped on it.  I need to sew some of it together so I can estimate the finished size.  If my calcuations are right, I think it will be about 42" square.  I need to get it up to 55" x 65" for a QOV quilt. After I sew this I can transfer it to a single design wall to free up the double one for the log cabin quilt.


  1. The triangle quilt blocks are interesting. I plan on quilting today. Fell i the garden again in the cucumbers and I think machine quilting is the only thing I can do. I wish I had a design wall. Chris

  2. Love the layout of the log cabin quilt, just beautiful. It is nice to see a new quilt growing before your eyes, isn't it?

  3. beautiful work...
    truly inspirational!

  4. I love that layout for the log cabin. Is that what is called a "snail's trail"?

  5. I love that layout for the log cabin. Is that what is called a "snail's trail"?

  6. wow, what you did with them triangles! You've created your own 1-block wonder!

  7. I love what you did with the log cabin layout. It is stunning. The triangles are great are so good with this stuff!!

  8. When you posted on Sunday I saw the start of a spiral. I love that you went with it! Love it!

  9. Clever log cabin layout! Love it! The triangles look like such fun, amazing what nifty designs appear with a few twists/turns! Thank you for a fun blog!

  10. What a fun post today. Really like your log cabin you have going.

    Watching your QOV grow from the center out was like a blossoming flower.


  11. what size are the log cabin blocks?

  12. Love the triangle quilt layout.

  13. Great post Wanda. The spiral setting of that log cabin quilt looks fabulous! Watching the layout of those triangles grow is fascinating!

  14. The triangle quilt is fabulous -- how large are the triangles?
    I love the effect of a spiral you're getting in the log cabin quilt.

  15. love the spiraling out log cabin blocks!The triangle layout just shimmers! Will you be making it more rectangular to get to the correct size? I love watching you build quilts. Thanks for sharing the steps along the way.

  16. Like both,i really LIKE the log cabin.I like your flowers to.Wig.

  17. I really like that setting Wanda. Very nice.

  18. I also don't have enought design wall space. It is a pain trying to work on multiple projects and having to move stuff around. I have a total of 15' x 8' and its always full. I am going to have to put on my thinking cap and figure out where I can add more design wall. I really like the layout of the log cabin piece and the triangle quilt is going to be very interesting!

  19. Both quilts are beautiful! I exceptionally partial to the Log Cabin.

  20. I really like where you're going with both of these quilt designs. They are both going to be knock outs!

  21. I love the layout of your log cabin blocks! The triangles are looking good too.

  22. You continue to amaze me! The triangle quilt is unique and I love the colors s always.

  23. I love the log cabin quilt. and can not wait to see what you do with the triangles.tahnks for sharing,Amy

  24. Hi Wanda,
    Your batik log cabin is shaping up! It's amazing how the fabrics look while sewing them, then the difference looking at them from afar. Beautiful both ways.

    And don't you dare call yourself "lazy". Your "slacking" day is more than a lot of people do on their busy days!

    Vicky F

  25. Hello Wanda, having looked back over your posts you look as if you have really enjoyed playing around with the log cabin blocks. pattern is fun isn't it?! Will be back to see how it goes!

  26. I love the layout of your half square triangles. I'm sure I've seen this idea before but it never registered how to put this together.


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