
Monday, July 19, 2010

Lazy Sunday

I made 10 more blocks and finished reading book 6 in the "Bones" series.  I can't say I did much more than that.  It was another hot day.

While I watched the 10 p.m. news I sorted through the strips in their boxes and sorted them by darks and lights so I could see what I need to cut for continuing variety.  I have 2 strips of most of them so I also sorted out the single strips.  Just busy work for fingers that don't like to be still.


  1. No idle hands around this blog! I love your batik logs. Because of you and your continual inspirational posts, I've started to cut these strips whenever I can! That way, a rainy day is always a time to piece! Imitation is the purest form of flattery - or so I've read, and I plan to go and get some of these Wanda-inspired plastic baskets too!
    Do you think it will ever be nice summery weather again?

  2. Love the sorting process. That will be perfect for organizing a project to take on my next trip!

  3. I hope to learn a bit about sorting on Wednesday!

  4. I love your Log Cabin batik blocks so hard, I linked to them here

    Scarlett Burroughs
    Quilting Editor, Craft Gossip

  5. This weather is such a challenge that if you find a good book and pat a bit of fabric...that is a good day! Love the log cabin blocks, charmers!

  6. I've finally given in and moved my smaller machine into my one a/c room (my bedroom).

    It's tricky to work in there, but better than not working at all.

    I can't imagine fingers busier than yours. *S*

  7. Busy hands, happy heart! I love your log cabin blocks - and your organized strips! I must get some plastic containers.

  8. Wanda, you are so funny. What you consider "lazy", most of us would consider a productive day!

  9. I think you should change your blog title to:
    Martha Stewart could learn from you.


  10. Made 10 blocks and you still call it a lazy day?? You got lots accomplished!

  11. You know, I just noticed those pencil boxes you're using in the grocery store last week. I've never considered them until I see you using them for your strips. Now I want to buy 5 or 6 of them! LOL

  12. I like the log cabin blocks,I can not wait to see it together.Thanks for sharing,Amy

  13. Ohh beautiful blocks!!! And Wanda, you've got me with those strips. I love strips. Ohhh I love them. They are exactly what you say. Busy work for fingers that don't like to be still. This, this I understand and am proud to be a member of that club.

  14. The blocks look awesome! Also great series of books! I have only read three but they are on my must read list.

  15. What size are the logs you're cutting? Do you only store batiks this way? Could you consider showing us a pic of your sewing room and the storage? I'd love to learn from you. BTW, IF it weren't picked up, I'm sure not one person would care/ We are sponges to your organization. Thanks so much, your loyal fan, hilary


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