
Thursday, July 22, 2010

When I started making the log cabin blocks I made 2 alike, or almost alike.  Since I have decided to make 2 or more log cabin quilts I decided to break them into 2 groups now and then continue making blocks.
There are a few blocks that are one of a kind too so I ended up with 26 in one group and 36 in the other.  I need at least 54 blocks for the first quilt so I'll just continue making blocks.  I'm having fun!

A butterfly on the butterfly weed!! How exciting, especially since there were hardly any butterflies last year.

It flew over to the milkweed before it took off for the back yard.

There are milkweed pods where the flower cluster was earlier this summer.  The rudbeckia is blooming in the background.  Now if we would just get some rain I could pull some weeds.


  1. Your log cabin blocks are looking great. I love that block.

  2. What beautiful blocks. The butterfly photos are crisp and wonderful too.

  3. Your design walls are just wonderful and BIG!! Love them!! Don't you just enjoy watching the butterflies. They are truly beautiful!

  4. I had a butterfly on the bush out front but the camera battery was DEAD. I was gonna do a "wanda-ful_ butterfly post. Maybe another day.

  5. The blocks are coming along great! It is alway fun to hang them on a design wall so you can really see how much you have accomplished.

  6. I goe worn out just looking at all the things you do. Lovely work and great pictures of the garden.

  7. I've never made a log cabin quilt, but looking at your's, I think I might. Hannah

  8. I love your design walls! wish I had room for something like that. I love the blocks.

  9. The blocks are coming along great! That's a perfect project to get through the heat of summer.

  10. Wanda! Grrrreat blocks. They have a nice, glacier feel to them. Oh and look at that wunnerful butterfly. That's something that makes a girl happy!

  11. The log cabin blocks look fabulous! I should do that with my stash of Balis.

    Love the pretty butterfly. Is it a Monarch?

  12. What a great display of your log cabin blocks. Your 'gallery' design walls give us a quite a show.

    The Monarch butterfly has not made it's appearance here in our area yet. I anxiously wait for them as they are one of my favorites. But I have many Swallowtails in my garden daily. Our spring was so long and cool it has thrown all of nature off balance this year. Local paper even ran an article about why we have not had as many mosquitos this year. Well ~ they are just late. Rats!!!


  13. How neat to work on two very similar, yet quite different quilts at the very same time. Your blocks are so pretty! As are your outdoor photos.

  14. Love your design walls. Wish I had room for those. I am enjoying your progress on the log cabin blocks. Your Monarch butterfly is beautiful. I have not seen any in my backyard, but when I was weeding, I left a milkweed plant just in case they come and want to lay some eggs.

  15. Those blocks are so pretty -- it's going to be a stunning pair of quilts!
    Love the butterfly pictures. We keep seeing a very bright yellow one on the roof garden but so far haven't been able to get a photo.

  16. Great Log Cabin will make 2 stunning quilts.

  17. The log cabin blocks are looking great. I'm looking forward to seeing which arrangement you choose for them.


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