
Friday, July 23, 2010

Progress, pictures tomorrow

I got a lot done yesterday but nothing ready to take pictures of so instead here is a picture of some of my new Kaffe Fassett fabrics. 
I only have a few inches of binding left to hand stitch on "Chocolate and Caramel", I have 16 log cabin blocks 2/3 done.  I got the rest of the binding sewn on the quilt I quilted last week.  This hot weather gives me a lot of 'inside time'.  Tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest day.

I saw this butterfly last week but by the time I got the camera it was gone.  Yesterday it posed for me.

I didn't get a full wing spread picture.

The goldenrod is just getting ready to bloom by the Rose of Sharon.


  1. The pencils fabric is one of my newest favorites of Kaffes! The butterfly is beautiful on the cone flowers. Sadly, my cone flowers have been eaten by the deer this year. I think that they have really been foraging for food as it has been unexpectedly dry here this year. My rose of sharon is blooming now too. The same color as yours and just lovely.

  2. Fabrics are really upbeat with the colors and design. Can't wait to see what you do with them. Chris

  3. Wanda, that is just like the butterfly I saw that I didn't get a picture of.

  4. Love the new Kaffe fabrics. My local shop just got in some new ones, and I plan to add to my stash soon!

  5. Love those fabrics! Great photos! Great blog!

  6. Wanda, where do you shop the most for you Kaffe fabrics? Online? I'm restricted out here in the boonies so I'm always looking online for inspiration. Your blog is amazing and it starts my day. It's mind boggling how much you get accomplished. I have way too many outside distractions to get any measurable work done except on my day off. I look forward to retirement so I can indulge more.Hilary

  7. Wanda - send the cooler weather our way - we could use it. Next 7 day forecast is 98 and up (with high humidity, of course).

    Hugs - Marie

  8. Can't get enough of Rose of Sharon and other hibiscus. Just beautiful. Falling in love with your log cabin blocks.

  9. The Kaffe Fassett are goregeous and I can not wait to see your Chocolate and Caramel finished!

  10. That butterfly is a Swallowtail... Her/his cousin is the one that is visiting my gardens.

    Just love your new Kaffe Fassett prints.

    I did finish the hand stitching the binding on a King quilt. WHEW ~ ~ ~ and I only do that size once in a blue moon. I love the way you showed us how you apply your bindings. I used the method and it worked like a charm.

    As always your photo's brighten my day.


  11. Glad your dad is okay....

    I love the pics of the butterflies! You have a beautiful butterfly garden


  12. Love the Kaffe Fasset fabrics. Beautiful flowers with the butterfly flittering around.

  13. Love the new fabrics. Also love the Caramel Chcolate quilt.
    Such nice pics of the butterly, & flowers.


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