
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another hot day to stay inside.........

I finished the binding on "Chocolate and Caramel" but I couldn't get a true color picture of it in the basement last night.  I will wait until I bring 2 design walls upstairs for a natural light photo.  Meanwhile this photo of it folded will have to do.

I got one long side hand sewn on the second quilt binding.

I also finished the 16 log cabin blocks and need just 4 more for the first quilt.

We finally got some rain yesterday.  I haven't checked the rain gauge yet so I don't know how much.  It is our first decent rain in a couple weeks.  The only good thing about that is that the grass hasn't needed mowing.

Several people lately have asked me questions, and even though they have Google accounts, their email is not enabled.  The way to do it is to go to Edit Profile, put a checkmark in front of Show my Email Address and then scroll down and SAVE.  Or as an alternative I also have an email link on the right side of my blog page and and email link on my Profile page, so if you really want an answer, you can email me directly.


  1. It looks just beautiful!! We also got sorely needed rain, but also haven't had to mow the lawn. I guess there are some advantages to no rain.

  2. It's supposed to be 104 today so I am expecting to do a lot of sewing!

  3. I do feel for all of you suffering int the heat as I know I would be having the same sort of weather if I was at home. But here in Idaho were we are for this week it was 41 degrees when we woke up! It is to get up to 88 by late afternoon but again will drop in the 40's at night. The heat is so dry it isn't near as bad as when you add the humidity in.

  4. I do a double take every time you show your "Chocolate and Caramel" quilt. I used many of those same fabrics in "James' Jungle" quilt years ago. It doesn't look like your usual color palette.

    Glad to see you accomplishing so much during this heat. It just makes me sleepy.

  5. I love Chocolate and Caramel (your quilt AND the real stuff!).

  6. Oooooh, the Chocolate and Caramel looks delicious! Can't wait to see the whole thing in all its glory. That other one is looking mighty good, too. And staying inside is surely not a bad thing when it's so hot outside. Thank God for air conditioning!

  7. Love the title. Makes me hungry just looking at it.

  8. it's just damn yummy, and that's all there is to it!!!! Stay inside and be cool.

  9. Oh how good it feels to finish a project. And you have inspired me to start and complete a project in good time.


  10. I agree with Laura makes me hungry too! It's beautiful. The next one is looking good too.

    Sorry to hear it's so hot there. We're having another heat wave too. It was 84 today and expected to be 85 tomorrow and 87 on Monday. Ugh. Wish I had A/C! I don't think I'll be as productive in the heat as you are.


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