
Friday, June 18, 2010

No sewing again

I decided I should pull weeds after I got home from my haircut instead of sewing.  The humidity level is supposed to increase dramatically today and even higher temperatures so I knew I wouldn't want to be out working hard today.  I did search for the next 2 fabrics I will use so now I can cut the 2 sets at the same time.  I went to computer club last night and the program was about Windows 7 so I learned a couple new things I can do on my laptop.


  1. Oh those pesky weeds. Mine are taking over the garden. I think this fall the Roundup is coming out to visit them. The quilting project will go better today because you will have to be inside due to the heat and humidity. Chris

  2. Wow, you aren't getting in much sewing these days. It seems like summer does have us a little busier than normal. That is a good thing. Love the fabric choices.

  3. it sounds like this horrible heat has traveled north to y'all also. It is in the 90's here almost all the time lately and only cools off to 76 at night!

  4. The weeds are bad in my garden too after all this rain. If our weather is any indication, brace yourself for high heat and humidity. It was terrible here yesterday.

  5. I with you on the weeds. I plan on getting up very early Saturday morning while it is still cool and pull as many as I can before the sun swings around to the front and it gets too hot. Love the combo of the two fabrics!

  6. Weeding is on the top of my list for next week. Unfortunately when you have a garden you have weeds!!

  7. Does not matter if you sew or not. As long as you keep showing us a photo or two. ☺ And keep us in 'your loop'. Great fabrics today.


  8. I need a class like that! Windows 7 is driving me nuts.

  9. What a visual treat it's been to check in on you and see your latest pairing of fabrics. You seem to have gardening on your mind both in the yard and in the studio.

  10. You were smart to weed before our steamy weekend! Just wondering, is your computer group through a park district or ? Always good to learn more! Always love seeing what you are up to, love the triangles quilt! Take care!

  11. a woman after my own heart - weed early and retreat to the A/C when the heat and humidity levels rise!

  12. I just love your fabric pairings. And I understand and completely agree about staying out of the heat and humidity! Good luck with those pesky weeds; I am way overdue on some pruning, myself.

  13. Your quilt is going to be so beautiful -- I love the fabrics you're choosing.
    The heat has started here and tomorrow is supposed to be unbearably humid.

  14. Hi Wanda
    As always, love your fabric pairings. Is this quilt just going to end when it ends, or do you have a size in mind?

    Hope you survived those nasty storms that came through!
    Vicky F

  15. Ooh, nice choices.

  16. Are there any computer tidbits you can share? That would make life easier. I just got windows7 and there aren't any classes around here. Why don't they just leave well enough alone. I loved XP. They will never find one that good again. Hilary

  17. I'm also wondering if you can't share some of your Win 7 tidbits. I loved XP and had no problems with Vista but with every new computer I get to figure out what's going on. Fun !?!


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