
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Errand day again

The closest I got to fabric was to choose the 2 pieces for the next 3 blocks.  It was errand day.  I started out by getting the oil changed in my car, then a long list of places to stop.  I met my new neighbor and her young and fit brother finished mowing my grass for me.  Late in the afternoon a friend came over to get some hostas from me and to thank me, she pulled weeds in the back shade garden for about 40 minutes.  Now that was a trade I liked.  I pulled some too until the mosquitoes started in on me.  When I got from Dad's last night I pulled some more weeds in the front garden.  I am a fair weather gardener and so far we have had heat and rain alternating every day that I was free to be outside. 


  1. How nice to have a nice fit young man come and mow for you. You also did well with the free weeding. Good on Ya!!

  2. Love those fabrics! Nice to have a someone come and mow the lawn and pull weeds. Are you still digging hostas up and transplanting them. I have a few I would like to divide, but I thought it was too late in the year for that.

  3. nice colors - so soothing, cool colors for this hot weather!

  4. Love the jewel toned fabric choices! So glad you had someone who helped you mow and weed. Right now my hubby is in charge of that, as I just can't seem to get outside to take care of it.

  5. Hate the busy days running, but the help you got was nice. The fabric is an unusual look, but it is pleasing to the eye. I think it will work well together. Chris

  6. I like these two fabrics together, the bottom one looks like it's 'clear' on top of the print.

  7. I don't know how long I've had it, but I have that top fabric in 2 color ways. It's always been one of my favorites and, it's possible, that I don't have it anymore!

  8. always nice to have an offer of someone cutting your grass for you and pulling grass.

  9. Love those fabric choices. I have a flower bed that is full of quack grass but it has been so wet that I haven't been able to get much weeding done. That's my excuse anyway. I need a friend like you have.

  10. I'm a fair weather gardener also, and because of that wild strawberries have taken over my garden. Yikes!
    Nice to have help to mow the lawn.

  11. Love those two fabrics !

    We woke up to snow in the mountains this morning ! YUP... not unusual for us mountain folk, but we are ready for some sunshine. We feel like we are living in Seattle this spring. Cool rainy days for weeks. I am jealous of your heat.


  12. This is my favorite combo so far. How fun to pair as you go. How large are the squares and how much fabric do you need of each? With your lovely stash it's probably easy!

  13. great choice of fabrics, they will make beautiful blocks.

  14. Those fabrics are gorgeous together! Your quit is going to be so stunning -- I can't wait to see more.
    Nice trades you got worked out with neighbours/friends!!

  15. Fabulous fabrics!

    Good indicator re new neighbor, too.

    Love those kinds of trades ~ the world needs more of those!

  16. Beautiful fabrics. I really like these! It's really hot here all summer long (and most of spring and fall, too), so I just go out for a little while, then come in and rest and do it all again later. It's amazing what you can get done in little bursts. Sort of like those amazing quilt blocks you make. :)

  17. Good luck to you & your neighbour for the garage sale.
    I have been sitting feasting my eyes on your lovely fabrics, and vibrant plants.

  18. You sound like me .... fitting in weeding etc in between rain storms.
    Today it is finally not raining.

    You would not know the maker/name of that top fabric would you? I could use that!

  19. I love the fabrics here! I've been collecting teal/greens for years and finally cut into them. I would love to know the name/mfr of the top fabric. And if I'm ever in your neighborhood I'll pull your weeds in exchange!


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