
Friday, May 7, 2010

I won again!!

Jackie over at Canton Village Quilt Works had a give away last week and I was one of the lucky winners.  The prize was 12 fat quarters of my choice from her shop.  This is what I chose and it arrived yesterday.  Thanks Jackie! 

Check out her online shop for good prices and several brands of fabrics.  You can see from my selection that she carries the Westminster fabrics designed by Kaffe Fassett, Brandon Mabley, Philip Jacobs and Martha Negley.

By the way I found the missing ruler.  I rarely look up, just down at tables and ruler racks, etc.  I found it up on top of something at about my eye level.  Picture a clear ruler at eye level.  No wonder I didn't see it.


  1. What gorgeous fabric. Will check out her on line shop.

  2. If I ever win "my choice" I am going to get you to pick it out for me!

  3. Congrats on the win, Wanda! I saw your name on her site and got excited for you. Wonderful fabric choices!

  4. Congrats Wanda! Great fabric choices.

  5. I was wondering about the ruler last night. Glad you found it. I never win anything envious of your luck. Chris

  6. Lucky! I've ordered a couple times from her. She ships fast. Hannah

  7. So glad you received them!! They look terrific in your photo. I am looking forward to seeing what project you will add them to in the future. Thank you for the kind words! So glad you found the ruler. Things like that are always happening to me. One thing I always tell my kids if they are looking for something is... "It is probably still in the last place that you left it." That statement usually always proves true for them and me!

  8. i see some pretty (and some of my favorite) Kaffe's in your winnings! perfect for your style.

  9. Congrats to you!

    Don't you just love the way Jackie folds the fabrics she sends?

  10. I'm so happy you won Jackie's give away Wanda - she has such a great shop for you to shop in!!

  11. Yay for you! Those are beautiful fabrics and just your style.

  12. a 'yummy' win!!! Congrats!

  13. Now... I can hardly wait to see how you will use these new fabrics from Jackie. They are treasures for sure.

    Glad you found your missing ruler... I am still looking for a pair of my favorite scissors that have been missing literally for years. And they are not small ones either.


  14. Congratulations.....loved what you picked.

  15. Love what you chose -- and congratulations on the win!
    I'm always amused when things go missing and then I find them -- in the most obvious spots but just not spots where I tend to look!

  16. Wanda, congrats and I love what you picked. Glad you found your ruler and enjoy your new fabrics.

  17. Wow, you are lucky! it's yummy fabric. Of course you pick the most luscious fabrics.cormi

  18. Nice fabrics! Congratulations.

  19. Congrats Wanda! Great fabrics. Glad you found your ruler.

  20. Beautiful feathered star! I love you fabrics!


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