
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I did some prep work in case I demo this quilt today at the QOV workshop.  Here are the 2 finished blocks to show along with partially finished parts.

Here is my snack to share.  I don't cook, I only bake and make fudge, so fudge it is.  The coordinator said they always need chocolate.  I did a little taste test, and it passed.

I checked to see if the robins had finished building a new nest.  There was an old nest up there for about 3 years and it fell down a year and a half ago.  Last year there were no takers for this safe little spot so I was happy to see some new activity this year.
After I had everything else done last night I started sewing the triangles into squares on this quilt.  I still haven't cut the last few triangles for the edges.  I'm contemplating adding one more row (to the right in this picture).

Now for the frustration of the day: I'm looking for my 6" x 24" ruler with orange lines.  I have looked everywhere and can't imagine where I have hidden it.  After all they are clear plastic so they are easy to overlook.  I need it for a workshop Thursday.


  1. The quilt is so beautiful! And the chocholate looks yummy!

  2. Your fudge looks fabulous! I am definitely a fudge connoisseur. Love tasting and comparing. We had a cardinal's nest in our burning bush this year, but last Wed. it got so windy that the nest went sideways and dropped all 3 eggs. Two were cracked, but one was whole. I did pick up the one and put it back in the nest, but I think that the Momma had abandoned it already. Plus, I don't think they like the scent of humans. At least that is what I heard. I hope you find your ruler. My scissors couldn't be found the other day, so I know the feeling.

  3. Mmmm, the fudge looks good. Wish I was going to be there.

    I completely understand the frustration of losing your ruler. I try to hang mine back on the rack every time, but sometimes I find them in the oddest places.

  4. Wanda, I'm not sure if the quilt looks better than the's a close one, but I think the quilt just beats the fudge to the winning post. (only because I've had my chocolate fix a short time ago.). I love your posts, thank you for sharing.

  5. I found somethings when I cleaned. I guess think like a ruler and figure out where you used it last. I looked for days for my wallet one time and found it in the fridge. Good luck with the adventure finding it. Chris

  6. I know the feeling about the ruler. When I moved the last time I put all of my smaller rulers together in a box so they would be safe from breaking. The only problem I STILL have not come across that box! UGH. I am doing all of my work with my giant 8 X 24
    and 8 X 12 rulers. Mosto f the time that is ok, but lately I have been cutting 1 1/2" squares. :(

    The fudge looks great. You want to share your recipe?

  7. I am always drawn to the fudge, chocolate cookies, chocolate cake - so yes chocolate is always needed :)
    looks like you have been busy.

  8. Can't wait to see your sample today, Wanda, not to mention the fudge!!


  9. Yum, I sure wish you could e-mail me some of that fudge!
    We are waiting for the reture of our Wrens. We've had them for the last three years. Last year we bought them a new home, it looks like a trailer.
    Hope you fing your ruler. Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  10. okay - that fudge looks super scrupmtious (oh, the quilt with the triangles ain't have bad either!!)

  11. What happy wonderful colors. I would always add another row, that's just more to enjoy, but then my quilts are never a real shape either, so don't listen to me. Have you looked in your car for the ruler. Love the robin. You must have lots of love around your home.

  12. Photo of your fudge stopped me in my tracks... It looks absolutely delicious.

    As always I enjoy seeing your work in progress.

    It really is spring to see birds nesting. I have seen their nests but have not seen the birds sitting yet. Our spring has been colder than our winter! High winds and cold rain and snow in the mountains. I am anxious to see if the Humming birds show up on Mothers Day. They are still predicting cold temps for the next couple weeks.


  13. Oh, that fudge looks delicious!!
    And your triangle quilt is going to be stunning!

  14. The Quilt is looking great. The Fudge is looking awesome. It reminds me of my stay in the US. Would you mind sharing the recipe with me. I would love to try making some.


  15. I could seriously jump through the monitor and gobble up that fudge!

  16. Okay Wanda, you have flung a serious fudge craving on me! Must resist....
    Your triangels quilt is so beautiful. I just never get tired of looking at it. You have a special "eye" for putting those fabrics together!

  17. A piece of blue masking tape on clear rulers helps me find them easier. Otherwise they just disappear.

  18. While you look for your ruler, can you help find the small circle template in bright blue acrylic? Geez, I'm the only one who lives here, aside from the cat and dog. How I lost this is beyond me!

  19. I'm not sure which looks more delicious, the fudge or the triangles. Sorry about your ruler. I can never find mine either!

  20. OR you could have set something on TOP of the ruler... when this sort of thing happens to me, I "call" for it, then I try to forget about it. Usually I'll be drawn to what seems to be a completely unrelated task, and then I come across my lost item. It's like magic! It almost always works, except for the time I lost my car keys. That was more than five years ago. I now have a different car. Never did find those keys! So it doesn't ALWAYS work.

    p.s. I am attracted to the fudge....

  21. I'll trade you my ruler for fudge.

  22. The triangles into squares are so pretty Wanda! And that photo of the fudge made me drool!!!!

  23. Yummy quilts and fudge! That's a good day's work - enjoy...

  24. Your fudge looks delicious as well as your quilt. Love the bright colors.

  25. I always sample what I share as well. The fudge looks so good. Love the triangles, the colors are so inspiring. I've joined a swap for Kaffe fabric squares. Mine are ready to mail out today. I'm hoping to find more Kaffe swaps to join. Thanks for motivating me with your blog pictures.


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