
Friday, February 19, 2010

Workmen gone, life back to normal

My daughter emailed me pictures of a quilt I gave her about 15 years ago.  I didn't have any digital photos of it.  The background fabric was dyed by Laura Wasilowski and the applique fabric was dyed by Melody Johnson.  It is hard to capture the true look of the dyed fabric so the pictures are a little brighter than the actual wallhanging.

I free hand cut stylized heart shapes and started playing with the fabric in a hoop, the feed dogs dropped, and black thread on the machine.  I started making flowers first and then the butterfly.
The narrow border is fabric by Mickey Lawler/Skydyes.
After I decided I needed 9 blocks I made the 2 leaves.  This is one of my favorite quilts that I have ever made.  It was one of those playtime, in a zone, losing track of time days.

The gas company guys came and dug a big hole to get down to the shut off at the edge of my property.

This picture below is when he hit the paver blocks that surround my little flowerbed with his trench digger, Ooops!  Well what did they expect when they come with snow covering up everything, LOL.  If I had known they were going to do that I could have warned him.
While they were working I took some good pictures of a lot of my small wallhangings.  The sun was shining so the light coming in my east picture window was perfect lighting for photos.  I created a couple more "pages" listed at the top of the sidebar on the right side of my blog.

I started over with the triangles on my double wall, now back in place after they got the gas meter out.  I did some more cutting but I have a long way to go.


  1. The Hand dyed fabric quilt is wonderful! I'm wanting to make something from the hand dyes that I've collected over time. Nice inpsiration.

  2. The hand dyes are beautiful...the old saying "less is more" certainly applies here. It's a great piece to just gaze at and appreciate all the elements. Lynne

  3. Isn't it funny how some of our older quilts really hold a special place in our hearts? This one is really beautiful. I love the hand dyes. So glad your gas meter day is over and was a success.

  4. Your daughter's quilt is terrific. I love hand dyed fabric.

  5. I love the great usage of the hand dyes. I have some and have been wondering what I would use them for- some may just end up as applique elements.............if I can get over my fear of applique.

  6. absolllutely beautifull. What an eye for color you have.

  7. Wow. Just beautiful.

    Is your design wall on the foam insulation board? Love those triangles and fun to watch this progress.

  8. I have loved reading your blog since I happened upon it. And I love it even more, with the bigger font! My old eyes thank you.

  9. What a simple and richly rewarding quilt. Makes me smile, too.

  10. What a gorgeous quilt and the fact that you used fabrics from friends makes it even more special. Your daughter must be thrilled to have it and Melody and Laura are so proud, I'm sure!

  11. Playing with hand dyes... that is brave, but the results are wonderful. I like the HSTs on the design wall so much too. This is my favorite "simple" quilt design and you are doing such a great job of it. I'm working on triangles of a different sort and hope to load my top into the HQ 16 today.

  12. Fantastic little quilt! Gotta love those hand dyes!

  13. Oh I love the new look on your blog.
    Great job.

    I am with you about letting workmen into the house. Love that now they can read meters in other ways.

    Love this piece from the past and this new one. A lot. Two totally different styles.

  14. Wow Wanda! I love the colors. You always make my fabric look good!

  15. This quilt is just beautiful. I like the fabric, but also the design and the quilting is just great.

  16. Oooh... that's a pretty quilt. Although I never used to really like applique, the more I see the technique used in art quilts the more I like it...especially when embellished with free-motion stitching.

    I need more play time too. Just time to explore new techniques without working on a particular project.

  17. really love that quilt! Such a fun and happy quilt, and amazing that it just happened and wasn't completely planned.

  18. ... like the new blog look and I REALLY like the pages you're creating! Seeing more of your quilts "together" is WONDERFUL!

    Thanks for sharing what you do so well with us!!!!!

  19. wanda,
    thanks so much for adding your pages. i spent a bunch of time just looking at page one! amazing's so nice to have it all in one place.

  20. Thank you for the reminder of the email in profile. I am having difficulty emailing others.....but people are able to email me. It's a Yahoo problem I haven't quite figured out. Thanks for your patience. I'll get it worked out. I am new to this blogging stuff!

  21. I love the butterfly quilt, and the triangle one on your design wall. Both nice antidotes to snow and winter.

  22. I can see why that is your favorite quilt! The free motion stitching is wonderful.

  23. It really is a lovely quilt -- the fabrics and quilting and style all come together just right. It's very different in feel but I also like what's on your design wall right now. I think of you every time I make a color value choice!
    I like the pages you've made and linked to in your side bar. Nice!

  24. This is a beautiful quilt. I am glad all the work is done, and you can get back to the business of having fun quilting!

  25. beautiful flowers and butterflies. Love it, the colors, design, quilting, it just sparkles!

  26. I missed this post and back tracked to find it. Wow, those hand dyed fabrics are FAB! And your machine stitching brought the quilt to life.....Love it!!!!


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