
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two more, getting there slowly

I made 2 more blocks yesterday, the 2 corners in the top row. This may not be the final layout but it is the best with the 10 blocks that are done.This mostly green one is on the design board to sew today. Then I have to analyze the group and see what needs to be in the last block.

I only have one more block to embroider for the ABC quilt that is a store sample. I put the blocks up on a design wall so I can see which colors to use for the remaining patchwork.
I dedicated one cutting table to just this project. It is an old wooden drafting table that I have had in the basement for over 20years. Here are the rest of the fabrics waiting to be cut.
The amaryllis isn't quite open but maybe tomorrow. Someone mentioned that they can be planted outside. Yes, they can, but I just leave them in their pots and put them on the north side of the house for the summer. I bring them in just before the first frost and put the pots in a closed cardboard box in my garage which is about 50 degrees. You need to give them at least 8 weeks rest in the dark according to one set of directions. The key to getting them to bloom again the next year is to fertilize them after they have bloomed and in the summer. I always forget to do that so I'm lucky if I get 2 or 3 of them to rebloom. I know a lady that plants hers outside and fertilizes them faithfully and she says lots of them rebloom the next winter.


  1. I love your green and purple blocks - but then I am inspired by all your work and your use of colour is amazing. What a lucky lady you are to be able to do so much.

  2. The quilt is looking great! The green one is definitely a favorite for me. I think it is the lime green batik that does it for me. I love that alphabet quilt. That has definitely been a time consuming quilt, I bet. Can't wait to see the Amaryllis!

  3. Hello! I see you've been as busy as ever :o) I am working on Figgy Pudding using only my stash-feel good! Anyhoo, love what you are working on, Amie :o)

  4. The lime green reminds me of uranium glass. Kind of magic!

  5. I think I'm in love with your green and purple stars! The alphabet quilt looks interesting too. Thanks for the instructions to get the amarylis to bloom again. In the past I have put some in my cold cellar and about half of them formed another bloom.

  6. Beautiful combination of colors and patterns--such depth!

  7. "Tapestry" is pure joy watching it grow. And your new green star block is so fresh and lively.

    ABC... The embroidery machines will be walking right out the door, when the store owners display this quilt you are working on. I hope everyone enlarged it to see the delightful detail.

    I see you had a day of sunshine...


  8. The tapestry quilt is really going to be beautifully rich! I can't wait to see what you choose for the last block.

  9. Oh my I love your color choices. This is beautiful.


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