
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One block, a little progress

I thought I would get 2 blocks done but one was all that happened. I didn't have 4 matching corner squares cut so I decided to just use 2 fabrics that have the same colors that were already cut.I have 8 blocks done now. I can't see this becoming a huge quilt. I may stop at 12 stars and since they are 12" blocks that won't be a very big quilt, more like a wallhanging.
I found another stack of squares made from this same group of fabric so I made a second star to go with the one from the other day.
It looks like I will have 5 blossoms on this amaryllis stalk. The bud on last year's plant is getting ready to open too.
I made the final three blocks so I can get this class sample sewn together. I will be at the store Thursday teaching a finishing class so I want to have it done by then.
The reference to the pattern for this quilt is here on a previous post.


  1. The light blocks really do add that extra interest that you need for this quilt. Just beautiful! I can't believe that you have 5 buds on the Amaryllis. It is really going to be a beauty when they bloom. Please shows us when that happens.

  2. You must be talking magic words to your Amaryllis!
    Those bright colors of your work are so good to look at in our dull snowy days.

  3. The blocks are really taking shape, it will be pretty no matter how large.

  4. A blogger told me that she puts her amaryllis outside in the ground in the spring AND they come back each year in warm weather. I didn't know they'd do that...did you?

  5. I love how the amaryllis is unfolding. Such beautiful colors! And your quilts are bright and colorful, too. As Eva said, they're fun to look at when it's cold and gray outside.

  6. Love the colours in all the tops you are working on.

    Your amaryllis is beautiful.

  7. The newest block is my favorite in this range Wanda! And love what you are doing for the class at the shop too.

  8. Your blocks are shaping up well. I really like this block!

  9. Hi Wanda, Can't get over that you have 5 blooms on
    your amaryllis!! I have 4. Didn't know you could
    plant them in the spring either. Thanks to whoever commented. jmh

  10. Your Tapestry ~ more Star blocks ~ Amaryllis all brightened my day ! Always a treat to visit with you on your blog.


  11. Wanda, I do like that latest block with the purple points, but. . . the really colorful stars in the middle of your post--I really think those are exciting!

    Mary G. (in icy, snowy, yucky Chicago)

  12. That will look like a rich tapestry piece on the wall. It's so rich it almost looks like velvet!
    The blocks done in the brighter colours are wonderfully cheerful on a grey winter day.
    And, of course, I can't wait to see your amaryllis blooms.

  13. Wanda, I like the block with the purple center the best. The colors all around are deep and rich---cool. I haven't been to keep an amaryllis for more than one season. They are one of my favorite flowers. Wish mine lasted longer. More snow here in WI. It's getting old now.

  14. I love the colors you chose for the blocks! They are great - as are all your quilts.


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