
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 2 celebration

I have some more giveaways, this time for the people who many not be in love with batiks. This first one is the one I mentioned yesterday that probably no one wants. It is 150 - 5" squares of calicoes 1984 and earlier. Every one of them is different making it a charm pack. If you want to be in a drawing for this, mention CHARM PACK in your comment. Oh, there is more, little groups of fabrics that I no longer want. This group below is all 2" wide strips in varying lengths from about 3" to 28". I call this group COUNTRY. Mention that if you want to be in that drawing.
This next group is leftover strips from several projects. These strips are all 1.5" wide and with my 6" ruler in there you can see that some strips are about 5" long, some are full width of the fabric. This is a small assortment that I can mail in a business size envelope. If you want to be in the drawing for this one mention CHRISTMAS.

This last group is the first cut to straighten the fabric so they are crooked width strips varying anywhere from 3/4" to 3" wide. They are great for a string pieced project and they are all FLORAL prints so mention that if you want to be in a drawing for them. The 4 drawings on this page will be at midnight Wed. Dec. 16, Central Standard time, so again there are just 2 days to sign up.
A friend emailed me to see if I wanted a bag of bird seed that she didn't need and when she dropped it off she had a gift for me. It is an orange Christmas cactus. I'm so excited. I can't believe that this little plant has all of those buds when my other plant had to age before it flowered. This plant has huge leaves (is that what you call them?) compared to my other plant and this one has jagged edges. It is going to be fun watching this one bloom too. Thanks Dawn!

Yesterday's giveaway goes until midnight tonight, Central Standard time so you still have time to go back to yesterday's post if you want to enter it.
By the way 2 people who are "Anonymous" told me which they want to win but didn't give me any indication who they are, no initials, no names.
Also I see that a lot of you have Blogger accounts but you are still a no reply blogger because you have not enabled your email (Edit Profile, check mark in front of Show my Email, then SAVE). This will only show the word email on your profile page. This way if you leave a comment there is an email address that comes with the comment to my inbox. I realize some of you might not want any contact with the blog writers and I respect that, but if you would like an email back after you comment you need to enable your email.


  1. OOOh....I would love to be included in your strips give-away Wanda. I have started a pile of strips for a strip quilt for my January project. We need lots of color in the month of January here in Wisconsin. Looks like it's going to be a long winter!!! Thanks.

  2. Hmmm ... I could put that charm pack to use. I love to piece the backs of my quilts to loosen up my creativity.

  3. How fun! Count me in for the COUNTRY strips. They appear to be the fabrics from a little quilt top I bought from you. I'd like to try a braided border.

  4. I would love to get those old-fashioned prints in the charm pack--just received a book on fabric dyeing for Christmas and those prints would be perfect for practicing the techniques!

  5. Yay, another Christmas cactus! You got your wish. Now I expect that we will see a growing/blooming contest happening.

  6. I would love the COUNTRY strips to add to a half log cabin project I am working on! Just had our Christmas Tea at quilt club last night and read a poem about UFOs...I think it is too long to post but we challenged each other to finish one UFO that is weighing on our conscience. We actually had to write it down so that we could keep each other accountable.

  7. NICE>... Put me in for CHARMS and FLORAL...but I prefer CHARMS.

    I find pre-cut squares to be so liberating - I just sit and play.

  8. I don't know if lightening can strike twice, but I'd love to win two days in a row. Put me down for those old-fashioned CHARMS.
    Kathie L from Allentown

  9. Merry Christmas Wanda! I so enjoy your blog - it is the first one I read each day. Please include me in the CHRISTMAS drawing.

  10. Charms would be wonderful. Thanks.

  11. I know exactly what I would do with either the Charm pack or the country but would really love the Charm pack.

  12. I think the charm pack would be nice! I have a grouping of 80s fabrics that are waiting to be made into a quilt, and the charm pack would add nicely to it. Thanks for the great inspiration.

  13. I love the CHARM pack fabrics and also the CHRISTMAS strips since I'm collecting 1 1/2" strips for my pineapple project! I wasn't able to read blogs very much yesterday...will go look at that post now.

  14. Looks like you're having fun getting rid of stuff, Wanda! I could use the Country or the Charm pack.

  15. The charm pack could be put to very good use in a charity quilt. Thanks for the chance once again!

  16. I'd love the charm pack or the country strips. How nice of you to have back to back giveaways!
    I almost bought a Christmas cactus yesterday but decided that there was no sense in giving it a slow death.....I just can't make those things thrive! I'm always appreciative when I see a healthy one. Post of picture of those orange flowers when it blooms!

  17. I'd love the Florals!

    An orange Christmas cactus - cool!!


  18. FLORAL please. I've never seen an orange Christmas cactus. Can't wait to see the blooms!

  19. I love reading your blog posts and seeing what you do with color. Since string quilts are one of my favorite quilting techniques, I would really enjoy the floral giveaway.

  20. The charm pack, please; that would be perfect for a baby quilt I'm making for a friend out of partially-finished quilt pieces she inherited from a great-aunt.

  21. Charm Pack, Charm Pack .... great for some lap quilts for the nursing home.


  22. Floral ... I rarely buy flowers so Florals would be an adventure.


  23. FLORALS would be great! I haven't tried crooked much, being a very rigid person. It would be a nice challenge.

  24. I'm trying to log on to Google. I want the strips from yesterday and the charms from 1984(narly!!). Amie

  25. I think the charm pack would make great old-fashioned looking doll quilts! Sign me up! (I really love all the offers....)

  26. I would be interested in the batiks from yesterday.

    Thank you so much for doing this. I so enjoy your use of bold colors and designs. I have not reached that point yet, but I am working on it.

  27. I'd love to win the charm pack. I love those old fashioned prints.

  28. I realize some of you might not want any contact with the blog writers and I respect that, but if you would like an email back after you comment you need to enable your email.

    Never thought of it that way...

    I would put my name in for the CHARM PACK, but I was given the "fabric out, not fabric in" lecture again. I might get a repreive for a "to finish this project" but....

  29. Hi! I'd love the CHRISTMAS pack! I am hoping to have at least one Christmas quilt ready for next year, and I need more variety in my Christmas stash!

    I have a sad cactus that is trying to survive after a frosty night in the solarium; half of it is lost, but I am hoping the other half will survive!

  30. I would love those Wandaful Christmas strips!

  31. I would love to win either the CHARM PACK or COUNTRY. Thank you for the opportunity. Jackie. Email:

  32. I would love either the Charm Pack or Country. Please enter me in those drawings! That orange cactus looks interesting - looking forward to its progress!

  33. I love, love, love them all! The charm pack, country, Christmas and floral all give me some great ideas!

  34. They all look nice but I would like to put my entry in for the charm pack.

    You will be very happy when the orange Christmas cactus blooms. That color is very dramatic. I have Christmas cactus in pink, orange, white (with a pink streak)and red. I have also seen one in yellow with deep peach streaks but it wasn't for sale.

  35. Great fabric giveaway. I'd love to have my name thrown in for the FLORAL and CHARM groups. Thank you.

  36. I can't wait to see how that Christmas cactus does -- and its blooms!
    Please throw my name in the hat for the Christmas strips. Those could easily be incorporated into the Christmas quilt I am oh so slowly making.

  37. When I look at these fabrics, I know I have had many of them in my stash --- so, why not add more? Hard to make a choice, but I will choose the COUNTRY. I learn a lot by reading your blog and get much inspiration. Thank you!

  38. CHRISTMAS would be lovely. I made a quilt for my granddaughter with the strip method and she takes it everywhere.

  39. I'd be thrilled to win any of the items, but the CHARMS, COUNTRY, or STRIPS would be especially wonderful to receive. My Christmas cacti are just finishing their bloom. I'll bet yours is going to be lovely.

  40. dmhanson315@yahoo.comDecember 15, 2009 at 8:59 AM

    Floral, please.

    Dawn H.

  41. Wanda The charm pack would be lovely as I am starting a "Dear Jane and I think they would be suitable.
    Lovely to see your friend gave you another catus.Now you are starting to get a little collection.There are many more colours!!!

  42. Wandaful giveaways! Great way to clear out some things you no longer want and make others happy in the process! Please put me down for the Charm Pack! I would love to win those.

  43. I'm not commenting to be put in any one of the give aways.
    But seeing them is a trip down memory lane for me as I have/had a lot of those same fabrics - even the pre 1984 ones!

  44. I have a salmon Cactus like that. So beautiful. I would love to make a spring quilt for my Mother. Your FLORAL strips would give me a wonderful head start and perhaps some inspiration. Whoever may win any one of these gifts will feel special to have something from you. You're sweet to do this. Good luck everyone!

  45. I would actually love to win those 80's calicos in the CHARM PACK, very retro and very fun.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  46. I have made some runners using Christmas strings with Christmas ribbon stitched over random seams. One sold for $55 at a silent auction. So I would enjoy the Christmas strips to make another. What a great way to lighten the stash.
    I look forward to the next 999 posts to get you to 2000.
    sally in st. paul

  47. CHRISTMAS give-away, please! I'm wrapping gifts. Had to take a break to come read you!

  48. Hi again. The Christmas strips look really good to me. Thank goodness for fabric weeding out. I do the same and pass them on to my friends in my quilt bee.
    Roberta A.

  49. You're such a CHARMing blogger, Wanda. All of your quilts have such CHARM.

    yes, yes, I'd be CHARMed to win that charm giveaway.

  50. I'd like a chance at the CHARM PACK. Thanks!

  51. I'd LOVE the country, Christmas OR floral strips. Any would come in handy in the making of string quilts and we do LOTS of those for donation quilts in our church group. Thanks again!!

  52. Hard to choose! but....florals. Ilove the Christmas cactus.

  53. I love the Christmas strips and I have been mulling over the idea of doing a Christmas Log Cabin - these would be perfect, especially since they're already 1.5" wide.

  54. FLORAL for my entry please and thank you Wanda . Linda Morris in BC

  55. I'm LOL because you wondered if anyone would want these giveaways! What fun to read these comments!
    (PS I don't need anything right now but time... but I know that cannot be put in a giveaway!)

  56. Please put pictures of the orange plant on your blog when it bloomes. I wouldlike to be in the charm pack drawing. would work for dear Jane blocks.
    Deloris Duff

  57. Make mine country, please. This is fun!!!!

  58. Suppose this sounds selfish, but I would love to win either the charm pack, the Christmas fabrics or the country fabrics. I love to do scrap quilts and log cabin comes to mind.

  59. Oh, that's funny -- I have some of the fabric in your country pack. I'd like to be included in that draw as well as the strings one. Other people's scraps are always fun to play with!

  60. Please enter my name for the CHARM packet. How generous of you!

  61. Please add my name to the Floral collection.

  62. You can add me to charm pack or/and the florals. Neither of these do I have much left in stash and I have a charm quilt that still needs bits.

  63. I would love to be entered in the giveaway for the FLORAL strips. I've been wanting to make something with just floral fabrics and a string quilt sounds like just the ticket. Love that mindless sewing that turns out beautiful results.

    Laura in AZ

  64. You are just too generous! If I win I would like the CHARM pack. Thank you!

  65. Hi Wanda,

    I would like the CHARM pack if I won! All are great, but that one was my favorite. Yesterdays drawing I put in for the strips I think I'm one of the "anonymous" you were talking about yesterday. Sorry my blog is not updated. I have more fun reading everyone elses blog than having my own!:)

    Kay in Kansa

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Please include me in the drawing for ALL your scraps. I am a scrap quilter...frugal I guess. I turn to my scrap bins rather than cut up my large pieces of fabric...maybe it's a sickness LOL. Anyway, I hope I can enter each one? freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

    If I am only able to sign up for one, as you did in yesterday's draw, I'll choose the country one.

  68. Hi you can get some more after your fabric house cleaning...HA!! I'll
    just stick with my entry on your earlier post!!
    I must say...after seeing everyone's Christmas Cactus...I
    want one too!!!

  69. Hi Wanda,
    Hey, I see fabrics I recognize in the first 2 groups!

    I would like my name in the CHRISTMAS bin, please.

    Cool Christmas cactus; my great uncle had a very old peachy orange one that bloomed profusely for a couple months a year.

    Thanks for offering us your "crumbs".
    Vicky F

  70. You know, I did a little Christmas mini for a swap, and made a series of little log cabins for it. Some more Christmas strips to make another mini for my home would be perfect!

    Thanks again, Wanda, for doing this. And congrats again!

  71. Wouldn't the 5" squares make a really nice scrap quilt? I can see it as a charity quilt or the backing for one.

  72. I'd love to have a chance to win the CHARM give away.

  73. Wanda, please include me in the CHARM PACK drawing. Thank you.

  74. Wow, one quilter's discards are another's treasure!
    I love calico fabric, and would be thrilled if I won the charm-pack. And you thought nobody would be interested. May the numbers generator pick the most deserving person to win your fabrics---lots of lotto luck to all of your readers.

  75. Please enter me in the COUNTRY draw. Thank you for your generosity.'

  76. I think these offering groups are awesome - as I can see many others do too! I love the CHARM PACK most of all but would be happy to win any of them!
    Thank you again for being so generous with your fabrics and creative ideas!

  77. HI Wanda,
    You have such beautiful scraps- I wonder if you are surprised how many people were interested in your calicos- I began my collection of 30's fabrics because of the giveaway that you had last year- One never knows what will inspire other quilters.
    I love your Christmas fabrics and your florals- Floral strings would be lots of fun to work with- I have been thinking I should make a new Christmas quilt -

    You know that your fabrics are going to make your winners very happy.

    I think your Christmas cactus is going to be spectacular- I am not sure I have seen an orange one in full bloom.

    Thank you for your generosity and willingness to share with other quilters.
    The quilting world is richer for it.
    Warmest regards,

  78. Please count me in for the COUNTRY! I realy could use it!
    Hugs from Denmark :-)

  79. CHARM PACK PLEASE. I revisited the archive on charm quilts. It's amazing that you have that many different prints. It's even more amazing that you are willing to share your material and expertise with strangers. Thank you for your generosity.

  80. Wanda, your fudge looks delicious. I'm excited for those who won yesterday's draw.

    I am feeling guilty about entering this drawing because I am one of the anonymous ones. I came this close to opening a blogger account, but have not done so. In the past I have put my email under my name when I've commented elsewhere, but have received spam as a result. I'd be thrilled to win the COUNTRY selection. I will work on getting a blogger id.

    Heather S (could be known as hhhssss)

  81. I'd love the charms!!! Thanks for being so giving!

  82. Sign me up for the FLORAL drawing please. It will be spring soon but for now we can just pretend by looking at all the flowers.

  83. I would love to have the CHRISTMAS fabrics or the FLORAL fabrics. Either one would work in some charity string quilts.
    Your blog is on my list of favorites.

  84. Your generosity and love of quilting are unequaled. That's why your visitors are around a quarter of a million on your counters. We always find inspiration and a generous heart in your blog.
    I'm an eclectic gal. I would love to be the winner of any of your giveaways--
    the CHARM pack, or the COUNTRY group, or the CHRISTMAS strips, or the FLORAL cuts.
    Thank you, Wanda!

  85. I would love a chance to win the charm pack. Here in Mexico it is very difficult to come by fabric like this(or any good quality fabric). Thanks for the drawing.

  86. Oh you lovely person! Would love to be in with a chance to win the COUNTRY or CHARM PACK, because you can never have to much fabric (is not what my hubby says :-))

  87. I am so far behind on blog reading that I completely missed the first giveaway. But I've still got time to say I'd love to be a winner of the FLORAL strings. Love your blog!

  88. I don't understand why you would even think no one would want the calico squares! Since I mostly make traditional scrap quilts, I am forever buying charm packs to add to my stash. I think this would be a great prize.

  89. I would love to have a charm pack, or the country strips. Again, thank you for your generosity of heart.

  90. I am so in love with FLORALS so if they found their way my way I would put them to good use. Thanks for the opportunity. My daughter has an orange blooming Christmas cactus. It is just covered with blooms this year. Merry Christmas.


I will reply to all comments WITH A LINK. If you are anonymous or a Blogger account without your email enabled I can not reach you to reply.

There is an EMAIL address on my right sidebar if you have a question and you do not have a link.