
Monday, December 14, 2009

Another finish for December

I had finished the quilting on this one at least a week ago and I got the binding sewn on yesterday. I have posted it on my Wandaful blog (link on right side bar of my blog page) and I talk about the details and have close up pictures of several areas on that blog. I originally had it turned a quarter turn and couldn't decide which end was up. The I put it on the wall this way and decided it was more powerful with the 2 towers of strips on the 2 sides instead of top and bottom. My Christmas cactus is still blooming and has lots more buds.
The flowers are so intricate and I finally have had some success with the Super Macro setting on my camera.
For those of you who read every day, you probably have realized that I continue with the story from the day before a lot of the time. I said yesterday that I would show one of my overflowing batik scrap bags. This bag is mostly long and crooked strips, like the ones I used in the quilt at the top of the page. I have another bag that has chunks instead of strips. I will be making 2 scrap bag giveaways from each of these, so that is 4 total. If you want to win one of these leave a comment that either says strips or chunks so I know which (only one please) that you are interested in. DO NOT advertise this giveaway. It is for my faithful readers. I will be mailing these out after Christmas. Sign up ends Tuesday the 15th at midnight Central Standard time. Yes that is just 2 days for signing up, another reason for reading my blog every day, LOL.Here is a little pile I pulled for myself. This is what it looks like so far. I plan on slicing it up and playing some more with it.

I have another giveaway tomorrow that probably nobody will want but one person is all I need.


  1. What a fabulous picture of the flower! Seeing all those blooms is making me wonder if I could manage to grow one of those and, more importantly, if the cats would leave it alone. The quilt is absolutely gorgeous.
    Your batiks are so amazing -- please enter me in the drawing for the chunks!

  2. Wanda, I start each day with your blog and I'd be delighted to win your STRIPS!

    Word verification: portesca, exuberantly colored pottery from the mushroom district

  3. How nice, I would love the CHUNKS. Thanks for this opportunity.

    Your quilt is beautiful!

  4. I like that you are not using a giveaway as advertisement. I see so much of that. Please sign me up for chunks.

  5. Your newest finish is just gorgeous! I love what you did with the strips so I would say strips for me please!! You have such a wonderful collection of batiks that either would be wonderful. Your Christmas Cactus is looking gorgeous. I just purchased one on Saturday as a gift and it was a slight orangey red, just beautiful.

  6. I love making strata with strips. Sign me up for the STRIPS. I see so many wonderful colors in there. It makes my eyes happy.

  7. I'd love to be gifted with some of your CHUNKS. I also love Christmas cactuses, and yours is lovely. I have one that thinks it is a Thanksgiving cactus, and sometimes an Easter cactus.
    Kathie L from Allentown

  8. Congratulations on the many posts and a wanda-fully successful blog. I would be happy with chunks! Maggie

  9. I am continually amazed at how much you accomplish. I would love to win some of those CHUNKS.

  10. Strips, Strips, strips

    Yours IS one of the blogs I read everyday, helps to get the creative juices flowing. Thanks

  11. Wanda you have a great Christmas cactus. I wish I could grow them in my apartment but this type of cactus just dosen't like the environment, too warm and dry. Now the regular spiny cactus love it.

    Count me in for the strips, the batiks are just so vibrant and rich.

  12. Your batik strip quilts are so pretty, I never tire of looking at them! So I would love some as a start to make my own...

  13. Strips!

    Love the cactus photos. Makes me want to pull out my watercolors.

  14. Oh, wow! I love what you do with batiks and am just starting to collect them mjyself. I would love some strips!

  15. I, too, would love the strips although I'm sure whatever I made would pale in comparison to yours.

  16. I am encouraged by your blog each day. Today I will try the macro setting on my camera for the first time. I choose strips for the contest. Thanks for posting each day. Anna

  17. I love your blog...and would love to win the STRIPS!!!

  18. I covet the strips. I love your post. Missing it one day makes me feel deprived. I've gotten so many ideas from your blog. Thank you for sharing of yourself.

  19. Hi Wanda,
    I love to check out your blog daily. I'd be happy if I won the CHUNKS in your give away.

  20. Oh boy...I'd be thrilled to win either the chunks or strips. I guess chunks would be my first choice. Thanks for always having something to say and something to show on your blog!

  21. I've always been envious of your lovely batiks and would love the chance to own some of your chunks!

    Glad you've asked for this not to be advertised. I hate it when people do that.

  22. Beautiful shot of your cactus bloom. Mine was neglected beyond help this year. Thanks for the chance to win some of your scraps - chunks, please!:)

  23. Exuberant Color is definitely in my Favorites. I'd love to win you scrap strips.

    Nancy in Denver

  24. What a beautiful quilt Wanda! I love batiks too, but I seem to have an awful time of getting them to play nicely together. Like a lot of the others who commented, it is so nice to be able to read a new post from you every morning before I head out to work and while I'm drinking my coffee. I would prefer to sign up for the strips for your give away.

  25. I've subscribed to your blog for a long time...but I'm not sure I've ever commented.

    But a giveaway always gets me out of lurkdom!!

    STRIPS please!!


  26. What a beautfiul finish to this piece. Please enter me for your scrap bag drawing. Strips or Chunks sound fun but I guess strips. Thanks so much for your blog.

  27. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I love the stripes and thanks for the opportunity to win your wonderful giveaway.

  28. Strips! You have inspired me to try out some "playing around" with strips. I saved every scrap piece from this last top I was working on to just sew together and see what I come up with - love what you do with color!

  29. You're one of the first I read every day. Thanks so much for the chance for your gorgeous strips!

  30. Count me in for the STRIPS. I've been intrigued for awhile by the work you do with them and the artistic quilts your create with them. :-)

  31. I read you every day and I would like to win some chunks!

  32. I too love to read your blog each day. I would be very blessed to win your strips.

  33. I would love the stripa. And don't wortry someone will want whatever you give away tomorrow, that is because we all have different ideas and can see different possibilities for stuff.

  34. Oh my! What a decision! Chunks or strips? I think I'll go with chunks, though either would be great.

    My Christmas Cactus is the only plant I can successfully grow. They are beautiful plants.

  35. Well this is a tough decision but I will go with strips! This is the only blog I read EVERY day so again, Thanks. Janet

  36. Strips! I love reading your blog each morning. Yours is the only one I know of that updates each day! You've taught me about color. Amie in Tn. :o)

  37. What a generous give-away! I love that you posted the picture of the little pile and what you did with it. I'm putting my name in the hat for the strips!

  38. No prize for me, but I can't wait to see what you show tomorrow - aka today?

  39. Gadzooks! Look at all those yummy batiks! I am addicted to batiks, so please put my name in the proverbial hat for a chance to win the strips. And now that you have all of us doing those great journal covers........

  40. I enjoy reading your blog each morning-beautiful quilts and photos. Please enter me for strips. Thanks!

  41. I would like to win the strips. I read your blog everyday with my coffee. Thank you. Jackie.

  42. I start each day feasting on your delightful eye candy!! Thank you so much for sharing it all. The latest quilt is indeed lovely. It would be a delight to have a bit of your bits. I chose chunks. I really would like a tour of your workshop!! Where is the book??!! Gail

  43. :) I would love the strips - so much I could do with them. The quilt you finished is wonderful as always and so colorful!

  44. Thanks for offering your scraps - it is a very cool prize! And love your latest finish!

    This is such a difficult decision, but since I want my own string quilt, I'll go with STRIPS.

    Thanks so much!

  45. Love your blog and check it every day! My "Thanksgiving cactus" is still blooming too!!
    I love your latest finished quilt so please, put me in the STRIPS group.

  46. I do read your blog everyday --- tho I don't often comment. The opportunity to win STRIPS is too much to resist!

  47. Hi Wanda, I read your blog each day before heading to work. Wouldn't miss it! I love your photographs,
    and I especially enjoy watching as you design a quilt and navigate the stages of a project. I have learned a lot! Thank you!

    Thanks for offering the giveaway. I choose chunks. Gwen

  48. Strips, should my name be drawn. Love your blog--not just all the beautiful quilts, but your voice.

  49. I choose chunks, Wanda! Thanks for counting me in.

  50. Beautiful Christmas cactus! I love the macro shot! It makes me want to go and experiment with my camera. See? You're always inspiring me! Your batiks are fantastic! I am working on a batik nine patch today. Please enter me for some chunks. Thanks Wanda. I love your blog and read it every day!

  51. I'd love the strips, but could I also have you to come arrange the colors with me????????

    I can see why the tall columns on the sides would make the quilt look taller than having them across the top and bottom.

  52. Your newest quilty finish is another winner!!!....and I am just
    mesmerized by that pile of strippy are sooo generous
    with your leftovers and I would choose the strips please!!
    Here's hoping we will have many
    more years of your inspiration and
    great show and tells!!!

  53. Mine bloomed way back before Thanksgiving ... still need to post photos. It originally belonged to my MIL.

    Well I'm into strips. Thanks.

  54. You're right about the quilt being much more powerful with the towers of strips heading skyward. I like it much better that way!

    Your Christmas cactus looks so very pretty and cheerful, too.

    I would like to sign up for strips. Thank you.

  55. I'm a striper- so sign me up for strips! Merry Christmas

  56. lol, you can count me as one of your faithful, who loves to strip ;-) I love reading you blog.

  57. Love the quilt, as always. Put me down for the strips. Hannah

  58. I love batiks! I think I would choose....chunks!

  59. Ellen in MD mdellenh2o at juno.comDecember 14, 2009 at 9:10 AM

    I am a strips type of person. Love to make strip quilts. And Batik is my favorite color. How can you beat that?

    Wishing you a grand holiday season.

  60. I love the new quilt so would love to have your "strips". Thanks for your inspirations on a daily basis!
    Linda E in AZ

  61. Hi Wanda,

    Giveaways are so exciting. Thanks. Put my name in for chunks.

  62. STRIPS ... how wonderful of you to be giving away some of your BEAUTIFUL stash!

    Congrats on the finish - hope it sells quickly (it should - it is GORGEOUS!)


  63. Thanks for the opportunity for some chunks, but mostly for the inspiration!!

  64. Your quilting activity has encouraged me to try some crazy journal covers.. I would love the strips to continue the fun.


  65. Wanda - what a wonderful give away. Enter me in the Chunks give away please. I do mostly miniatures and use batiks almost exclusively now. Love reading your blog and seeing all the beautiful quilts you produce.

  66. I read your blog every morning... I just love the way you use color and freeform piecing designs!

    Please put me in for... STRIPS!!!

  67. Your blog is a daily breath of color, particularly when the weather is so gloomy. I love to strip, uh, excuse me- I would love to win the batik strips. :)
    Thanks for sharing.
    (no blog)

  68. I would love some chunks! I Love your blog it's a great colorful way to start my morning! Poohbearnjit at yahoo dot com

  69. you have such pretty fabrics! And I prefer strips! Your strip quilts are gorgeous!

  70. I love reading your blog everyday - and those batiks look gorgeous! I'd love to be included in the drawing for the chunks - batiks are wonderful in scrappy applique projects.

  71. Like I've said before, I'm continually AMAZED at all you accomplish on a daily basis! It STILL makes me tired...LOL! I love all your colors & batiks and think I'd like your strips. Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on your blog achievement!

  72. Where did all these readers come from? *L*......well, chunks for me cause I have a lot of my own strips.

    That super macro is really great.

  73. Hi Wanda, Please add me to your chunks list. So nice to see the winter cactus in bloom.

    oh and I changed my email on the blog as you suggested.

  74. Wanda, they're lovely! I'd like to be added to the drawing for the chunks. Thanks!

  75. Strips or chunks! I love looking at what you've been working on every day. I've even started saving my own strips and chunks to make a scap quilt in your image someday.

  76. CHUNKS would be wonderful, please put my name in for that and thank you very much Wanda for the opportunity. My Christmas cactus is blooming away too like yours.
    I love the photo from yesterday of the monarch butterfly , that is a gorgeous picture.
    Linda Morris in BC

  77. Strips please!
    You are a daily (first thing in the morning)read for me. Inspiration is an understatement. May you have 1,000 more posts!
    ~Denise, Lockport, NY

  78. I also read your blog every morning, which I consider one of the rewards of retirement. Your photography is as wonderful as your quilts. I'd like to enter for CHUNKS, please.
    Thanks for all the inspiration.
    Phyllis in Burbank

  79. Quilt: Every strip of fabric is luscious, then to work them into a fabulous design is a work of art.

    You captured the gorgeous beauty of a Christmas catus with your photo's.

    Could not believe how many readers commented so early on a Monday morning.


  80. I have been obsessively reading your site for over a year, and have gotten grand inspiration from you. Thank you so much!!!

    I'd love a chance at the chunks -- I'm inspired to make a quilt like your current favorite, but I'm still in the hoarding phase. :)

    Thank you!!

  81. Strips! Strips! They look fantastic!
    Love the quilt, and the cactus is beautiful!
    Happy 1001!

  82. Love this blog...and would love your leftover chunks, too.

  83. Wow, Wanda... I can't resist batik strips, so please sign me up!

    Wish my Christmas cactus would do as well as yours. Sigh...

  84. i'd love some strips! wonder why my "christmas" cactus only blooms in the early spring. thanks for your generosity!

  85. STRIPS

    Oh would I ever like to win a bunch of your strips. I have drooled over your quilts for ages.

  86. Hi Wanda,
    Please put my name in for CHUNKS. Thank you for the offer!

    It looks like we have twin Christmas cacti. Mine is the same beautiful color, and blooming now, too.

    I'm glad I looked at your Wandaful blog today; I'm going to borrow your buttonhole stitch binding idea due to running out of time to do a couple by hand!

  87. Hi Wanda, I read your blog every single day and I would love to win the strips bag of scraps!

    Denise (the Opossum lady)

  88. I am afraid to see what my pink Christmas cactus looks like, I have been out of town for over 2 weeks and won't get home until end of this week - I left my brother in charge of my cats, plants and house = cats are fine I'm sure, but the plants may not be so lucky!

    Wanda, Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I'd love either, but prefer the strips since I can then just dive into sewing :) You will be making some lucky regulars very happy this holiday season.

  89. I'd love to try a string block with the batik STRIPS. Your fabrics are lovely and I get such inspiration from your blog.

  90. Your cactus is blooming so nicely. My mom used to have one of these in the bathroom and I loved it! No scraps for me, please, I'm in the decluttering mode. but I wanted to post about your beautiful cactus photos and new quilt!

  91. I read your blog every single day! Between the Exuberant Color blog and the Bumble Beans blog, I am always inspired to think outside the box and try something new. Thanks for the inspiration each day.

    I'd love some batik chunks!

  92. I read your blog each day when I arrive at work- a little treat to myself. I also enjoy the stories about your upbringing and plants.

    You have inspired me to separate my batik scraps, and purchase three notebooks to make covers for. I have put the notebooks into the box with the scraps. Unfortunately, they do not seem to be mating; instead keep waiting for me to get to the sewing machine. Some chunks would be fun to add to the basket. (Do you find it amazing that almost 100 people are coveting your scraps?)

    sally in st. paul;

  93. Your blog is the first one I read each day.! Inspiration abounds in your blog!
    I have a Christmas cactus too. Mine is just about ready to bloom. I don't think I get as many blooms as you do, but I still enjoy it.
    I'd like a chance to win the strips. I've been wanting to make a quilt with strips since I've seen yours!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

    Kay in Kansas

  94. Thank you for the opportunity to be in your drawing. I would like the strips if I am so lucky. I enjoy your use of color and have just discovered Kaffe Fassett fabrics last year .
    Thanks Marge

  95. Your blog is a must-read for me every day! You are so productive, and I love all the pictures and explanations. When you post photos showing the many way blocks can be arranged, I learn so much. I love the tutorials and your use of colors and batiks. Even when I can't get to my own machine, I feel like I have had my fabric fix for the day. Many thanks for all you give. I would love to be entered for STRIPS. Claire

  96. Erm, not an easy choice, but CHUNKS win by a thread. Love your quilts and I'm so impressed by your high volume and high quality output of quilts!

  97. I guess I would go with strips. I've been wanting to make a strip quilt but haven't found the time - this could push me over the edge! I have a similar Christmas cactus given to me by my grandmother 35 years ago. It is huge and in full bloom!

  98. I love to visit with a cup of java each day to see what you have posted. I would like you to sign me up for CHUNKS!!! Hugs

  99. Hi Wanda, The cactus bloom photo is beautiful!
    Would I qualify for your giveaway ? ha
    Would love the chunks. jmhbilyze

  100. I've been waiting for you to finish this one! It looks great.

    If I were lucky enough to win I would have to say chunks, definitely chunks. (I'm a little stripped out lately.)

  101. I haven't been reading your blog long (I found it about a month and a half ago) but I do read it every day now! I'd love to sign up for chunks!

  102. Your daily dedication to your art and blog is inspiring. I'd love to receive the chunks!

  103. Strips for me, please. Love your blog.

  104. Beautiful quilt!
    Strips please!

  105. I always love seeing what you do with your batiks.
    strips please!

  106. STRIPS gift from you would make my holiday. I've started a Quilts of Valor and want to learn more from you about color choices. I've asked my family to give me gift cards for quilting supplies. I think my retirement years can be enjoyed by making comfort quilts for various charities.

  107. Lovely quilt....and I would love to have some strips.....or chunks!! LOL

  108. Beautiful quilt! I am so amazed at how quickly you finish the quilts!! I am just adding a comment and am not putting in for the scraps as I have waaayyy to much to do with the ones here at hand!!

  109. Thank you for sharing your scraps, that is very generous. I read your blog each day and love your use of color. I would love to be thrown in for some strips! Thank you again.

  110. I would love to enter for the strips. I have been having computer issues, so am so behind in reading blogs....I have a lot of catching up to do!

  111. Wanda,
    I enjoy reading your blog if not every day every other (depends how busy I am). It is a treat to see all the wonderful colors every time I visit. Thank you. Strips would be my choice if I am chosen. Thank you.

  112. Wanda- Love your blog and quilts. It gives me inspiration for my own quilting. About the 'Christmas' cactus... did you know there is a difference between those that flower at Thanksgiving and those that flower at Christmas? Yours must have genes from both varieties, since it's still blooming, long after Thanksgiving. Thanks for the giveaway; I'd love the chunks if I win.

  113. CHUNKS--I so enjoy your blog. The combination of nature,quilting, a little family for good measure, Twelves. Definitely a place for inspiration.

  114. I love the latest liberated cabin you did. It seems everything you touch with your fabrics turns to gold!
    Hmmmm....strips or chunks- It doesn't matter to me, after all they are batiks! Put me down for chunks.(This question was much harder than do you live in a red state or a blue state, lol!)

  115. I hate leaving a comment when there are 118 before me but I will because I would like some of your strips. Maybe they will make me as creative as you are. ;-)

  116. It's lovely! I would love strips!

  117. I'm always enjoy reading your blog and want to thank you for sharing all your expertise! It is fun to see what you are accomplishing each day - wish i could spend that much time sewing! I share your love of batiks and would love strips, but would chunks would be OK too.
    karen glassford

  118. Oh My Gosh! It does pay to read every day. I so love and admire your quilts. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win a bag of STRIPS! Thank you for being so generous.

  119. Congratulations on your 1000 posts. Enjoying your blog and you are an inspiration, Wanda. I would love chunks.

  120. Wanda: I agree that I appreciate that your giveaway is not advertised for any one-time reader. I have your blog in an automatic feeder so I always know when there is a new entry! I really don't have any batiks in my stash at all, but would really like to expand my horizons. That being said, I could make use of either the CHUNKS or STRIPS with no problem!!!
    I really love all your work!

  121. Well Wanda,
    I do love batiks and someone else's pieces are always more interesting no matter how many beautiful pieces in one's own stash. I would love to win some of your chunks please.

    Your cactus looks fabulous- we have one from last year but I do not think it will bloom any time soon. We also have poinsettias in the house - they were my wedding flowers as my husband and I were married on Boxing Day ( December 26). This year will be our 29th anniversary.

    Congratulations again on writing 1000 posts. I always enjoy our daily visits.
    Warmest regards,

  122. I have the same christmas cactus at my house! Aren't they lovely? Thanks for the giveaway -chunks would be grand.

  123. Wanda your blog provides colorful inspiration to me and makes me smile nearly every day. Thanks for sharing your work! I would love to win some of your batik strips.

  124. Wanda congradulations on your 1000 post. You have been very faithful and I have read each and every one. Your catcus is beautiful. I wish I could have one but I have cats and that is one deadly plant for cats and with a kitten that's into everythink I can't do it but I love them from afar. I would love the chunks. I love the Christmas quilt you just finished.
    Roberta A.

  125. Strips would be lovely - now if I could only turn them into the works of art you do!!!

  126. There's nothing more inspiring than a pile of scraps - especially if they're from someone else! please count me in for the chance to win some chunks!
    I love to see all your colourful quilts and right now have a hankering for a Christmas cactus- I kept one going for many years when I was first married but haven't had one since. May have a browse at the garden centre later.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely work.


  127. I like your daily inspriration.
    Strips preferred please.

    Take care.

  128. I don't have any experience working with batiks, so strips or chunks, either would be a great chance to stretch my thinking!

  129. I would like the strips! I have never used batiks before, though I LOVE the way they look and feel! Thank you for your great insipration.

  130. LOVE your Christmas cactus!!! If the bag of strips has ones that are 1 1/2 inches wide or wider, I'd be interested for the pineapple quilt I'm making. (If they are not that wide, then I'll "pass" and let someone else have them!) Nice of you to do this.

  131. Congrats on your 1000 milestone! I too read your blog through a feeder and am always inspired by all the color in your photos. Please enter me for the drawing of the batik CHUNKS. Here's to 1000 more posts. Thanks, Jane

  132. Congratulations on your 1000th post and I am so pleased I returned from Perth in time to read it and see another beautiful quilt.
    If I was lucky enough to win your giveaway I would love either one.

  133. Beautiful fabrics! Please sign me up for strips.

  134. I think I signed up on the wrong day for the batiks.

  135. I love your blog. You do such lovely creative work. ... And I'd pick the strips. They would make a lovely "String" quilt. --Julia

  136. Oh, I would love strips. I want to try to make one like what is at the beginning of this post. I wish you had online classes. Love your blog.

  137. dmhanson315@yahoo.comDecember 15, 2009 at 9:00 AM

    Strips, please.


    Dawn H.

  138. Wanda - third time is hopefully the charm. I'm trying to post but don't see it after i your blog, brightens my day-daily. CapitolaQuilter

  139. me again - it published-yippy, but oops I left out that i would like strips if i win :)

  140. I would love to be entered to win the strips. They would find a lovely home in my stash and would surely be used.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  141. Wanda, your blog is such an inspiration--sign me up for STRIPS please! I really like your latest batik strip piece.

  142. Wanda - you KNOW how I love your fabric choices! I would be happy for either of the giveaways but since I have to choose - strips, please!

  143. I love your blog Wanda, its the first one I check every day. I discovered your blog on your first blogiversary thru a link and have been reading it since. I don't comment very often, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy what you have to say. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us, it's such an inspiration.
    I would like to be entered in the drawing for the chunks, please. Thank you for the chance and congratulations on 1000 posts.

  144. Oh my! What a great giveaway! I love, love, love batiks! they are my all time favorite fabric! Please sign me up. I would love the strips please. But either one would be great to win. Thank you for being so generous.

  145. I love your blog. And I am so impressed that you can fill it with wonderful work and photos every day. Thank you. And I would like to be included in the drawing for CHUNKS.

  146. I'd love to have the chunks. I would like to try a scrappy batik quilt but don't have enough colors yet. This would be great to win.

  147. Lovely Christmas cactus. mine has never bloomed, so I'm jealous of anyone who can make that happen. I'd like to win the strips, please and thanks.

  148. I love your blog and it is one of the select few that I try to read every day. Batiks are my favorite fabrics and since I have a batik string quilt in progress using my leftover batik strips, I would be very interested in your STRIPS giveaway to add more variety to the mix. Thanks for your the giveaway and your daily inspiration!

    Laura in AZ

  149. Always enjoy your blog - ever so inspiring. The Strips would be great for the string quilts I love to make

    Happy Holidays and thanks for sharing and caring.

  150. I enjoy reading your blog nearly every day but have stayed in lurkdom so far! I'd love some chunks if lucky. You have such a wonderful eye for colour.

  151. Chunks, please... I was one of the email not-enabled people up there... I don't know why it's not working for me when it has been forever. Did blogger change their settings? Because I definitely didn't -- I don't blog on Blogger.

    Anyway. is the way to reach me. Thanks!

  152. You quilt is so eye catching! I love the way the black border makes the other fabrics pop. Thanks for sharing. :o)

  153. Put me in for the strips...I like working with strings. Batiks are beautiful! I should try working with them a little more...

  154. Wanda, your blog is one I read whenever I need some inspiration-that's almost every day! Thanks for sharing what you know and love. You can put my name in the draw for the strips. Thanks. Shari

  155. I enjoy reading your blog. Lots of inspiration, and I love your photos! I covet batiks in any form, but if I have to choose, I choose chunks. I remember my Grandmother's Christmas cactus- huge, ancient, and gnarly in a crusty old pot, but at Christmas it was ablaze with incredible beauty. Thanks for bringing back memories. Janet at

  156. Strips, please.
    Actually, I don't need to win at all. Reading your blog every day is prize enough. :)

  157. I posted yesterday but think I was one of those who had to edit my profile to show my email. I love batiks and would love the chance to win the strips. The Journal covers you make from your scraps are wonderful and those would be perfect. Thanks. Claire

  158. I enjoy your blog so much!!! Please enter me in CHUNKS. Thanks for the chance to win and for the daily inspiration! Suzi

    sjromin at hotmail . com

  159. I guess I'm getting my name in here just under the midnight wire! Please put me in for strips. thanks!

  160. I can't remember if I commented on this one or not. I really like it, I love the way it pulls me in, like I'm going down a corridor. Very very cool effect.


I will reply to all comments WITH A LINK. If you are anonymous or a Blogger account without your email enabled I can not reach you to reply.

There is an EMAIL address on my right sidebar if you have a question and you do not have a link.