
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Post number 1000

I want to share photos of some of my favorite things over the last 2 and a half years and 1000 posts.
This is my favorite nature photo and is the wallpaper on my computer screen.
This nature scene is my second favorite of columbines against the stone on the outside of my house.
This is my favorite finished non traditional quilt. My 2 favorite unfinished are on the right side bar of my blog all of the time. I hope someday they will make it to the finished pile.
This is my favorite finished twin size quilt and it is on the bed next to my computer desk so I get to look at it all the time.
I guess this one probably comes in second in the non traditional finished wallhanging category.
Coming in first place in the finished lap size quilt is this Kaffe and batik one that I call My Happy Quilt. The favorite finished queen size quilt has to be this one that I gave to my daughter this year. Unfinished traditional wallhanging size top honors go to this star quilt which has been my banner picture for most of the time on my blog. This one has to be a close second for favorite unfinished traditional or maybe this is in a category called tradition with a twist.
I will be giving away some bags of scraps in the next couple weeks. I know the batik scraps were the most wanted in my first blogiversary (see sidebar Label list). I have a picture of a small portion of my batik scraps to share tomorrow. I also have 30's repros and kid prints, floral prints, regular prints and if anybody out there wants them, 5" squares of 1980's calicoes. Sign up will be on days that I post the giveaway.
Thank you so much for reading my blog and commenting and supporting my endeavors.


  1. Gorgeous! Just the pick me up I needed for a rainy Sunday Morning spent at work!
    Thank you!


  2. Congratulations, Wanda! Thank you for all the beautiful photos and explanations your wonderful work that you've been sharing for the past 1000 posts. Looking forward to the next 1000! (And, to the giveaway, of course. :):))

  3. Congratulations on 1,000 posts. The pictures in this post are an absolute joy to see.

  4. What a lovely picture show! Hard to choose a fav among these works. The Happy quilt is so fine, it is really like sunshine coming into a room, what a happy feeling.

  5. I"m about to start a pineapple quilt project with a group of gals ....will be starting after Jan. 1....and I need lots of 1 1/2 inch wide scraps in lengths from 2 inches to 6 would be WONDERFUL to get some more. I thought I had lots of scraps but I need more variety than what I currently have, so I'll cross my fingers to be lucky here with your scrap giveaway!!! I love all your quilts, by the way.

  6. This was a perfect Exuberant Color 1000th post. I like every one of your quilts so much. I think my favorite is the very last one that you showed. Looking forward to your next 1000 posts!

  7. I start my day checking your blog Wanda and have never been disappointed. I continually get inspiration from you. Thank you so much for sharing yourself and your talents with us.

  8. Congratulations on your 1000 post! It surely represents how dedicated you are to this daily commitment. Thanks for sharing so many ideas and pictures!

  9. Beautiful!

    I like the way you label your quilts as "finished" and "unfinished". I don't feel so bad about my UFO's when I see others have them too.

  10. Yay, 1000! Here is to 1000 more! Wanda, you know I so enjoy reading your blog, you are such an inspiration. All of your picks for your favorites are beautiful! Your eye for color is just perfect. Looking forward to seeing more favorites being made.

  11. Wow Wanda, what a great overview of your quilts. I feel like I got to go to a trunk show.

    I confess surprise that you have unfinished quilts. I really thought that all of yours were finished. That makes us all feel a little better about the tops we have stashed around.

    Now you KNOW I will be here for the giveaway. I am the king of scrap happy quilts. PLUS your color exuberance is so much like in line with mine that I can't resist.

    Happy 1000!!! May you have many thousand more posts!

  12. Happy 1000! I confess that I can't pick a favorite from the quilts you posted today. I love each and every one and looking at them makes me feel happy.

    Some people have to have that first cup of coffee to get them going in the morning but I just need my Exuberant Color fix to get me going and put a smile on my face.

    Thanks, Wanda, and here's to the next 1000!

  13. Congratulations on an amazing 1,000 post milestone. I have enjoyed your posts practically every day and if I happened to miss a day I go back and read the missed ones the following day.

    I love that you are willing to share your work and that of your students and from time to time provide us with tips. Also your pictures of your garden are always a lovely pick me up.

    I'm sure we all look forward to the next 1,000 posts.

    Again congratulations on a job well done :-).

  14. I love the My Happy Quilt. I love all of the others also but that one I like best. Congrats on reaching 1000 blog post.

  15. And thank you for the eye candy that can always be found on your blog!

  16. Congrats. You are a very loyal blogger. It has taken me 5 years to get anywhere near 1000 posts. I love all of those quilts.

  17. Just like taking a refresher course , getting to see your favorites again.
    This post is a milestone in your life , or you could say another sucess story ! You are inspirational in the way you have honored your commitment to inspire, teach, and show the world your talent.
    Happy 1000 blog, Wanda.

  18. congrats on 1000 posts! fun to see your favorites!

  19. Thank you for the first 1000 and may you post at least 1000 more!!! I've learned so much and enjoy every single post!

  20. Wanda, What an accomplishment! 1000 posts! I have said it before--your work/art has been such an inspiration to me, and your blog is an important part of my day, everyday. Looking foward to another 1000! Congrats!

  21. Happy blogiversary! You awe all of us.

    I don't know how you select favorites from all of your work, but each of these are gorgeous.

    That first favorite photo would make and awesome quilt as far as colors go. Nature gives us perfect palettes.

  22. Congratulations and don't even think about stopping! I enjoy checking in with you every day.

  23. Congratulations on 1000 posts! That is quite an accomplishment! I read your blog every day to see what you are up to. I love it! Your featured quilts are all beautiful and I don't think I would be able to pick a favourite. Here's to 1000 more!

  24. Thank you for blessing us with your posts and for your faithfulness to share your love of color and quilting. I consider you a dear friend even though I've no idea what you look like!

  25. Yea 1,000
    thanks for the flower photos and all your quilts. always a delight.

  26. Congratulations, Wanda, on your 1000 blog posts. I am practically out of breath reading all you are able to accomplish, and how beautiful your quilts are. I just love the photo of the butterfly today. It is like a lovely bouquet of flowers to celebrate your 1000th.
    -Ruth Anne

  27. Congratulations on you 1000th blog -- and thank you for posting all the lovely things you do. The quilts you have chosen for today's occasion aare so gorgeous.

  28. Thank you for a wonderful recap of your favorites!! Wow! I love your work. And I hope you post another 1000 times!!

  29. 1000 posts ! And knowing you ~ you will show us a 1000 more plus. The photo's you selected are as much of a treat to see today as when you posted them the first time.

    And yesterday's post of Christmas quilt is another master piece.


  30. What a wonderful retrospective, Wanda! Congratulations on 1000 colorful and inspiring posts.

  31. I recently discovered your blog and was so inspired that I went back and read everything in the archives. We have so many of life's experiences in common that I feel very connected to you. I appreciate your commitment to your craft--writing, photography, as well as creating and sharing quilts. Please accept 1000 expressions of appreciation. "What we do shall be remembered." Kudos on what you do.

  32. Happy 1000, Wanda!! Time flies when you're having fun, right?

    What gorgeous quilts you make.

  33. Many congratulations, Wanda. You do such amazing work--I love to stop by every day for the smile you bring to my face with your talent and color. Thank you.

  34. Thank you Wanda for a thousand days of beauty ,inspiration and exuberant colour. It is a real joy to visit your blog every morning .Congratulations ! Linda M [BC]

  35. Congratulations on 1000 posts! That is quite a commitment!

  36. Wow! Congrats on your thousand posts!

    And thanks for sharing these pics of your amazing quilts!

  37. Congratulations, and thanks for sharing so many of your lovely quilts. You're an inspiration!

  38. Wanda,
    What an amazing accomplishment- 1000 posts- I am not sure that I have read about anyone else writing 1000 posts. I love coming to visit and seing all the beautiful fabrics and quilts that you create. I have learned many wonderful things about quilting from your posts. I love seeing all the beautiful things that you post from the natural world too.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Warmest regards,

  39. Congratulations, Wanda! This post was a fantastic show of your work - finished and unfinished. Inspiring to say the least! I hope to read many more of your posts in the future.

  40. Wanda, this was really something to see. Thank you for taking the time to pull these all together. I enjoyed looking. Actually, I've been a couple of times. I'm really taken with the work you do!!!

  41. I love reading your blog and greatly enjoy ALL of your quilts, UFO's or not, as well as the photography of your plants and the various animals who hang out in your yard. I hadn't seen that butterfly photo before - it's really gorgeous! Thank you for continuing to do this; it's a great pick-me-up in my day.

  42. Congratulation on the 1000 posts Wanda. You inspire so many of us. Thank you for sharing your quilts and all of the information you provide us with.

  43. Hi Wanda,
    Congrats again on 1000 posts!
    And the butterfly photo is from 2008 "the year of the butterflies". I had the same type visiting my flowers that year. This year they visited someone else!
    Vicky F

  44. 1000 posts, now that is spectacular! It's always cool to see the current favorite's of the quilt maker, we the readers just love them all!

  45. Wonderful wonderful quilts! I love checking in with you as I know there will always be something interesting going on. Looking forward to reading your next 1000 posts!

  46. Happy 1000 Blogiversary!

  47. Wow, that's a lot of posts! I've had you on my google reader for a couple months now and am really enjoying!

    I was going to tell you my fave of your faves, but am having trouble doing so -- they're all great!

  48. WOO HOO...A 1000....that's A LOT
    of wonderful Quilty Goodness and
    Inspiration!!! Congrats!! What a
    great quilt parade you have here!!!

  49. FABulous!!!! I love seeing all these beauties in one post! Just dee-vine!!! Wanda, I so appreciate you sharing your robust creativity with the world! Keep it up!

  50. I will happily support you through the blog. Some of my favourite things about coming here are the inspirational photos from nature and that you don't let yourself be shoehorned into one particular style or fabric.

  51. I love seeing all your beautiful quilts. Your colors and style are wonderful (or maybe it's wandaful)

  52. Lovely blog congratulations, your are a wonderful artist, the coloe fantastic:
    Ana Cristina from island S.Miguel in Azores in a meadle Atlantic Ocean


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