
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Letter quilts

I know there is a "T" quilt in traditional patterns, and there is this "S" quilt in one of Kaffe Fassett's books. I'm sure there may be more letter quilts that I am unaware of. I have been drawn to this "S" quilt maybe because of the colors (which I love) rather than the fact it is the letter "S" forwards and backwards.I have always wanted to make an "H" quilt. That is my daughter's nickname for me. She and her girlfriend when they were about 9 years old came up with names for us mothers and mine was Mother H. Then it got shortened to "mache" and pretty soon it was just "H". Now I see I have to share that nickname with the head guy on CSI Miami. Every time they call him "H" I have to smile. It was my nickname first, mister!
I got out my graph paper and drafted the block and calculated the measurements of the pieces. The blocks will be 7.5" finished. Now that I have made a few blocks to see if I like it I need to zero in on a color scheme, or maybe it will just be multicolor. I might throw an alternate block in once in awhile. I will have to do a block with 5 divisions like the "H" block is. I love math and drafting patterns in case you didn't know that. I have friends who just start shaking their heads when I try to explain the math thing. They just tell me to give them the answer, the bottom line, no explanations needed.
Today is my dad's 96th birthday. I have 3 meetings to go to today so my brother and I celebrated with him last night.


  1. I love your H blocks Wanda even better than the S blocks in the Kaffe book. The colours are great and I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this one.

  2. Do you do math like Meg Murray in "A Wrinkle in Time?" (the shortest route to the answer) Or can you "show your work?"

    Most of the people I know that are really good/quick at math just kinda "know" the answer. It is unexplainable.

    Me? I need the calculator or a pencil and paper and lots of time.

  3. I too like your "H" block best. In my family, only my husband does "the train problems" in math--you know, "If a train leaves BOston headed west at 6:00 a.m., going 40 mph, and another train on the same track leaves CHicago at 7:00 a.m., headed east, what time will they collide?" The rest of the family agrees with a bit I once read in Reader's Digest: "I don't care. I'm going to sit in the train station & swill whiskey until the next train comes through!"

    Then there's the Gary Larson cartoon titled "Math Phobic's Nightmare," which I have framed above my PC: There's a guy standing before an angel at the Pearly Gates, & the angel is reading from a piece of paper: "Okay, now listen up. Nobody gets in here without answsering the following question: A train leaves Philadelphia at 1:00 p.m....Say, you need some paper?"

  4. Cute block and meaning behind it. You must be a great mom.

  5. Happy Birthday to your Dad!! You and he have birthdays that are quite close together, that is really nice.

    I, too, have been drawn to that S quilt in Kaffe's book. Not sure what it is either, but I think it is the colors as well.

    Isn't it great when the kids give you nicknames, mine have and it is kind of nice. But you are right about CSI Miami, I never realized it until you just said it that his nickname is H as well. What a great tribute to your nick name, and H quilt and what better way to do it than with Kaffe fabrics.

  6. Very nice block ...the H s should make it interesting to look at as well. I also like to figure out patterns...I have always loved puzzles.

  7. Great idea. Love all your bland colours as usual...smiles...beautiful work.

  8. the blocks look great, I always love your fabric choices.

  9. You know what! I just want to come there and pick up some of that Kaffe Fasset yardage you've got stashed MUST have a STORE of his fabric and I am awesome envious of you...LOL! I love your "H" nickname and he is my favorite CSI Miami cop... Those blocks are mighty fine and you've given me a good idea; have to make a quilt for a 12 yr old, think he would like a letter quilt..."A"? hmmmm....
    Happy Birthday to your Dad!
    big hugz

  10. The H blocks are much better than the S blocks. I think it would look great multi-colored.

    Happy Birthday to your Dad too!

  11. I LOVE Horatio's nickname on CSI and occasionally jokingly say to my DH 'hey, H!' So I love YOUR nickname, too. And LOVE your h quilt!

    That is so wonderful you still have your dad at 96!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him!!

  12. I agree with Vicki -- these are clearly H's, though a nice design, the other is more design and S (often backwards) seems an afterthought. Does it have to be 5 divisions? I was thinking a block that had was a reduction of 4 H blocks together (is that clear?) would be nice to throw in.

  13. cannot wait to see how your 'H' comes out as my husband is another "H" and I'd love to make a new quilt for him (couch quilt!!) Keep up the extraordinary work!

  14. I love your H blocks! And what a great way to burn through your scraps too. I have a HannahBee, my 13 year old daughter. I may have to make her one to :o) Amie

  15. First of all, Happy Birthday to your dad! And I love the Kaffee quilt you showed from your book, especially the colors. I have to admit that I enjoy the math work in quilting, maybe because I was most recently a math teacher. I like the "puzzle" aspect of the work. It's the music teacher part of me (before math) that enjoys the creative aspect.

  16. Too funny! Some people call me 'H' too! I love drafting up patterns, but I really have no math background. I just like puzzles and things like that. Your H quilt will look great! Happy Birthday to you Dad!

  17. Love the idea of an initial block. I could go with the "S" just fine. No drafting necessary!!!

    Happy birthday to your dad.

  18. When I have a Quilting Math problem, I always call my sister to calculate it for me - now I know who else to ask! I would have to say, that part is my least favorite! You do such great things with Kaffe. An inspiration.

  19. It was a 'fun' read today. Learning how you got your nickname "H" and that some writer on CSI stole it from you.

    Love what you have started on your "H" quilt.

    And belated birthday wishes to your Dad. At 96 I know you will still be at it showing your fans what to do and how to figure blocks ! You have great genes.


  20. I do like your H quilt better than Kaffe's S quilt.

  21. Okay I like Kaffe's quilt for an obvious reason!:) Your Hs are very happy and I love your colour sense. Guess I just need more Kaffe in my life. For me with quilting I've finally found out what math is FOR. Making my own quilt designs! Sometimes though the learning curve is too steep. I have all kinds of formulas in a folder that my husband has figured out for me -like changing sizes and half triangles, etc. Now I just look for the rulers that think for me:) Happy Birthday to your dad too!

  22. My son Scott would like the S quilt, not too sure what a K or an M would look like, but my name would be an easy E.

    Again, your fabrics are wonderful!

  23. I love the H quilt, can't wait to see the finished quilt.I am not good with maths, could you tell us how to do the H blocks? Happy Birthday to your dad!

  24. Oh your starting another quilt!Can't wait to see the finished product!:)
    I've started a k quilt wall hanging some time ago; hmmm, where is that project? I think I need to try and finish it soon. You will probably have your h quilt completed long before I get my little k done.
    I like doing the math on quilts too. Good to exercise the brain on ocassion. Although I must admit I've never been good with those train questions!
    Hsppy Birthday to your dad. Wow 96! Yippie!:)
    You might want to check out Tonya's blog - she makes word quilts. A gal with lots of talent just like you!
    Happy quilting!

    Kay in Kansas

  25. I like your H quilt -- it will be lovely no matter what color scheme (or lack thereof) you choose. Good for you for embracing teh math too. It is very freeing to know that you can figure out what ever pattern is in your head. I'm good at quilt match, but am stuck right now on some knitting math...

  26. Maybe you can throw in M,O,T,E,R and have mother h scattered across your quilt! Looks like fun. I like drafting my own patterns too.

  27. Great design, before you add differenet blocks, try making some in very low contrast colors. That may be just as effective? I call them my *mushy* blocks and you add them to your quilt the other colors really stand up and sing.

    Eager to see how this one comes together.

    Linda H

  28. I think your H blocks are great -- why not just a totally scrappy H quilt? Every time you show one of the Kaffe quilts, I realize I've got to get my hands on those books! Such wonderful eye candy!

  29. How funny, my initials have popped up in two quilts in one blog entry - that's interesting math. Love the H block, the letters really come alive with the color choices you've made.

    I could make a quilt with both letters, but my nickname might become hssssss. I don't know if I could handle that!

    Heather S.

  30. Hope your dad had a great birthday - what a grand number he has reached. May we all be so fortunate..

    I love your letter quilts- You find the most interesting designs.
    I like the S design as well.

    Warmest regards,

  31. Happy 96th to your Dad!
    Your creativity fascinates me.

  32. Love your "H's" and Happy birthday to your dad. 96 is some milestone.
    I'm thinking of mixing "S" & "H" blocks to make a sleepytime "Shhhh" quilt for a baby.

  33. Hi Wanda,
    What a fun way to have an initial name. Now you can try out for the next "Men in Black" movie.
    I never thought about initial blocks in quilts standing for something. Duh! Now I need to make an initial quilt for me.

  34. Fun to draft your own letter quilt although I don't pull out pen and paper... I always use EQ6 when I'm designing.

    I've always called my youngest son "A" (for Adam) maybe one day I'll make him an A quilt although I think T's, S's and H's are easier to piece.

  35. I love the "H" quilt. Perhaps one day I'll make myself an "S" one.

    Happy birthday to your Dad.

  36. I love letters and writing and think letter quilts is a fabulous idea.

  37. I love the "S" quilt too. I bought some of Mark Lipinski's Califon awhile back to make this quilt. I just love the pattern. Your "H" blocks are cute!


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