
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wishful Thinking

All I did was some wishful dreaming last night. It was a cold, rainy, dreary day. All I got done was a load of laundry and straighting up all of the left over strips from the 2 Kaffe log cabins (1.5" and 2" strips). I sorted them by length and bagged them. In the afternoon I went to the visitation for an dear friend of mine. She was 98. In the 1960's I made almost all of her clothes because she was very short and had wide shoulders and was narrow through the hips. I also made clothes for her granddaughters and daughter-in-law since I had a custom seamstress business in my home. When she was going to have her 90th birthday party she asked me if I would mark a hem for her on the dress she was wearing to the party. This was while she was still living in her house. I marked the hem and she cut it off and hemmed it herself. She was sharp as a tack all the way up to her death on Saturday. A few years ago she moved into the same independent living building that my parents lived in. In fact she lived right next door to them so I saw her often. I will miss her smiling face and our conversations.


  1. Wanda, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. It sounds as though life was good for her. I am sure you feel lucky to have had her in your life too. Surely she will be missed.

  2. A nice tribute for a lady who knew the value of learning to sew!


  3. This is a lovely tribute to your dear friend.

    I am so impressed by your dedication to keeping things organized. (sorting and bagging the strips) Mine end up jumbled together in a box

  4. What a lovely tribute to your friend.

  5. I know that your friend cherished your involvment in her life. What a blessing to live to be that age and still have a sharp mind. Your memories of her sound happy and they are a treasure for you to keep in your heart now that she is gone. Sherry

  6. I'm sorry about the death of your friend. It sounds like she was a remarkable lady.

  7. Sorry for your loss Wanda. Wishing you sunshine today.

  8. It is so sad to lose a long time friend that you shared so much with.

  9. What a blessing for both of you to have had each other in your lives!

  10. 98 - wow sounds like you friend had a long life and that you have many memories from your friendship with her. It is sad though to loose your friend.

  11. I'm sorry to hear of your dear friend's passing. It's never easy to lose a good friend, especially one you have come to care for and admire. She sounds like she was a remarkable lady.

    I had a friend who passed away at 96 a couple years ago. She was in good health up until the last year of her life when she began having some problems. One day I stopped to see her and she was in a bad mood because she wasn't feeling as well as she had and couldn't get around as well. I tried to cheer her up and she looked at me and said, "Well, you know, everything just went to pot the minute I turned 95." We both got a good laugh about that.

    I miss her a lot just as I'm sure you will miss your friend but the memories will help you through. Thinking of you, Wanda.

  12. I'm so sorry to read about the death of a dear friend. How blessed you were to have shared such good times with her. You will have memories to last a lifetime.

  13. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. You are in my prayers.

  14. Sorry about your friend. I think that a day of wishful thinking is a great way to have spent the day. Thanks again for all of your quilting technique and fabric choice advise.

  15. Sometimes we just need days were we stare out the window and thumb through some paper. So sorry to hear about the loss of an old friend. Hang in there in the coming weeks.

  16. Blessings to you and to your friend's family . . .

    Wishful thinking is necessary and good.

    Take care.

  17. So sorry for the loss of your friend. Sounds like she had a long and fullfilling life.

  18. When someone special touches our hearts, they are never truly gone. They are in our hearts forever.

  19. Lovely caring piece for a special friend. So sorry to hear of your loss- she sounds like she was one special lady.
    Warmest regards,

  20. Loosing some one so special in your life, leaves an empty hole for such a long time. It softens as time goes by... but it stings none the less right now.


  21. I'am very sorry to hear of the loss of special friend. I know you will miss her.

  22. I am sure you will miss her. At least you have good memories of your visits together though.

  23. Sorry to hear of the passing of your dear friend. I am you will miss her company but you have many happy memories of her.


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