
Saturday, October 3, 2009

More red

Last night to unwind in the evening I sewed some of the pink/coral/red strip sets. I laid the green ones next to them. Doesn't that look like an azalea bush? Or maybe one of the coral rose bushes?I also finished the binding on this quilt at 10 p.m. I hope to get a good picture of it tomorrow. This is the truest color of all of the pictures of it that I have shown of it. Maybe the purples are a little darker than the picture.
Yesterday started with a different kind of red. My 95 year old dad called and said he had a nosebleed that wouldn't stop. I had just gotten out of the shower, I'm standing there with dripping hair and a towel wrapped around me. I told him he would have to pull the emergency chain in the bathroom so the nurse next door at the nursing home would come over. I started drying myself off and getting dressed and they called me to see if I wanted to drive him to the emergency room or should they call an ambulance. It was 40 degrees outside and I had wet hair and wasn't fully dressed yet so I had them call an ambulance. I got to the hospital right after they got him into a cubicle. They stopped the nosebleed, gave my dad some advice (keep your fingers out of your nose) and sent us on our way almost 2 hours later. Now we have to see the nose specialist again, just like last Nov., and he will probably get cauterized again. I had to take Dad for his blood draw (for thyroid) and a flu shot just before lunch too. I got him some McDonald's lunch which he likes and dropped him off at his apt. I had a whopper of a headache between the weather change (rain) and stress so I came home and ate lunch and took a nap. Now you can see why I started this post with "last night to unwind"........................
Today I have to work at the sewing machine store again. It is just a 5 hour work day on Saturdays.


  1. From one nose to another, you dad needs to put a little vasoline up is nose a couple times a day and the nose bleeds go away. I know this from experience. Good luck.
    Your red, purple and yellow is smashing. I love it.

  2. The strip sets look so pretty together. And I love your batik quilt. The quilting is perfect for the border fabric. Very nice.

  3. sorry about your dad - sounds like you have your hands full. I'm glad you are a creative person it will help with your stress of taking care of an elderly parent.

  4. Good luck to your dad. He is so fortunate to have you nearby.
    I LOVE this quilt! As usual, your fabrics and combinations are fabulous! I especially like the "gridded" fabric. I'd love to take one of your classes some day!

  5. I'm with you...sewing IS my relaxation after running to Dr. appointments with my mom. I had three days this week doing that and there is nothing like coming home to the purr of the machine.

  6. That quilt has such rich, gorgeous colors! Just beautiful. I can sympathise about the stress of caring for your dad. Been there with my MIL. She lived WITH us for years in failing health with frequent minor crisis moments. I miss her but I sure don't miss those moments.

  7. Oh my - I love those batiks - it's gorgeous!

  8. Goodness, I am glad you dad is okay! The first photos looks like watermelon colors, I just love it!! The quilt that you finished is just gorgeous. I can't wait to see more photos.

  9. Wanda, I just found your blog, I was visiting Creative Hare, and saw she had made some journal covers and linked them back to your tutorial so here I am. i see you also like KF, come visit me, I just got his latest quilt romance book last night and can't wait to look thru it. I work F/T, but also have a long arm quilt business and I sell on etsy, Mainly KF fabric and getting AB in this week. I am enjoying looking thue your blog. I'm in Buffalo, NY. So fun to meet people from all over.

  10. Hope you dad's nose will stop this silly bleeding. It's very scary to have something like this happen. It always happens at the most inopportune times too. The last time they called me to tell me that my mom needed to go to the hospital was in the middle of the night after I'd had my foot surgery that morning. I had them call my brother and let him deal with it that time.

  11. I love looking at your strip combos. They're just delicious. Good luck with your dad; he's lucky to have you so near. Blessings to you.

  12. Hope your Dad is feeling better. Sending warm cyber hugs his way! I love your strips! And the quilt is beautiful. Would love to see some more photos of it.

  13. Visting your blog especially on a weekends always brightens my day.

    I agree with you, your red and green array of strips are like an azalea or rose bush. Looking forward tomorrow's photo of completed quilt.

    My thoughts are with you on those trips to the ER.


  14. As always beautiful colours! I am sorry about your Dad. hope he feels better soon. I look forward to seeing your quilt tomorrow when we get back from seeing DIL.

  15. Your color combos are always WONDERFUL!! Makes me wanna stop whatever I'm doing and get to work on what YOU'RE doing!! LOL But truly...

    It is difficult with the elderly parents and their problems. Hoping all's well with him for the time being!!

  16. Those pink and green strips do look like rose bushes to me! Gorgeous!! The batik quilt is, as usual, quite stunning.
    I can only imagine the headache you had from all that yesterday. I swear the air in hospitals is different somehow -- time stands still while you're there and one inevitably walks out with a headache!

  17. I hope that you have recovered from your busy day. Your poor father- it is scary when you can't get the bleeding stopped. I am sure that it was pretty difficult for you both. I hope that there is some rest and relaxation for you both on today's agenda.

    Your red fabrics are stunning- you do have the most beautiful fabrics in your stash. I love the graduated greens and reds - you do have a great eye for shading too.
    Hope you had a good day at the store and a relaxing weekend.

    Warmest regards,

  18. Hi Wanda,
    Sure hope you had a better day today than yesterday!
    I agree, the red and green strips could look either like roses or azalea bushes. And your purple/yellow quilt is looking fine.
    Vicky F

  19. I too suffered from the weather with an all day plus headache yesterday that went down my neck today. It's gone now and I really wish you had some support in looking after your dad. My mom is 90, in a nursing home and everytime she falls, they call to tell me. They also say she is OK or sometimes that she banged her head (or arm or leg) and it bled but they bandaged it up. At least I have my husband and my children who visit her too.

    Love the pink and green.


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