
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Busy as a beaver.............
I finally had a good sewing day. I didn't work in the gardens at all except for a quick half hour of weed pulling. I got the quilting done on the yellow quilt. I think there are 3 flowers. I'd have to go back down in the basement to check........maybe some other time.
There are lots of wavy lines with a loop now and then.......and some leaves in the same row of squares as the flowers.
If you click on the picture you can see some rows are just wavy lines and some are leaves and flowers. I will get it trimmed today and pick a binding fabric.
This Trip Around the World has been waiting forever for a border so finally I got that done. It is 91" x 110" now.
Once again the camera says blue but it is really a blue violet. You can see the whole quilt before the border was added here.
I am going to be teaching the Strips 'n Curves class this month at our local quilt shop so today I will chose strips to make a strata from. I will need a quilt in progress for demonstration purposes and I only have a week to get ready for it.


  1. Oh the yellow quilt is wonderful! And I was not a reader when you did trip around the world - WOW! It is so pretty!

  2. Wow! What a great day you had!

  3. Wow! The sunshine quilt is wonderful! Love the trip around the world -- I went back and looked at the older post and it is amazing!

  4. You are absolutely the most productive quilter I've ever read about! I'm so envious of your ability to come up with an idea, put it together, finish it and that's it!!!! Such beautiful work!

  5. The yellow quilt is gorgeous. I love the quilting, so random and interesting and the flowers are wonderful.

  6. The quilting on the yellow quilt is perfect - whimsical, fun and done!

  7. I really like the quilting you've done on your yellow quilt! The flower quilting is a perfect touch!
    The trip around the world quilt looks so different close up in comparison to the older picture. You get to see all the wonderful fabrics you chose, better. Very pretty.
    Have fun teaching your class today!

  8. The quilting is perfect. Someone gave our church guilt group hundreds of 4" squares. One of the members sorted them by color. This quilt is the inspiration to put these squares together in a like manner.

  9. How perfectly wonderful - the yellows and the way you chose to quilt it (enthusiastic simplicity).

    I love, love, love the results!!!

  10. Another one that I just love! Your idea of how to quilt it goes into my notebook too!! Thanks again for being both an encouragement and a great teacher by your example.

  11. Wanda, I have to say you must be the fastest, most productive quilter this side of the Pecos!! AMAZING!! Amd inspiring! Thanks for your email yesterday. I just posted a photo of the "Radiant Sunshine and Shadow" quilt I am working on -- just got the blocks up on my design wall. If you'd likek to check it out, here's the link:

  12. I just LOVE your blog! You are SOOOO productive! I love the quilting ando of course the fabs on the yellow quilt and the other one, WOW, I am never disappointed when I visit your blog!!!!

  13. Love the quilting on the yellow quilt. The lines and leaves and flowers go together well AND work so well with the fabric.

  14. Hi Wanda,
    Your quilting on the yellow sunshine quilt is just fab.
    Got any special plans for the trip around the world quilt top?
    Vicky F

  15. Lovely yellow quilt. I have to say that deciding how to quilt a finished quilt is the hardest part for me! Val

  16. I agree you are by far the most productive quilt artist I know. And it is pure joy for me that you share it all with us !

    The explosion of the yellows is full of summer sunshine. Love the free motion quilting with your blossoms, waves and loops.


  17. This yellow quilt is just lovely. The quilting do match the fabrics so well.


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