
Thursday, July 9, 2009

I have started the binding...........
and I'm finishing it by hand. Why? Because it is for me! Hand finished bindings are softer than machine finished ones and this is a comfort quilt, a ray of sunshine on a dreary day.
While I was playing with my pile of yellows I found this pale yellow background print that has always been a favorite of mine. I pulled some fabrics that look good with it and they will probably stay piled together for awhile to see if inspiration strikes.
Thanks to those who have no blogger account and leave me nice comments, or those who do have blogger accounts but haven't enabled their email. I appreciate all comments even if I can't thank you personally.


  1. Wanda I love all the fabrics in your yellow quilt. They blend so well toegther.

  2. I can see why the soft yellow and pink fabric is a favorite. It's very pretty!
    And your "sunshine" is looking great with that binding. It's nice you made one for yourself!

    Thanks for leaving comments on my blog, too. I don't usually e-mail people back if they do, but to try to reciprocate and leave comments on their blog. And if someone e-mails me first, I will usually answer. I'm still getting used to proper blogger etiquette!!!

  3. Your fabric and colors are great on this yellow quilt. I really like your quilting ideas also. Good plan.

  4. Your sunny yellow is warm and wonderful. Definitely, one of those quilts I know I would have trouble parting with. I just love it.

  5. the yellow quilt looks great - I always seem to like all of your fabric!

  6. The hand work is very soothing to me. I love the look of the binding you chose. I am the same way when pulling fabrics. Inspiration must strike!!

  7. I like to finish my quilts by hand too. I have never done it any other way. I just find it relaxing to sit and hand sew the binding after all the work of making the quilt. I love the fabrics you have pulled and can't wait to see what you will make with them!

  8. Love your work! How do you get so many quilts done! You're amazing. Sally

  9. The sunshine quilt makes me smile the instant I look at a picture you've posted.
    I hope inspiration strikes -- that grouping of colours/fabrics is intriguing.

  10. Ohhhhhhh. I absolutely love your sunshine quilt. What a perfect summer quilt. My friends make fun of me...they're all about primitive...but I find myself drawn to brights, too! I also hand-sew my binding...I rather enjoy it for all of the same reasons as everyone else. I'm new to your blog, but you can bet I'll be back again and again to see what next you do!!!

  11. I just love how your quilt is bright and cheery. The quilting is great. I agree about the binding. When I first began quilting I dreaded the hand sewing of the binding, not anymore.

  12. That sunshine quilt is beautiful. I'm not much for yellows but you have convinced me that yellow is a good choice. My sister's favorite color is yellow and your quilt has given me a Christmas idea for her. Those fabrics you have pulled together are a great combination, can't wait to see what the end results are.
    I so enjoy your blog.
    Have a great day!:)

    Kay in Kansas

  13. Great sunflower Quilt Wanda,
    But you knew I would love it because I love sunflowers- How big are your squares_ they look about the size of charm squares but it is hard to tell from a photo. So nice that you are keeping it for yourself- we all need quilts that brighten our day.
    Warmest regards,

  14. Sewing the binding by hand is my favorite part of quilt making. It's the last chance to sit with it and I like to think that this small effort makes a huge difference in the finished quilt.
    Yours is beautiful!

  15. Your yellow quilt is fabulous and just bursting with sunshine. And thanks for your words on gardening and weeds. Sometimes that is all I do and still the weeds grow.

  16. Your Sunshiney Quilt is just what we need here! It seems to rain every day, & is so dreary to contemplate. I do love your quilting!

  17. I'm so glad you are keeping this one for yourself. It should brighten any day!

  18. Yellow quilt is indeed a beauty and the leaf fabrics from your stash is mesmerizing. I am assuming you have over a thousands pieces of fabrics in your personal stash.



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