
Thursday, June 25, 2009

I have had this basted for over a week.........
but I can't seem to find the time to start quilting it. I have been working on the garage sale stuff. It will be good to have the garage cleaned and organized again. Meanwhile I am having quilting withdrawal.
If you want to see the whole quilt, go to the Labels list and click on Triangles and go down to the second post.
My son is going to send 2 guys over today to help move some of the furniture in the garage so I can do the final sweeping and set up the tables.


  1. I hope you make lots of cash for new fabric purchases! I know you need new fabric. LOL!

  2. Good luck at your garage sale, it is always nice to clear some stuff out.

  3. Personally, I hate basting. Even though I do all my own quilting, I've been known to take it to a local long armist and have her baste it for me. Its well worth the $20 LOL!

  4. I hope your yard sale is very successful. I had the FINAL yard sale of my life about a month ago. I will never, never do it again. It took me 2 months to get it prepared. But, as you say, it's wonderful to have a clean, organized garage again. Good luck!

  5. I know just what you mean about having quilting withdrawal! I've only been able to squeeze in a couple hours this whole week. (sniffling)

    But just think how good it will feel to have all that space in the garage! And some extra cash!

    I love all the colors in this quilt, and hope you get to quilt it soon!

  6. I really like this little quilt too. I hope your garage sale is a big success and you can quickly get into what you would rather be doing!

  7. I love this little quilt -- it's SO cheerful. Makes me think of bubbles.
    Hope your garage sale goes well and you sell out fast so you can get some stitching done!

  8. Are there sewing/quilting related items at your garage sale?? I'm almost done with the baby quilt... I'm just finishing the binding and I already finished the pillow. I have to get it done tonight... so slow at the hand sewing part of it! Good luck with your sale!

  9. very nice. And I'm sure you will get to it before you know it. So glad you've got some help for the moving of furniture. It's all getting done, Wanda. It will all be okay.

  10. Hi Wanda,

    Good luck with the sale; hopefully the weather will cooperate and lots of people are out looking for deals.

    The batik quilt top is cheery and sunny.
    Vicky F

  11. Getting ready for a garage sale is so much work, but hopefully it will be worth it $!
    I understand about the quilting withdrawal...I haven't had much time in the quilt studio this week either. :(


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