
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It is so amazing..........
all of the fabric choices in a class. Everyone's individuality sure shows up. I didn't get a picture of this first one up on the wall and I missed taking pictures of one person's blocks altogether.
Floral multicolor
four groups of strips used in this one
This one will end up being queen size With 5 fabrics you get a ring with the center fabric of the strata. Everyone did great today. We are going to meet for one hour next Tuesday to talk about assembly and borders.


  1. Thanks for showing the different blocks. It's great to see all the variations that get created by what fabric gets selected. I was able to find the kaleidoscope ruler that you recommended on eBay so I'm looking forward to try one of these quilts.

    We are also getting the hot muggy weather here and for me it's even more reason to stay indoors with the air conditioning and sew.

  2. Amazing all the different looks you get. I like them all.

  3. The photos are a lesson in themselves! It's interesting how some fabrics give you sharpness, others fuzziness. Good to know!

  4. They are beautiful! How nice to have enough time to see some great results in the class.

  5. Love the use of the stripey fabric. They all turned out great.

  6. Wow - how different from what should be so the same!! thanks for sharing!

  7. Wow! Every one of those is so wonderful -- love the effect! Now I'm very tempted to get that ruler and try this out!

  8. One pattern, yet infinate possibilities based on choices-
    just like life!

  9. That's my favorite part of a class - seeing all of the different fabric and color choices.

  10. I have been planning on doing one of these in batiks. NOW I am excited about getting started!!

  11. Oh, how I wish I could take this class! Have you considered doing an online tutorial or quilt along with this pattern? I'm sure many quilters would love to create this amazing quilt! Of course, then there would be no reason for people to take your class....

  12. My ruler arrived yesterday - there is definitely one of these quilts in my future (now to ponder colors... your photos help A LOT!!)

    Thanks, Wanda!

  13. Wow! These are beautiful. I particularly like the soft grey/blue and brown tones in the last picture. Beautiful.

  14. Oh my gosh - I am doing a happy dance here, looking at all these versions of Kaleidoscopes!!! What fun - 8-)))

    Yes, I learned about using 5 strips or 7, and how they made a circle or almost made one if one used odd widths of fabrics. My workshop for SEPTEMBER is already filled up! Guess a LOT of gals LOVE this pattern. Thanks for MORE eye candy. 8-)

  15. Your photos from the class are a tutorial in themselves, showing us so many possibilities. I never regret taking photos during classes and retreats.
    Such varied results from the same pattern. Lovely!

  16. Thanks for showing all those. it is wonderful to see all the variation. You are one proud teacher.

  17. That is one of the best things about teaching can see how many different fabrics work out in a block without making it yourself. Why did one of them use 5?

  18. They are all so lovely! (I like the pink and green one best, personally, but that's only because I have a thing for lime green!)

  19. Lovely seeing all the variations. I should get my daughter's & finishe it off for her!
    I love your garden Wanda.

  20. Beautiful blocks! It's so interesting to see all the different variations.

  21. I am forever impressed with the way that different quilters can take the same pattern and make it so uniquely their own. Good looking quilts there!


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